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D.C. ethics board recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred
  • Encouraging cleanliness is not the point at all. The point is: "... policing methods that target minor crimes, such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking and fare evasion, help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness. " Source.

    In the specific case that OP is referring to with Giuliani and NYC: "Bratton directed the police to more strictly enforce laws against subway fare evasion, public drinking, public urination, and graffiti."

  • Witch Hunt
  • That's literally what it would have done. "Second Civil War" would be a response to the overthrowing of democracy. If they took the VP and held a gun to the rest of congress to keep Trump in power, then democracy is over at that point. The ensuing civil war would be a fight to restore it.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Just imagine the average reddit, twitter, facebook, and instagram content. Then realize that half of that content is dumber than that. That's half of what these AI models use to learn. The "smarter" half is probably filled with sarcasm, inside jokes, and other types of innuendo that the AI at this stage has no chance of understanding correctly.

  • Witch Hunt
  • They came really, really close. Completely failed would have looked much different; e.g. not making it up the steps of the building. In reality, they were this close to taking the VP, and one door away from members of Congress hiding under desks.

  • Mushroom ID
  • This is the same reason that you never touch something that looks like a carrot plant in the wild

    That's funny. I was just thinking to myself "Fuck all this mushroom noise. I'll just stick to eating carrots, no way to mistake those for something else." I guess I'll die quickly in the coming apocalypse.

  • Top US ethics watchdog investigating Trump over dinner with oil bosses
  • Nice. A completely toothless group of people performing a pointless and inconsequential exercise to determine whether someone everyone knows is unethical is, in fact, also unethical for doing this other thing.

  • it really do be like that tho
  • -Idiots arguing against student loan forgiveness.

    "First fix the issue that impacts ME (loan forgiveness), then later fix the root cause that impacts literally everyone (high tuition). And shit on anyone who doesn't prioritize my loan forgiveness first! Because I signed a legally-binding contract, spent the money, but now don't feel like I should have to pay it back under the terms I agreed to! Fuck all the students who get loans after me, those who are paying them back as per their loan agreements, and those who chose not to go to college because they knew they couldn't afford the loans. Amirite? Me me me!"

    -idiots pretending their selfish cries about getting their loans forgiven equates to liberalism

    Loan forgiveness is an important step, but it's not the first or even the most important step. It's very telling where your priories are (and how fake your politics are) if you make forgiving your student loans the first and loudest piece of the actual problem.

  • Bodycam video shows handcuffed man telling Ohio officers 'I can't breathe' before his death
  • I’m not defending the police here, but

    Oh boy, here we go.

    could this man have had a heart attack due to the presence of drugs or alcohol in his system, combined with the fact that his heart rate was elevated by resisting arrest

    Totally. He could have also died from a brain aneurysm, aliens, a very advanced case of SIDS, or a witch's curse. Or, you know, maybe he died from the whole not being able to breathe thing that was actually happening.

    He does not appear to be in good physical condition. I see that his stomach looks a little distended and he sort of waddles as he took steps around the bar area.

    He didn't look like he was in great shape? Only fitness buffs and marathon runners with no booze in their systems get to live though being cuffed? Tf is wrong with you.

  • Finally beat cancer
  • Loan forgiveness without making education affordable going forward doesn't solve the problem. It's pulling up the ladder.

    You're 100% correct. But be careful, these folks don't take kindly to shining a light on their hypocrisy. They signed their names to a legally-binding contract, spent the money, but now don't like paying it back under the terms they agreed to.

    College tuition is far too high. But without fixing the root cause, tuition loan forgiveness does nothing for everyone before and after, and it actually makes the whole problem worse.

  • NSFW Removed Deleted
  • Did you read what I wrote? I'm responding to's original statement of "So 100% of women have been sexually assaulted?". then responded with "Every woman I know including myself has?". I simply replied saying that "Everyone I know" is not the same as "100% of women".

    If you read all of that, and you're standing by your reply, then it sounds like you're agreeing with me and by stating "Assaulted? No."

    But too many have been sexually harassed at least once. I think it was 1 in 3 girls experiences sexual harassment before age 18.

    I completely agree with you. But that's not what my comment was about.

  • NSFW Removed Deleted
  • Every woman I know including myself has?

    Your anecdotal experience doesn't equate to 100% of women.

    You don't have to believe anything. It's not a faith based system.

    It's also not an anecdote-based system.

    Just speak to women and you'll hear how common it is.

    Common is not equal to all. OP is doubting the implication that all women have been assaulted.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • Actually, I think I did, you just didn’t understand it.

    No, you didn't. And the drivel you just wrote still didn't answer the question. At this point it's clear that it's intentional.

    The problem with landlords as a class is that they exert complete control over a ‘property’ while having the least use of it.

    Tell me you have no idea how property ownership works without telling me you have no idea how property ownership works.

    I would really have to agree.

    "No you". Nice one. Good luck friend, this back and forth is pointless.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • Whose profits? See my post above:

    profit for who? Was the bank allowed to make a profit on the home loan? Was the insurance company allowed to make a profit on the policy? Could the maintenance and repair folks earn a profit on their services? Could the home remodeling companies make a profit if the home needed updating? Or is every person and entity involved in home ownership allowed to profit from the rental except the landlord?

    If your answer is "anyone and any entity making a profit", then that's about two or three dozen different industries (including banks, insurance agencies, title companies, all kinds of home builders, repair folks, etc.). Regardless of my opinion on that argument, your problem isn't with the landlord, it's with a huge swatch of industries who are all tied to and profit from renting.

  • Thoughts on a case and active cooling for a Raspberry Pi 5 with an M2 HAT (or any HAT, really)

    I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight into a good case design with heat sinks and a fan that also accommodates a HAT, such as the new M2 HAT. I'd love to run a Pi 5 with M2 SSD inside a case with a fan plugged into the PWM port. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Ideally it would look something like this, but be large enough for the HAT and somehow incorporate good fan placement for airflow.

    This looks like an interesting solution to my question. It mounts underneath the pi, which means things like heat sinks and a PWM-powered fan would work fine. As long as there's a case that fits this type of setup, it looks like it would work great!

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