t3b4k @ t3b4k @feddit.nl Posts 0Comments 12Joined 1 day ago
"obviously" - do you decide these things also when you go to vote? Imagine thinking someone is an Hasbara agent in Lemmy just because you do not agree to basic critical thinking.
So do you justify the oppression of free movements in Palestine for a fair and good government?
And you should try to read a bit more and spend less time on social media.
Tell me you are disingenuous without telling me you are disingenuous.
Now sit.
Like everybody would be and nobody should justify that and to of course bring to court the person that did that.
The same doesn't happen in Palestine and everybody is aware of it but many tend to justify when the reality is that Palestinians are against both Israel and terrorist groups backed up by foreign countries.
If you don't agree you are being disingenuous.
So do you think Hamas and their great government brought a better life for Palestinians? Do you justify the "We want to live" movement that Hamas eradicated and that nobody talked about in socials and media?
"Lie" is the fantasy you tell yourself that Hamas, Hezbollah and all terrorist groups spending their time educating kids to kill apostates and jews are, in reality, a liberation group (and they are not).
Didn't know "older your account is" and "more truthful your opinions are".
Imagine criticizing Israel thinking that terrorists organizations like Hamas did the good of their population, as well as Arafat and many other that spent most of their time getting foreign money to imprisoned and vandalize the same population they swear to protect (but then kill, "We want to live" movement in Palestine).
Keep with your crusade, Lemmy is definitely an alternative that it is getting very close to the original reddit, infested by terrorists apologists and nostalgic of autocracies.
Weird that most of the people spreading terrorist propaganda here are the same telling that "he is an Israeli spy" or "he does not live in Palestine".
What can I say. I finally see people predicating judgments towards Israel but never towards "Palestinian authorities" (terrorist groups) that they did everything in their power to kill, imprisoned and destroy lives of their fellow citizens by giving terrorist education to children for then go inside another country and kill in cold blood civilians.
Weird also that people like you absolutely erase from there memory movements like "We want to live" in Palestine where all of them got imprisoned and nobody ever talked about it.
Casually you people are the same that (always casually) fill up subreddits like Worldnews.
Now that you know the facts you should sit down from the podium of misinformation and check the facts without glorifying one of the other side of the organizations involved.
You know nothing and it shows.
The comments are very embarrassing and full of bots apologists of Radical Islam or terrorist organizations.
This is the equivalent of Worldnews on Reddit, full of bots that are doing terrorism apologists.
For them everything is justifiable because Islam is a religion of peace and they know better than Mosab Hassan Yousef.
I would love to have more moderations for these types of people without critical thinking. Full of populism on one side or another, it is time to change this.
Very fake as most of the pro-palestinian propaganda here and in other websites.
Being in favor of having a Palestinian state implies that:
- no Hamas or any terrorist organization can be in power
- stop teaching children to hate Jews (very common in Muslim countries by the way)
- stop repressing liberal movement ("we want to live" movement for example, weird that nobody talked about it uh?)
Israel needs to stop the hostilities but it is absurd that "pro-palestinian" are more and more blind and justify easily the atrocities that the radical Muslims do to their own people. Why do people not have critical thinking?
This is not a war to obtain the legal status of the State and being recognized by Israel, the place was owned and managed by Egypt, the same that has tunnels connected to Palestine, the same that did not accept any refugees, the same countries around Palestine that did not accept them, even Lebanon where Hezbollah is. This is a war that a terrorist group decided to do because of foreign investments from Muslims that are ideologically against any Jew to be alive, this is why they repressed all the protestors in Palestine ALL THE TIME.
Do you want to criticize Israel for their behavior? Be my guest, I agree and I am totally against any cruelty or anything that resembles oppression but if you think Hamas or any of them do it for freedom you have absolutely no idea what you are saying and you are naive.
Mohammad Tawhidi, Mosab Hassan Yousef and hundred of people said exactly this but westerns think they know Islam better than an Imam in Dubai or Saudi Arabia that says exactly how dangerous they are.
Elon is not a nerd, maybe a geek.
Not every neurodivergent is a nerd.
Classic Russia behavior...oh wait, it is the US.