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What inspired you to pursue a career or hobby in programming?
  • @starbreaker @coloredgrayscale @mac @onlinepersona

    Yes, and there would be millions worth of advertising showing the patriotism. Simps would get guillotine tattoos. There would be anime beheading memes. Netflix would stream pay-per-view.

  • โ€˜Energy independentโ€™ Uruguay runs on 100% renewables for four straight months
  • @Alto @kalkulat

    "The abiotic oil theory goes back centuries and includes as its prominent champions Dimitri Mendeleev, best known for inventing the periodic table."

    The powers that should not be are lying to us about "fossil" fuels. Petroleum and coal are not the product of dead dinosaurs or ancient plants. They are the product of volcanic activity from massive heat and pressure deep in the earth.

    The earth's petroleum and carbonaceous gas and fuel deposits are formed mostly inorganically under extreme heat and pressure.

    Thus the arguments about "peak oil" never materialized, just like the "ice age" predictions of the 70s never materialized, and the current climate change hysteria is another bunco scam that will never materialize. These existential crisis scams are cooked up by the wealthy to impoverish and distract the masses.

  • Feeling like Privacy is a lost war.
  • @beefpeach @privacy

    All for some more money that will eventually be worthless money. The greedy crooks might defenestrate themselves when the dollar tanks. Imagine their shock and horror when a lifelong career of lying, stealing, and cheating for that money amounts to nothing in the end.

  • If you live in the EU - you may also be faced with this Meta prompt. Info in text.
  • @Honytawk @Iceblade02


    With Friendica you can run public and private groups so your meat space friends can converse outside of public view while still participating in public spaces.

    If you want really private with direct connections instead of servers, with everything encrypted and hidden from public view see:

    Briar: ... (desktop and android)
    RetroShare: ... (desktop and android)

    If you want private only with the option to federate, you might prefer something XMPP-based:


    You can also set up a bulletin board or image board and require authentication to view the site.

    #Fediverse #Social #SocialNetworks #Software

  • syfershock Syfer Shock ๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿงฉ (Roast Master)

    Profile has moved to this link: \+----------------------------------------------------+ \+----------------------------------------------------+

    I play with cryptography.

    That which is not good for the swarm, neither is it good for the bee. \~ Marcus Aurelius

    If you are a single-instance or small instance cryptology junky then you know what to do.

    I like to play life like a numbers game.

    \#arcana #bbs #bible #ciphers #ComputerCowboy #ChickenHauler #cryptanalysis #crypto #cryptography #cryptology #NumberStation #cypherpunk #exegesis #freepascal #games #infosec #linux #mathematics #KeyboardCommando #mixnets #NNTP #philology #plaintext #poetry #privacy #puzzles #RadioRambo #retro #symbolism #TenFour #text #tildeverse #Usenet #RockSolidLight

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