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are there moving backgrounds in linux?
  • swww is a daemon for wayland that lets you change your wallpaper in real time and can display moving Gifs and a ton of other formats (everything you'd expect) plus some free and OSS image formats like the ones from suckless. It also has these sick transition animations

  • Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist?
  • artisanally crafted operating systems lmaooo

  • I know it's redundant and annoying at this point posting her bullshit but I just found this too funny to not share. @db0 remove this if you want,it's fine.
  • I wish she'd just drop a tutorial on how to crack Denuvo so that a few more could try it lol.

  • sweet sweet

    I love Linux, programming and Korean otome isekai novels <3

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