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Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career
  • I remember being a child, camping with my grandparents, and my late grandfather regaling us with how he just got off the radio with a guy in Australia! I asked him how he was able to talk to someone so far away, and he said the weather was just right for the signal to carry.

    He was so proud of his amateur ham radio license that he got a vanity plate for his truck with his call sign.

    Out of curiosity I just looked up his call sign, and, while his license is now expired, it has not been recycled yet.

  • What are electrolytes?
  • Ah ok. I've been getting the pineapple and lemon lime ones and both are a tad sour and I like that.

    Edit: the pineapple one is the one with caffeine

  • How do I block porn without blocking all NSFW channels and communities without blocking all of lemmy?
  • A xxx & nsfw tags? Or xsfw instead of xxx? And maybe even a nsfl tag for those that are more than just not safe for work.

  • Some Apple users say its parental controls aren't working properly. A CEO who has 4 kids called it 'frustrating.'
  • It definitely does. Don't use Apple products, but setting limits or bedtime alarms (on the switch) helps us all out. It cut down on the tantrums about stopping, it gives them the routine they need (we're all on the ADHD spectrum in this house), and I set it up and it's done (I have practically nil executive function).

    Is it perfect? No. But it works for us.

  • What are electrolytes?
  • My 2cents: Pedialyte (premade) still has that sweet taste whereas Liquid IV does not. The powdered Pedialyte contained (I haven't bought it in a few years so I'm unsure if the formula has changed) artificial sweeteners that upset our guts - which was no good when I was giving it to kids with diarrhea because it just exasperated the issue.

    It may be placebo effect but I feel like it does a really good job.

    *I am also biased because they make one with caffeine and it's helping me cut back on soda.

  • Removed
    David Tennant Defends 'Good Omens' From Accusations Of Blasphemy: β€œPeople are very keen to be offended”
  • Yes to Vicar of Dibley. Local PBS affiliate would show it and my parents loved it.

  • Does a cat ever wonder why humans feed them?
  • I have one that will relentlessly attack anything plastic - like Ziploc, trash bags, store bought bread - until someone refills the food. Had to buy an honest to goodness bread box so she'd stop destroying the loaves.

  • First time I saw this Gboard feature
  • "good morning" [+emoji] is the one I see daily. There's a few alternatives I see, but I usually end up sending the one with the coffee cup in response.

    I also like seeing the options for the different emoji combination stickers (like the cyclops sobbing in your screenshot) that Gboard comes up with. :) I've found to trigger that, I either pick 2 different emojis or type the same one 2-3x to get suggestions.

    Been having fun with both of these features on my Samsung phone for a while. Enjoy! Have fun!

  • What foods can last 3-4 days without refrigeration?
  • Thank you! I'm a civi (civilian) and only had it when my older sister came back from basic training.

  • What foods can last 3-4 days without refrigeration?
  • I can't remember what it's called, but mixing the brownie with the coffee was the best thing I've ever had from an MRE.

  • Tip: Easier toggling of Wi-Fi/cellular data on Android 12
  • Same here. I read the post and got so confused because I have my quick bar set up with WiFi as the first toggle option.

  • With seemingly at least one new app announced per day....
  • I agree. I enjoyed RIF for so many years. Paid for it too. I would gladly pay him again for a lemmy app.

  • With seemingly at least one new app announced per day....
  • Yes! He linked to the post over on tildes prior to shutting down RIF.

  • Are steam key sites legit/worth it?
  • Thank you for breaking it down and explaining it. I honestly didn't know everything you wrote and I'm glad I do now!

  • Need help with Switch Parental Controls

    I have my kids' switches all set up in the family group and have the parental control app on my phone (and tablet - in case my husband needs to access it when I'm out of the house). They like playing locally together (on their separate systems), and I want to keep this, but... I don't want them playing with strangers online.

    Is there a way I can lock it down to where they can only play with their friends and no new people can send them a request (and they can't send an outbound request)?

    This all got brought back to the forefront when my 7 year old (who is developmentally disabled) was playing with a stranger on Minecraft Dungeons last night.

    I also tried to change Microsoft family settings and kept getting errors on their end. Website gave me a generic "we're having issues loading this page" error and I couldn't seem to find what I needed in their app.

    I've tried searching online without luck, and when I try to change settings (semi blindly) I end up taking away their ability to play with each other.


    TL;DR I'm wanting to limit their online interactions with just each other until they're older/developmentally ready. Looking for a way to block all incoming friend requests or a way to just limit online co-op play with just people on their friends list. Switch and/or Microsoft settings that need to be changed will be appreciated.

    Yeah, that proves it FedEx πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  • This happened to me when I had bought a gift for a friend out of state. Blurry skewed picture of the house with the package nowhere to be seen. Thankfully it was there, but it is definitely infuriating.

  • I joined the club
  • If you're interested in loading up emulators and other games via desktop mode I highly recommend going over to XDA and checking out their articles for the deck. For example: they have a whole article about getting Minecraft java edition up and running on the deck (which is something one of my kids wants us to do).

  • Ordered 20+ groceries from Amazon on Prime Day. Today my order arrived with each item packaged separately.
  • I know that feeling all too well. The small local grocery store is, at minimum, 2 to 3 times more expensive than Walmart, or even the Dollar General a block away. The local hardware stores aren't much better.

  • What the actual F**k???
  • Skin on your fingertips is overrated anyways /s

  • Are steam key sites legit/worth it?
  • I've only ever used Humble Bundle to buy steam games not on steam itself. I haven't had a single steam key issue in the 13 odd-years that they've been around. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • suzyq SuzyQ

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