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Musk’s X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • I love this bit from the article:

    To a request for comment, X only sent Ars an auto-response, saying, "Busy now, please check back later." (To be fair, in this case "check back later" is a good summary of what happened.)

  • I don't know what to title this
  • Don't worry, it's just a Team Fortress 2 reference:

  • Removed
    Good CAT
  • "How to be a good human owner"

  • Identify yourselves.
  • Here you go:


  • SystemD
  • Yeah exactly. It does have some features that require integration with the init system, which systemd obviously supports, but it could be used independently of systemd quite happily, and other init systems could easily support those integrations.

  • Pikachu reacts to an AI art
  • Is the bottom picture AI upscaled? It looks way crisper than I remembee that meme ever looking

  • Steve's latest Facebook post
  • It's not, it's based on an old meme.

  • Chapter 5 Panel 39 by Daniel Lieske
  • Had to find out what this was from. Its a webcomic called Wormworld Saga, and it looks pretty great!

  • vscodium, vscode without spyware
  • Its not a bad comparison. Sure, some details might differ, but the underlying concept of a build that only uses the open source code is the same.

  • Community moderation policy

    Hey there lemmings!

    It's your friendly neighbourhood Sun-Spider here. I recently volunteered as a mod on this community, so I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know my plans.

    Many of you will have seen that there are a lot of off-topic posts in this community right now. I suspect that new users, especially ones not yet familiar with how Lemmy and the fediverse work, are seeing it as a kind of default community or a place to generally discuss the world of Lemmy.

    However, as it says in the sidebar, this is a community about the instance specifically. If it's going to serve as that, then it can't be drowned in off-topic posts.

    To that end, I plan to start going through and removing posts that are not discussing this instance, with two exceptions.

    Firstly, I know that some of these posts are providing good info to new users coming from Reddit, so I'd like to not take those down just yet. Since this is such a visible community, keeping them has value. Therefore highly upvoted posts that are specifically for newcomers from Reddit may get left.

    Secondly, I know that removing posts with many upvotes and comments could be seen as overly harsh. While we don't have a karma system here, if you had a post that has done well then suddenly seeing it removed is painful. Therefore if a post is off topic, but is nonetheless highly upvoted, then I may instead simply lock the post. This preserves the content, but prevents further engagement. This should mean that it gradually falls off the front page, whose default sort is Active.


    • Posts that are not about the instance specifically will be removed, with the following exceptions:
    • Some posts providing value to new users will be left
    • Some posts with high engagement may be simply locked


    Check out the new communities ! and !! These are intended to be a good home for a lot of the content that's getting removed/locked.

    [Discussion] Introductions
  • Ooh, duo's always a good time. I don't be the chance to play it often enough.

  • [Discussion] Introductions
  • Do you know about I don't know how you've looked for tournaments before, but if you join your region's Discord channel then you might find one anyway, or at least some people in your area you can play online with.

  • Reddit refugees, has your favorite sub migrated already?
  • I've had to change my mindset; if I care about it existing, then I have to be the one who makes it. I've already created ! and I've become a mod for !

  • [Video] I mained Olimar or at least I tried to | Character Crisis

    Only On Tuesdays is a smaller channel I started following recently. I think his Character Crisis series is great content, and I thought it might be appreciated by people here.

    [Discussion] Introductions
  • I'll start.

    While I remember playing Melee on a friends GameCube back in the day, it's only the last year or two that I've really gotten into the game, since I got Ultimate. About six months ago I started going to my locals, and I'm still going 0-2 every time (there are some word-class players here, FML). That said I've been putting some work in and I've definitely improved. I main everyone's favourite interstellar bounty hunter, Samus Aran.

  • [Discussion] Introductions

    Hey all! Come introduce yourself. Which Smash game do you play? What kind of player are you? Lets get to know one another!

    Shall we get a Saturday music thread started in here?
  • I'm loving Janelle Monáe's new album! I've been listening to her music since The ArchAndroid, and it keeps getting better.

  • [Discussion] What would you like to see here?

    Welcome smashers!

    This place is pretty empty right now, but I'd love it to be a welcoming community of Smash players. To that end, what kind of posts do you want to see when you come here? Memes, combo videos, discussions, or something else? Let's discuss it and build the community we want to see.

    I'd also love feedback on the rules. Are there any missing? Is the language clear enough? Let me know.

    Hallo vanuit Groot Brittania!

    Hallo Nederlanders; ik woon in Groot Brittania, maar ik ben half Nederlands van mijn vader. Ik heb nog familie in Nederland en dus wil ik mijn Nederlands oefenen. Is dit en goede plek om dat te doen?

    sunspider Sun-Spider
    Posts 6
    Comments 14