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What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Sadly with The Talos Principle 2 they moved their entire studio to the Unreal Engine 5 and retired their own engine in the process. Apparently they lost a few engineers working on the engine and also couldn't have kept up with modern engines without some serious investment (no pun intended). On one hand it's probably for the better as we got a really pretty game where they could focus more on the game instead of bringing the engine up to speed but it's also sad to see the entire industry converge around engines like Unreal.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • A great game I haven't seen mentioned yet is The Talos Principle (1) that also has a really good native port using Croteams Serious Engine.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • But isn't this exactly what the Protonmail bridge is for? I don't use Proton myself (self-hosted Mailcow) but afaik Imap doesn't support public keys/PGP the way Proton is using it, hence one needs the bridge to use normal Imap clients like Thunderbird.

  • Titus' Linux Problems
  • It feels like 90% of his problems stem from using an nvidia card again (even on X11) and it's no secret that the desktop experience is often subpar when using their proprietary drivers. I personally never had problems after upgrading with a similar setup but an amd card.

  • Never forget what they took from us...
  • Fourthing, my absolute favourite game.

  • God of War Ragnarok will require a PSN account
  • This is arguably less about us few privileged having to create an account on a shitty platform, just like with ea and ubisoft, but more about people from 175 countries not even being able to buy the game just because Sony doesn't offer their services there even though it's a singleplayer game distributed through Steam like many of their past games.

  • NVIDIA switching to open kernel modules by default in future driver update for Turing+
  • You have to keep in mind that this is only about the kernel module (and only for Turing GPUs and newer). The userspace components stay proprietary. You are still not going to use the mesa graphics stack using an Nvidia gpu anytime soon.

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • I guess it's good to mention alternatives but imo Kyoo seems to be overkill for a homelab use case as its design goal appears to be to scale much better and serve a high user base and huge library. Just looking at the dependencies or compose.yml should make this apparent.
    Consequently the setup is much more complex and heavy to run compared to Jellyfin e.g.

  • That's why we need two ssds for dual boot
  • For the rare occasion that I need Windows bare metal, I have a Windows 11 installation on a usb ssd originally installed via the Rufus Windows-To-Go option that I can just plug into the system and boot off it whenever I need it without it touching my uefi menu or partition on my internal drives. This way I can also use it on another machine if that need arises. Windows can even trim the usb drive it's running on. It pretty much works as if installed internally.

  • Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it
  • I could mention that my bare metal server runs a rather unusual setup in that I use Arch Linux on ZFS headless as a kvm hypervisor and lxc containerisation host. I maybe want to migrate it to something else like NixOS at some point since I use nix on Arch on my desktop already but since I know Arch the most of any Linux distro I just went with it and it's running rock solid for quite a few years already.

  • 4K Blu-ray isn't dying despite Disney and Best Buy's efforts - it's more important than ever
  • I am speaking of the content shared over torrent. Only someone has to get through that DRM so the rest can enjoy.

  • 4K Blu-ray isn't dying despite Disney and Best Buy's efforts - it's more important than ever
  • The irony is that most of the high quality content comes from these "old" clunky formats.

  • Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • One could think they forgot about a product page and needed someone to quickly cobble together something. The truly funny thing is that they include fonts and a heavy css framework for three images that don't use any of that.

  • Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • Apparently it is a real device and not fake or a scam like some were suggesting. It is currently being featured at Fosdem at the KDE booth even and it seems to be featuring the SteamOS interface but seemingly on a Manjaro based os.
    I assume this means they have taken the HoloISO bits like the gamescope session and interface but rebased it on Manjaro but it could also just mean they forked and rebranded it as Manjaro (and possibly delay updates for two whole weeks in the name of stability).

    It's the first linux first handheld device next to the Steam Deck and even comes with two touchpads that look strikingly similar to the Deck ones but never would I have imagined it being featured by Manjaro. The specs look impressive though the design reminds me of the early Steam Deck prototypes Valve showed once that equally featured a glossy finish.
    Let's see whether it earns another entry on the list of Manjaro fuckups.

    Edit: Formatting

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • Most shells usually default to a truncated version of the hostname that only uses the hostname up to the first dot. Of course one can change that by setting the PS1 env var and using (in case of bash) \H instead of \h.

  • What is with Steam's shading cache updates nowadays?
  • Personally I deactivated pre-caching quite recently actually as I noticed as well this getting quite excessive for certain games. So I now wait until this is a thing: Seemingly the issue seems to be with games that have a big workshop like A Hat in Time or just huge games like No Man's Sky. I got 10GB and 5GB shader cache updates daily for these games respectively before I turned it off.

  • What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year )
  • Talos Principle 1 + Gehenna (Had it for years in my library collecting dust), finished it to 100% and am currently playing Talos Principle 2. These games are absolute gems and not even expensive for what you get, too. The people at Croteam are genuine masters of their craft.

  • What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year )
  • Outer Wilds and its DLC is my absolute favorite game of all time and the best I might have ever played. Full stop. There is just so much to it that one doesn't expect from the surface. It was an experience I still think back to every now and then.

    Currently playing Cruelty Squad and enjoying it quite, too.

  • Reminder to clear your ~/.cache folder every now and then
  • Honestly the reason I've put yay/paru's build directory into ram/tmpfs long ago. It's almost never worth it keeping all those packages checked out. You also do your ssd a favour by not hammering it with compile workloads.

  • Reminder to clear your ~/.cache folder every now and then
  • du -sh ~/.cache/* | sort -h

  • sunred SunRed

    Keyoxide proof: $argon2id$v=19$m=64,t=512,p=2$/Bxo7QiXHH/MThwxZ1irnA$S8IDyQY5+tRZjnqvqnYcGQ

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