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Felonies, gotta catch 'em all
  • He hasn't been sentenced yet and won't be for months. Its possible that he won't be sentenced until after the election. He's also been indicted for paying the porn star, Stormy Daniels, hush money.

    So, out-of-context, its just another rich dude doing money crime in the US. Its not like he's been convicted of being a russian asset or doing war crimes. Convention is to give him a slap on the wrist. But external political pressures and him being a unique dumbass to the judge will probably result in a tougher sentencing. But I doubt there will be any prison time, even white collar.

    Also you cans still run for president from prison. Eugene V. Debs ran as the Socialist Party candidate while jailed for sedition during WWI.

  • Recovering user files from a broken laptop with disk encryption
  • Do I need to worry about using the same distro or a device with hardware related to the old one?

    No. Only if you were doing something very weird on the old laptop or on the new laptop. In which case I'd assume you'd know what you were doing and wouldn't be asking us.

  • new preference war just dropped
  • My method names are the same way but I aggressively sort things into modules etc so it comes out the other way.

    But if I was staring down dozens of these methods and no way to organize them, I'd start doing the sorted names just for ease of editing. L

  • Reminder...
  • Genocide should not be a bipartisan issue. Genocide being unelectable even in just one party is good. If your starting position is "yes, both candidates will commit genocide" you should continue with discussion about direct action tactics. Otherwise I'll doubt that you actually think Biden is committing genocide.

  • Reasonable response rule
  • Sounds easier to opt out of those mailers entirely. There's a website sponsored by the FTC to do it. But you can only opt out of 5 years online. To do it permanently you must print out and mail in the form.

    AFAIK it works but it reeks of bullshit. First its a .com but its what the FTC recommends. It seems like the feds forced the credit companies to make the website and their really upset that your missing all these credit opportunities. Maybe they lower your credit score if you actually fill it out.

  • Viable Alternative for ZSH as the interactive shell?
  • Fish, no plugins. The POSIX differences are to your advantage when using interactively. Its amazing how much larger expressions you can construct in the repl before you start moving to a proper file. Its like moving from pure mysql or psql to mycli or pgcli.

    When you add it all up, the amount of effort you'll expend to learn fish are small compared to the amount of effort you'll save by trying to recreate the UX with plugins and custom scripts.

  • Amber - the programming language compiled to Bash
  • I'm very suspicious of the uses cases for this. If the compiled bash code is unreadable then what's the point of compiling to bash instead of machine code like normal? It might be nice if you're using it as your daily shell but if someone sent me "compiled" bash code I wouldn't touch it. My general philosophy is if your bash script gets too long, move it to python.

    The only example I can think of is for generating massive

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • git is a way more important contribution to the world that the linux kernel IMO. Its basically the assembly line of almost all modern software production. And Linus actually wrote most of the initial code for it. With Linux he organized the project but was almost immediately not a major contributor. He developed git in the process of maintaining the linux repo.

  • fixed it
  • For those observing, this is a person who expects no consequences for their actions. I've criticized their actions and immediately its "watch your tone" while not engaging with the actual criticism. Now am I criticizing the individual themself.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Your argument boils down to "they started it" and doesnt matter. All of those posts are criticizing leftists who won't vote for Biden because he's supporting genocide by reducing the left's position to bothsidesism.

    establishment-Democrat camp who directs condemnation at someone who’s literally just trying to stick up for the Palestinians, because it makes Biden look bad. That would be punching left, and that definitely happens from Democratic politicians and in the MSM.

    What is your point here? That democratic party reps dont post on lemmy? Because this:

    directs condemnation at someone who’s literally just trying to stick up for the Palestinians

    Is exactly what those posts are doing.

  • fixed it
  • The first meme was bad for sure but you made it worse. You literally took the Palestinian flag out of the picture. Its the reason all those people are not voting for Biden. And you then you slapped some generic meme shit over their sign, their opinions. As though all the students in the encampments aren't in it for a specific just cause. Its even more disrespectful to the anti-genocide movement to not even mention the genocide.

    For all this the tone of my criticism is absolutely appropriate. It is harsh because you deserve harsh criticism.

    encourage you to reexamine the disclaimer included in the post, clarifying that it does not fully reflect my views

    If you dont stand with your posts then delete them.

  • Vim Wayland users: how do you bind CAPSLOCK to Escape?

    Everything I read says it's a feature enabled in what ever compositor you choose, if your compositor supports it. Why isn't there a general purpose keybinding program like setxkbmap? Does it just not exist yet or must it be built into the compositor?

    I've read [this stackexchange thread] on something related but it all seems to be using XKB which should imply I'm using XWayland?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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