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Seriously, WTF is up with that?
  • Not an expert nor a historian, but my understanding is that 'find' goes back a long way (*nix has been around a while).

    Earlier commands such as find were created back before a lot of command/option syntax forms we know today were agreed to and standardized.

    Since 'find' has been around so long, we've just suffered its non-standard syntax rather than risk the chaos that would be unleashed by trying to fix it.

    If it makes you feel better, you can console yourself that you're using one of the more arcane incantations of the elder *nix wizards.

  • When climate damage paralyzed traffic
  • If we ever do get the point of starting to actually fix climate change, those same Republicans will be whining that we should keep things the way they are (because by that point the rich will have figured out some way to profit from it).

  • The reality of modern tech
  • If there's anyone here that cares about their privacy and doesn't know this already:

    If you have a choice between accessing the website through a browser and installing an app, use the browser. Browsers (typically) at least try to protect the types of information that gets sent, whereas there are much fewer restrictions (again, typically) for apps.

    Everyone wants you to install apps because apps (typically) get access to much more data.

  • Romney Says He’d ‘Have Immediately Pardoned’ Trump If He Were Biden
  • I, for one, am sick of this whole “Oh lets pardon the past president to protect the institution of presidency”

    You know how we protect the institution of the presidency? We stop having presidents that break the law.

    Agreed. I too am so sick of this ass-kissing authoritarian BS. They’re not kings. They served in an office and now they’re out. They’re humans FFS.

  • But but... If gun owners are tracked, we can be targeted! 😭😭😭
  • Thank you for posting this link. Good to know. The text includes this:

    The bill prohibits information from organizations, including any affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and clinics, that "perform, induce, refer for, or counsel in favor of abortions, or provide financial support to any other organization that conducts such activities."

    Q: Does the bill also prohibit organizations that are against abortions?

  • Opinion | Will A.I. Ever Live Up to Its Hype?
  • The NY times has a vested interest in discrediting AI, specifically LLMs (what they seem to be referring to) since journalism is a huge target here since it’s pretty easy to get LLMs to generate believable articles.

    The writers and editors may be against AI, but I’m betting the owners of the NYT would LOVE to have an AI that would simply re-phrase “news” (ahem) “borrowed” from other sources. The second upper management thinks this is possible, the humans will be out on their collective ears.

  • Hugh Grant eviscerates new iPad Pro ad for promoting the ‘destruction of the human experience’ | The Independent
  • That article starts out describing criticism of the ad, then turns into an ad for the new iPad. Almost makes me wonder if Apple isn’t paying for this article to be run…

    “ The new iPad Pro will include a high-quality OLED display for the first time, as well as Apple’s new, own-made, top-of-the-range M4 chip, which the company says means the new devices are 50% faster than the previous generation and ten-times faster than the original iPad Pro model.

    Apple senior vice president of hardware engineering, John Ternus, said the new Pro “pioneers our most advanced technologies, and pushes the limits of what an iPad can be”, adding that the new device was the “iPad we’ve always dreamed of making”.

  • Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds | Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results
  • It’s very revealing for their favorite lie: “Anyone can get rich. All you have to do is work hard like I do.” Then they do everything in their power to prevent anything that might impact their current money-making scheme.

    If they’re working hard now and all you have to do is work hard to get rich, why not move their efforts to something that will make the world a better place… or at least stop making it a worse place?

  • How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals
  • I'm going to take a somewhat different tack to describing this.

    There are many ways to motivate large groups of people. You've likely seen this a lot and not really noticed or paid attention to it. Some examples are tribalism ("Hey! They're not one of us!"), nationalism ("Those dirty foreign people!"), religion ("Do what I say and go to heaven!"), money ("Do this and I'll give you something valuable"), etc.

    One of the best motivators is fear. ("Do this or I/they will do something you really don't like").

    Political groups need something to motivate large groups of people. When done well, they appeal to the better sides of humanity. When done by the lazy, the dumb and the craven, they go with the simple one: fear.

    That's what Conservatism has been hammering for a while now. They don't really have a way to appeal to people's better sides, primarily because their platform isn't to make humanity better off. They platform is to make a few people better off to the detriment of everyone else. So they try tribalism ("Those brown people are trying to take your money!"), nationalism ("Those foreigners are taking your jobs!"), religion ("Those non-Christians are trying to install sharia law!"), etc. The most effective one is still fear. So getting their followers scared and angry is the best way to motivate them, get them to stop thinking rationally and build moats that will isolate them from people that might talk them down.

    This is used to motivate people to vote in certain ways, as well as motivate them to watch advertisements. In other words: power and money.

  • Voyager 1
  • Heh. Years ago during an interview I was explaining how important it is to verify a system before putting it into orbit. If one found problems in orbit, you usually can’t fix it. My interviewer said, “Why not just send up the space shuttle to fix it?”


  • In the Dune universe, why not use laser weapons as bombs?

    In the Dune universe, when a laser weapons hits a shield, both are destroyed in a nuclear explosion reaction.

    So instead of building nuclear weapons, wouldn’t it be easier to tie a timer and a “parachute” to a laser gun and drop it from orbit onto your enemy’s city?

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