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Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
Reduction in shipping pollution has increased global warming - Los Angeles Times How did a sudden reduction in shipping pollution inadvertently stoke global warming?

A major shift in global shipping regulations intended to improve air quality may have temporarily — and inadvertently — set off a geoengineering reaction that is warming the planet, new research has found.

How did a sudden reduction in shipping pollution inadvertently stoke global warming?

An interesting case where trying to make positive change resulted in an unintended consequence

Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds

SpaceX's growing Starlink megaconstellation could be hindering the Earth's ozone layer from healing itself, researchers find.

SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds
Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed

‘An astronaut could make it to Mars but they might need dialysis on the way back,’ scientist warns

Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed

Well that's a problem...

Gel-based male birth control is safe and effective, scientists report
  • "The research, which was presented at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, has yet to be peer-reviewed or published in a journal. More research is needed before the drug is finally approved and becomes available for the market."

    A step in the right direction, but good science takes time and a lot of effort!

  • The problem with GIMP
  • I didn't name it xD

  • The problem with GIMP
  • As I recall someone made the same lame argument about the name being divisive, a fork was created called Glimpse and it fell on its face not long after it was formed. Things like this are a waste of energy, nobody cares that it's called gimp.

  • Release 10.9.3 · jellyfin/jellyfin
  • I've noticed after updates I need to clear cache for that site on firefox, but beyond that the upgrades have been painless :D

  • Windows XP
  • What's it called when you backport modern features to retro systems like this mockup? I swear there's a word for this...

  • It'z tha limited edition
  • So... Did you ask if it's available?

  • Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail

    Electric leaf blowers are already far quieter than their gas-powered peers, but they still aren’t the kind of thing you’d like to hear first-thing on a Saturday morning. Looking to impr…

    Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail
  • They knew exactly what they were doing lol

  • Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5
  • It's like all we heard about the PS5 was that it was super hard to get when it came out and then it kind of disappeared from our collective consciousness

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • What always amazes me about such things is how easy it is to just keep your mouth shut and not say anything and yet so often people just...don't.

  • Afternoon Tea
  • Me too! It's very approachable for people who don't drink tea often

  • Afternoon Tea
  • I did this once or twice in college. It wasn't fancy but I still shared my love of tea with my friends. Everyone loved the sweetness of the hot cinnamon spice tea from Harney & Sons. Really I think the company is more important than what you serve :)

  • PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all
  • It never even occurred to me to try

  • Careful when writing your dragons
  • I'd pay to read a novel adventure written from the perspective of a dragon lol

  • NSFW
    I made a porn scroller without all the clutter
  • Good show, only critique I can offer would be a pop-up box asking which kind you want to see first before loading anything

  • Google One VPN will be discontinued, Pixel VPN remains with upgrade coming
  • hi guys its just google! so listen we can't decide on how to brand any of our services so if you don't like something don't worry it will be changed in 6 months or less!

  • Sunbird beta to relaunch and rejuvenate iMessage for Android
  • Lol okay. Good luck with that

  • How do I stop wanting to be on a relationship?
  • It sounds to me that you need to learn to love yourself first, so you feel comfortable being single until you find the right person.

    They say you have to be able to love yourself before you can love someone else

  • How does Sharkey compare to Mastodon?
  • Love it on desktop, so many more features and the UI is super slick. It just doesn't have an app yet to make it complete

  • Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    JWST And Hubble Agree on The Universe's Expansion, And It's a Major Problem JWST And Hubble Agree on The Universe's Expansion, And It's a Major Problem

    New data confirms that variation in our Universe's expansion rate (or the Hubble 'tension') is not an error in measurement.

    JWST And Hubble Agree on The Universe's Expansion, And It's a Major Problem

    Whether it's 67 or 73 kilometers per second per megaparsec, we're moving pretty fast either way!

    Are We Watching The Internet Die?
  • Die? No there's no way to put that genie back in the bottle. It might just be a little different going forward.

  • A tale of future crime!
  • So futuristic it sounds like it was written by AI lol

  • Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    NASA's Voyager 1 satellite is currently lost in deep space due to a critical memory error NASA's Voyager 1 probe is malfunctioning in deep space due to a critical memory error

    A bit was flipped or corrupted in the volatile memory of the Flight Data Subsystem used to control the Voyager 1

    NASA's Voyager 1 probe is malfunctioning in deep space due to a critical memory error
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures

    A team of experimentalists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and theorists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has succeeded for the first time in populating and stabilizing a new type of molecule, so-called field-linked tetratomic molecules. These "supermolecules" are so frag...

    First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures

    I'm mostly sharing this because I just love how the title is a jumble of words to me lol

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter

    The dropout occurred on Thursday (Jan. 18), during Ingenuity's 72nd Red Planet flight.

    NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter

    Edit: Yay they reestablished contact!

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    NBC News: Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere

    An early malfunction left the Peregrine lander with no way to reach the moon.

    Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’ | Research | Chemistry World New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’

    Experimental and computational issues flagged as researchers conclude that a fully automated lab failed to make new materials

    New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All : ScienceAlert Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All

    As you ripped aside the curtains to bask in the beams of sunlight this morning, a domino effect of chemical reactions made sure your biology stayed in time with the endless loops of day and night.

    Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes. : ScienceAlert Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes.

    Mini brains grown in a lab from stem cells spontaneously developed rudimentary eye structures, scientists reported in a fascinating paper in 2021.

    Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes.

    Well that's creepy! I wish I hadn't seen this before going to bed...

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm : ScienceAlert LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm

    Ever since the spooky phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered in 1911, scientists have been searching for superconducting materials that work under practical conditions.

    LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm

    And that is that

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds : ScienceAlert Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds

    Honeybees in man-made hives may have been suffering the cold unnecessarily for over a century because commercial hive designs are based on erroneous science, my new research shows.

    Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal : ScienceAlert Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal

    Using cannabis may cause changes in the human body's epigenome, a study of over 1,000 adults suggests.

    Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal

    "It's important to note that this study doesn't prove that cannabis directly causes these changes or causes health problems."

    But it is interesting, if this is your wheelhouse

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

    While the use of recycled plastics is normally considered a noble endeavor, a new study says it's time to think twice. In an analysis of the material from more than 10 different countries, hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals were uncovered.

    Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

    Because of the range of compounds found, the researchers say that they believe recycled plastics are unfit for most uses and that they don't contribute to a circular material lifecycle.

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    In world 1st, virus spotted attached to 2nd virus | Live Science In world 1st, virus spotted attached to 2nd virus

    The interaction was captured using a specialized piece of kit called a transmission electron microscope.

    In world 1st, virus spotted attached to 2nd virus

    bacteriophages, sounds like something from Star Trek

    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: New biomaterial hits the sweet spot Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: New biomaterial hits the sweet spot

    A new lab-made substance mimics human tissue and could reduce or replace the use of animal-derived materials in biomedical research.

    Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: New biomaterial hits the sweet spot
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Pseudogravity That Bends Light Just Like Real Gravity Created by Engineers in a Laboratory - The Debrief Pseudogravity That Bends Light Just Like Real Gravity Created by Engineers in a Laboratory - The Debrief

    A team of researchers working with photonic crystals say they have created pseudogravity in the lab that bends light like real gravity.

    Pseudogravity That Bends Light Just Like Real Gravity Created by Engineers in a Laboratory - The Debrief
    Furry Scientists Stefen Auris
    Scientists Successfully Simulate Backward Time Travel with a 25% Chance of Actually Changing the Past - The Debrief Scientists Successfully Simulate Backward Time Travel with a 25% Chance of Actually Changing the Past - The Debrief

    Scientists say they have simulated backward time travel system with a 25% chance of successfully changing the past.

    Scientists Successfully Simulate Backward Time Travel with a 25% Chance of Actually Changing the Past - The Debrief

    "We are not proposing a time travel machine, but rather a deep dive into the fundamentals of quantum mechanics”
