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Chatkontrolle weitergedacht Andre Meister (

Attached: 1 audio Chatkontrolle: Der SPD-Innenpolitiker und Polizist Sebastian Fiedler nochmal im Audio: "Ich bin eigentlich der Meinung, es dürften gar keine Handys im Umlauf sein, die es überhaupt ermöglichen, mit [strafbarem] Material umgehen zu können, es also zu öffnen, zu bearbeiten oder zu v...

Andre Meister (

Da fehlen mir wirklich die Worte.

Pity, really.
  • I don't understand how private trackers are supposed to be secure. They cannot guarantee that they keep out all bad actors and that means they're basically the same as public trackers, just more exclusive and with a slightly lower risk because of the barrier of entry. I used MyAnonamouse in the past and back then they weren't big fans of VPNs. But I will never use any tracker without a VPN.

  • How to write Hello World
  • The best Hello World I saw used a random library. Because there's no true random without hardware, the author figured out the correct seed to write Hello World with "random" characters. I've used that to show junior devs that random in programming doesn't mean truly random.

  • You'll regret using natural keys
  • I don't think that holds true in all scenarios. You need to use a key that has some guarantees. In many systems you will use data you don't control, like email addresses, IBANs, ISBNs, passport IDs and many more. You have zero control over those keys, but because each comes with certain guarantees, they might be suitable as a foreign key in your context.

  • Literature on repairing?


    Is there good literature on how to repair stuff? Just general things, not specific appliances. How to repair wood, how to properly sand wood and metal, how to replace a tile, how to read and analyze circuits, identify faulty parts and correct replacements, etc. I just want to become better at repairing stuff.

    Looking for MiTV box replacement

    I have a MiTV box with Android that runs apps for Jellyfin, Prime Video and Disney Plus. I would like to replace it with a mini PC, like some N100 box, to have more control over what runs on it. I tried a Pi with Kodi once, but I hate the UI so much. It's just not my thing.

    What other options do I have with self-hosted alternatives? I want a central UI like AndroidTV offers, I need Jellyfin, Disney Plus, Prime Video and some local TV station's streaming offerings and some remote control.

    I don't think that's possible, as you can only run Disney and Prime in a browser or their apps. And using a browser on the TV is not nice UX. But maybe some of the great people here have cracked that nut and can help me.

    Good free TTS (text-to-speech) options?

    Are there any free/open-source TTS options out there that are on the same level as Google Cloud's? I tried a lot of free ones, but they are absolutely awful and still sound like my Amiga did 30 years ago. With LLMs being available as open source, I am hoping there's also a good TTS offering I just haven't found yet.

    Barrier/Input Leap/other KVM server for Wayland?

    I really want to use Wayland, but the lack of a Wayland-based KVM sharing tool is an absolute deal breaker for me. I tried so many of them, but none worked. Waynergy looks alright, but it's only a client. rkvm didn't work at all and I don't remember the names of the other tools I tried. I know that Input Leap/Barrier has met their donation goal for Wayland support, but I am not holding my breath that it'll work with wlr.

    Has anyone gotten KVM sharing to work with a Wayland host and other Linux clients?

    Source for Comics?


    I am always looking for sources for comics, particularly franco-belgian in English or German. The only sources I can find are these godawful download sites where you need to pay or your download takes a day.

    Anyone have better sources?

    Edit: Thanks a lot everyone!

    Wanted: audio library streaming plus Spotify

    I am looking for something I can run on a Pi that gives me access to my private audio library plus Spotify, because I hate switching apps. I want to access it from a desktop and Android. Does someone have something like this set up?

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