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Season 2 - TheTVDB

Currently reorganizing my library and now I am kinda confused.

Why is the data on TheTVDB so messed up?

4 defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
    1. I am not aware of any further communication. T1C says there was no communication about it and I am not aware of claims from .art that state otherwise.
    2. That is ridiculous. Yes, it's their decision if they wanna federate with or not. But accusing someone to support/accept racism needs some proof baking it.
  • defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
    1. No, he was just de-federated with absolutely NO previous communication.
    2. There is still no real proof that Eris actually is racist at all. Everything is always "someone said/claims".
  • defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
  • Multiple people were able to reproduce this.
    So, the assumption that the screenshot is fake is probably wrong.

    Altogether, please don't take screenshots as proof of anything.
    They are always subjective to how much you trust the source they are coming from.

    See for a more complete statement.

  • Dave from accounting is gonna be pole vaulting!
  • It sounds like military service with cameras 😆

  • address
  • Now do it with IPv6 😅

  • Lemmy v0.18.1 Release
  • In general, yes. Lemmy 0.18.1 does federate again with kbin, mastodon and all the others.

    But I think there are still some issues with and kbin.
    Not exactly sure why, but I have them informed already 🙂

  • I think the average person just simply doesn't care about their privacy.
  • I would not say, people absolutely trust corporations.
    You can probably ask any stranger o the street if Facebook is trustworthy and they all would say something about FB doing weird stuff with their data.

    They all know!
    But people have a limit on how many issues they can care about.
    We decided that privacy is an issue, others might decide that the issues their sister is facing in life are an issue, or just how to pay the next month's rent.

    So, they just use Facebook, google and co. because that is what works, what is there and done. No time to think any further about it!

    So, if you wanna get wide adoption for privacy-friendly alternatives, stop solely selling the privacy aspect. The fediverse is great, but all the people who care about the benefits of it are already here. Now try to reach those who don't care that Twitter is a mess, they are just there because all the others are too.
    They use it to communicate and not because it is great. The same applies to most other platforms too.
    I liked Reddit because it's one platform where you find literally anything! You wanna talk about energy drinks? There is a subreddit.
    You wanna know what this thing is you just found on the street? Just post a picture someone definitely knows!

  • "The magazine from the federated server may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance."
  • As far as I know, itself is not blocking kbin requests, at least not on purpose.
    But I will try to get some official information from one of the admins.

    There were some issues with the federation of non-Lemmy instances in general.
    Multiple issues caused these and affected incoming and outgoing communication.

    The latest Lemmy version 0.18.1, which was released yesterday should fix most of the issues, but some instances still need some fixing on the nginx side.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Looking through the rest of the comments, I think there were already enough explanations.

    Making the accusation towards Lemmy that admins can see passwords in clear text is misleading.
    It suggests that this is different from other platforms, which it is not. All admins can get your password from/for their respective websites. Either by logging the traffic before the password gets hashed or by modifying the application so that the password gets transferred in plaintext. This applies to Lemmy, Facebook, Google and literally any other service where you enter a password.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • What you are saying is somewhat misleading 😒
    But did you know over 50k people can see your Facebook password 🤔

    But seriously, everything you send to a website/server can, of course, also be seen by it.
    This has always been the case everywhere. I am a little surprised that this is suddenly something new..

  • updated to 0.18.1-rc
  • For everyone experiences issues during the login,

    This is caused by an issue in the latest RC of the Lemmy UI. It's already been reported, and ruud will probably decide how to deal with it tomorrow.

    The current workaround
    Make sure you are on the main page ( and not looking at any posts or something like that before hitting the login button.
    If you encounter other issues, please make sure to clear the browser cache. The latest upgrade also made changes to the API, which can cause issues with the cached version of the website.

  • me_irl Stanford
    Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes
  • Reading this, I wonder if we talk about the same Debian 😆

  • stanford Stanford

    Hi, I’m Stanford. I’m 27 and have a passion for #technology, mainly #networking, #linux and #servers.

    I enjoy tinkering with different servers and stuff, I just like to learn things by doing it 😜

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