milk 19 1
Santa's a busy, modern man. He's probably got a breast pump he can use whilst working.
Did it hurt? 🙄 9 0
Implying I set an alarm. Implying every moment awake isn't pain. Get on my level of existential misery and dread
/S I'm actually in a pretty good place mentally.
Bonus Thoughts 6 6
To piggyback on this—if it's an important bit of information, include it sans parentheses. If it isn't important, get rid of it.
...and no, not every thing that comes to mind is important or relevant.
Does anyone know how to cite this in a research paper? 6 0
As a personal observation—"observation" vs "delusion" is a matter of perspective.
Why there aren't ad blocking apps on Google Play 3 0
I've been using Dns66 since 2017. I tried blokada (from GitHub) and didn't like it. Haven't tried others, so I'm also curious what other folks are using.
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Comments 5