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"They will never have a distinct recognizable culture that the South does and they hate us for it"
  • Good shows will have a lot of head and body shapes, but most of them don't and it's just the hair. IMO the reason so many of them have horns and tails and stuff is to make their silhouette more recognizable without potentially compromising the standard "pretty face" that most otaku demand.

  • "They will never have a distinct recognizable culture that the South does and they hate us for it"
  • My brother in Allah your culture is literally just a bunch of marketing campaigns.

  • Gamers and the 'hardcore' gaming mindeset that started in the 2000s' ruined the video game community
  • But most modern game developers are completely allergic towards adding a simple god mode or infinite ammo code into their shitty game

    This is so wack to me. Every game should be like Jedi Academy, and have a console where you can spawn in any NPC in the game/give yourself any cheat power you can imagine, because all that stuff ever does is make the game more fun.

  • Gamers and the 'hardcore' gaming mindeset that started in the 2000s' ruined the video game community
  • It was a weird crossroads

    Same. I was all for severing the ties between gaming journalists and publishers and ending the status quo of paid high review scores, but luckily past-me saw and rejected the misogyny that was also heavily present in those spaces and I didn't end up turning into a nazi.

  • Gamers and the 'hardcore' gaming mindeset that started in the 2000s' ruined the video game community
  • AFAIK the arcade boom was pretty popular with both men and women, since at that time it was a social hobby and kids were doing a lot of hanging out and hooking up at arcades. It wasn't until the turn to console gaming, which was primarily an anti-social activity, that video game advertisements started really focusing in on young boys. Nintendo bears a lot of the blame here, since they defined the western market following the big crash, and they saw the NES as exclusively a boys' toy - but it wasn't just them of course, in particular I remember the OG XBox's marketing doing a lot to create a "bro culture", along with stuff like the channel G4, which I think was created intentionally as a reaction to the previously existing perception of gamers being nerdy.

  • agitprop ssjmarx [he/him]
    The Gears Feed the Children
    Submersibles added to the list of TrueAnon Rules for Life
  • don't go in a space shuttle

    As awesome as it was in concept, that thing was a safety nightmare from the very beginning. With every other manned spacecraft if something goes wrong during launch you can blast off and land the capsule safely in the ocean, but with the shuttle there were large portions of the ascent and descent profiles where, if something went wrong, you were going too fast to turn around but too slow to make it to space so you were just hosed.

  • NSFW
    Norm why (CW: Transphobia)
  • This is what I meant.

    Ugh the clip in that thread. Norm is blaming Angela Davis for the liberal establishment coopting her message and whitewashing it - like what the fuck else is she supposed to do, Norm? Advocate for a communist revolution which in America right now is every bit as far flung a possibility as prison abolition is? Immolate herself on the steps of the White House in protest? Stop punching left for fuck's sake and that goes for the article in the OP as well.

  • Lemmy dunks megathread
  • Authoritarianism is not doing what America tells you to.

  • Slur filters are authoritarian
  • It's truly a great bit and one that should be appropriated by a website that isn't reactionary.

  • Finland was a Nazi country that fought for Nazis and helped to do genocide in Leningrad, had death camps of its own and also participated directly in Holocaust.
  • Bandera is in the game already if Ukraine becomes independent and fascist (although if Nazi Germany conquers them they can put a different German fascist in charge). HOI4 just kinda pretends the Holocaust doesn't happen, which kinda whitewashes the fascists but also I don't want to know what the HOI4 community would do if the Holocaust was actually in the game.

  • Nothing has changed for three years
  • abruptly abandoned its draconian “Zero Covid” policies

    There were months of protests, followed by a government rollout of the new less strict rules in phases over the course of several more months. The New York Times needs to reread the definition of "abruptly" because I don't think they know what it means.

  • Elon + Soros + Magneto + Krassenstein
  • You know, even when I was a kid I thought Magneto's plan in the first X-Men movie to turn everyone into mutants was fucking baller and they should have let him do it. Just 'cause that one guy turned into a water monster doesn't mean that would be the default - the X gene expresses way differently in everyone who has it.

    An no, I don't think giving every human the X gene constitutes genocide, that's fucking stupid.

  • top hexbear posters
  • I'm on the list

    tbh I haven't enjoyed my time on an internet forum like I have this one in many, many years. Y'all keep being cool :soviet-heart:

  • Is Stephanie Sterling a boss?
  • I don't even feel disappointment when people I watch online turn out to not live up to the values they espouse anymore, I just feel numb. Are we all just hypocrites who haven't been tested yet?

  • What’s a boomer opinion you have?
  • TRUE

    Even streamers who I like in short doses like Hasan can't get through a fifteen minute edited video without saying the same thing five hundred times. It's suitable as background noise, but if I'm listening to a streamer I'd almost always be better off listening to music.

  • NSFW
    Adam22 and Sneako discuss their fear of vaginas (cw homophobia / misogyny)
  • I only know this because of Hasan, but Sneako brandished a gun, pointing it at his camera in an extremely cringe-inducing clip. Critical just explained the difference between a clip and a magazine.

  • all the adults in this picture are awfully happy
  • "Exotic Falconry and Finance" is a pretty good bit ngl

  • Shut your fucking mouth scumbag
  • Putting color on buildings

    Havana :solidarity: Pyongyang

  • What Sort of Villain Subordinate Would You Be?
  • I actually kinda look like this guy.

  • What Sort of Villain Subordinate Would You Be?
  • Um, excuse me, sir? Is it really a good idea to attack the Rebel Alliance with just this battle station? Shouldn't we gather a full complement of escort craft for the attack?

    Excuse me, sir? If we want to prevent them from escaping, why 'disable' the hard drive on their ship? Why not just take the ship, or put a bunch of our guys guarding it?

    Sir? Excuse me, but with the ongoing war, should we really be guarding the energy shield base with one squad at the door? Why not do regular sweeps of the forest nearby with all of our manpower?

  • How does anybody like Dark Souls?

    jfc this is the most boring fucking game I've ever played in my life. It's not fun getting one-shotted by something that you don't know about until after its killed you at least once. There's nothing interesting about worldbuilding that's all made up of intentionally vague YoU hAvE tO fIlL iN tHe BlAnKs YoUrSeLf nonsense. There's nothing noteworthy about weapon upgrades that require you to look up a guide to see what's worth investing materials in and what's not.

    And already some of you have doubtlessly gone down to comment "lmao git gud". Motherfucker it's not about difficulty. You know what was a difficult fucking game? Sekiro. That game is hard as balls and I absolutely love it, precisely because its designed in a such a way that it fixes everything about Dark Souls that sucks.

    In Dark Souls, every single time you rock up to an enemy, you know exactly how you're going to defeat it. You're going to learn the patterns of its attacks, dodge at the appropriate time, and hit it in the intervals between. This is interesting once, but doing it over and over again for fifteen bosses is boring, repetitive bullshit.

    In Sekiro they fixed this. Instead of literally just dodging every single attack, you have a dozen different defensive options that you have to learn and apply to different attacks. Instead of knowing how every single enemy encounter is going to go down, you have a bunch of different ninja tools that have different effects that you can experiment with.

    And yet the geniuses of the gaming sphere all bashed their head cavities together and decided that SEKIRO was the bad one. The best game in the whole fucking genre, now sidelined because these morons confused a repetitive grind for difficulty. And as a result Elden Ring, which was supposed to be the masterpiece of the whole thing, is just another bland endurance test.

    DAE *not* audibly groan any time they see resource collection in a game trailer?

    Watched the Starfield gameplay, when Todd Howard pulled out his space laser to mine iron ore it was like my soul left my body and i watched the rest of the trailer in a dissociative state.

    I like Minecraft. It's a good time. I also really like Satisfactory. But every single other game that has resource mining would be better off without it. It's like hacking and lockpicking minigames, the only thing it can possibly offer to the player is a minute of annoyance - but with mining it's often hours of annoyance.
