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Chip Enjoyers - What's your favourite brand/type of chip?
  • Kettle cooked, salt and vinegar, brand is secondary, but I'm partial to Kruncher's

  • Vent from someone with a phobia of insects now that summer is nearing.
  • I have not suffered from insect-phobia myself, but I HAVE dealt with some other phobias. I think the thing that helped me is specifically understanding what it is that scares you about insects, and try exposure slowly.

    For example, if you're afraid of wasps, but not afraid of, say ladybugs; what is the difference in your mind? Is it flying bugs? Crawling bugs? Is it legs?

    Once you break that down, expose yourself to a bug that scares you the least, and over time you may find that "scary" feature isn't so big.

  • BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE | Official Teaser Trailer
  • I fear you're giving them too much credit.

  • In a global first, Gambia could reverse its ban on female genital cutting
  • I hear this often, and I fail to understand why anyone would need to defend male circumcision in the first place. Why must we continue to perform male circumcision and ban female circumcision? Couldn't both just be banned?

  • Rating down at 77%
  • I haven't played a new Bethesda game since Skyrim came out in 2011. So I went into starfield expecting Skyrim in space. I knew it would rely on more radiant randomly generated systems. I knew it wasn't going to have entire planets. Based off my expectations, I believe they have all been met. I'll probably log a ton of hours into the game. Was it overpriced? Maybe. But I don't really buy new games all that often, so it's hard for me to say.

  • Internet Archive's digital library has been found in breach of copyright. The decision has some important implications
  • I agree it was stupid. I just know that media companies are foaming at the mouth to use this decision to destroy online lending all together. And many writers are being tricked into thinking this will somehow help them. It won't. This will help Amazon. People renting your book from the internet archive is not why you're failing to make money.

  • Internet Archive's digital library has been found in breach of copyright. The decision has some important implications
  • I hope all the writers who support this lawsuit understand that they are contributing to a long standing effort to outlaw libraries in general. Nobody makes direct money off of sharing things. Get ready for DRM involved in every single thing that you do.

  • Goth
  • You guys don't know what you're missing.

  • Can you eat wood?
  • I think that completely depends on your definition of wood.

  • status update 2023-07-05
  • Was just noticing how much smoother it is this morning. Great work!

  • srasmus srasmus
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