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  • Yep! And (not to downplay the struggles of being a working class person with a mortgage but) you at least have the privilege of, y’know, not being in prison so you can get a job to pay off said debt as time goes on.

    These guys just get dumped out of prison only to immediately be saddled with that ruinous financial burden.

  • Anon wants to ride a zeppelin
  • This one caught me off guard:

    As of October, the FRA has recorded 742 incident reports for train derailments in 2023. Additionally, railroads reported 59 collisions, 12 fires, and 138 highway-rail-crossing incidents, which could include cars or any other vehicles or people at the crossing site.

    Since 1975, an average of 2,808 trains have derailed each year, with a peak of 9,400 derailments in 1978.

  • Anon wants to ride a zeppelin
  • planes crash every day

    in 2021 there were 21 commercial* plane crashes, zero fatal.

    *couldn’t find data including non-commercial flights. i welcome corrections citing such data :)

  • Per ACLU Ohio:

    Our statewide investigation analyzes policies at 75 facilities representing 74 counties across Ohio. More than half of jails, 40 of the 75, charge people for their incarceration through a booking fee, a daily fee, or both. Ohioans are getting billed up to $66.09 a day to be in jail.

  • Political Memes spujb
    Political Memes spujb
    Victim Blaming

    *Not equating the total violence between the situations of course. It’s just important to label oppressive and non-representative regimes what they are, even when they happen to reside in the US.

    a distraction to keep us at each other's throats
  • I have to disagree, but thanks for clarifying.

    Normalization is a known thing when studying society. Memes that normalize dismissal and othering of low-income, underprivileged Americans are a symptom and perpetuator of real classist mindsets that lead to material actions that perpetuate inequality.

    A parallel thing is the same reason r-slur jokes for the mentally disabled are frowned upon now. If you normalize joking about a vulnerable population it often tends toward also doing bad things toward that same group.

    And the neat thing is that the opposite effect also applies. Going back to the r-slur example, encouraging people to consider against whome their jokes were about also did its part to make people more considerate about that population in general, and we see that today with a lot more acceptance of neurodivergence.

    Tldr: “Punching down” jokes usually end up being on the wrong side of history and are only funny to the point that it is socially acceptable to ignore that vulnerable population’s ongoing struggles at any given. Right now it is very socially acceptable to ignore the struggles of low income southern America, so the jokes follow suit.

  • a distraction to keep us at each other's throats
  • Insane that US Lemmings see this and downvote. They are more than willing to admit that Russia elections can be flawed and undemocratic but as soon as someone points out the fascist voter suppression and propaganda machine going on back home it’s willful blindness because how dare we be critical of the holy holy US.

  • a distraction to keep us at each other's throats
  • there is certainly a gray area, yes. that said, im so fucking done with the “lol, let them drown” memes.

    edit: telling on yourselves with the downvotes. yes we need to laugh, but yall need to look up the difference between punching up and punching down. literally lesson one of any valid political humor.

  • a distraction to keep us at each other's throats
  • I agree—but unless I am mistaken Florida is far from the only state to have sunshine laws. Hence why I think it’s important to note that a confluence of factors are involved, not just mental health either but also climate (hot temperatures make people more aggressive), natural disaster, limited access to drug abuse treatment, voter suppression, low income and similar. :)

  • Political Memes spujb
    a distraction to keep us at each other's throats

    My reasoning:

    • “While not applicable in all cases, mental health problems often played a role [in Florida Man stories]. Mental health is a huge issue in Florida, which ranks at the bottom of all states for mental health funding, according to the Florida Policy Institute. Lou and Orjoux, CNN 2019
    • Florida has a known track record of intimidating and suppressing voters, particularly voters of color.
    • ”It’s a democracy, we are just making fun of the voters who made it that way.” Except it isn’t. The will of the Floridian people is not represented in the actions of their leaders. One of many examples: 68% of Floridians want the state to do more on climate change, meanwhile “The Florida Legislature not only bypassed proposals to address climate change during the most recent legislative session, but lawmakers also passed a measure (HB 1645) that would strip the term “climate change” from much of state law.” Does that sound like democracy to you?

    Instead of addressing these—and other—root problems, Florida Man posts trivialize the hardships of marginalized individuals, perpetuating societal inequities.

    Parents overestimate sons’ maths skills more than daughters’, study finds
  • yes, sure, in a poetic sense, but no in the literal scientific data sense; the article says parents were asked to guess against literal test scores that the kids took

    more research would be needed to examine long term meanings of overestimation, and i’d be careful not to draw conclusions before then

  • Political Memes spujb
    soft, but at what cost #BDS 🇵🇸

    Ahava Cosmetics, bought by Chinese conglomerate Fosun in 2016, runs its production site, visitor center, and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in occupied Palestinian territory. Known for extracting minerals from the Dead Sea for cosmetics, Ahava has been a key target of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement.

    Political Memes spujb
    fixed it

    i don’t even know if this is good or if i stand by it 100% but it’s a helluva lot better (less tone deaf) than the other one ☺️

    PSA for reporting best practices

    Created using feedback from Maybe this can be useful.

    Transcript: See something off? Do your part to keep the Lemmy community safe:

    R - Read the rules of the community. E - Explain your report, including rule # when possible. P - Provide context the mods should know. O - Opt-out, disengage, downvote or block. Don't add to the drama. R - Reach out or report right away. *For extremely time-sensitive content (CSAM, gore) DM an admin via Matrix: Instance homepage > Sidebar > click admin's @username > Send Secure Message T - Trust your instincts. If in doubt, report it.

    Mods, what tips or etiquette do you recommend for reporting?

    With recent events hilighting the value of quality moderation, it got me to consider: How can we help you out?

    What steps, considerations, encouragements or warnings would you give the userbase regarding best practices for using the report feature (or other interraction with mods)? Reporting less, reporting more, putting more detail in the form, or just leaving it blank?

    I was thinking of maybe putting together a psa-style infographic (a la think before you post) if the answers you give are poignant or significantly unknown to the average user.

    Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was

    (Content warning, discussions of SA and misogyny, mods I might mention politics a bit but I hope this can be taken outside the context of politics and understood as a discussion of basic human decency)

    We all know how awful Reddit was when a user mentioned their gender. Immediate harassment, DMs, etc. It's probably improved over the years? But still awful.

    Until recently, Lemmy was the most progressive and supportive of basic human dignity of communities I had ever followed. I have always known this was a majority male platform, but I have been relatively pleased to see that positive expressions of masculinity have won out.

    All of that changed with the recent "bear vs man" debacle. I saw women get shouted down just for expressing their stories of being sexually abused, repeatedly harassed, dogpiled, and brigaded with downvotes. Some of them held their ground, for which I am proud of them, but others I saw driven to delete their entire accounts, presumably not to return.

    And I get it. The bear thing is controversial; we can all agree on this. But that should never have resulted in this level of toxicity!

    I am hoping by making this post I can kind of bring awareness to this weakness, so that we can learn and grow as a community. We need to hold one another accountable for this, or the gender gap on this site is just going to get worse.

    Next steps after the bear

    As has been discussed already here in this community, the key takeaway from the bear hypothetical is that it is an opportunity to truly listen to the lived experiences of women under patriarchal systems. I encourage "first response" to the bear discussion to head back to this post, as I am looking for discussion kind of after the fact. If this is your first exposure to the bear thing, head there, then pop back here after you have a good handle on the situation.

    My question has two parts:

    1. Positive Steps: Let's explore resources for folks to act on the things they have learned from this discussion.
    2. Creating a Safe Space: During the course of the debate, it's likely that high emotions have led to lashing out and unkind words, perhaps even unintentionally directed towards men who may be survivors of SA themselves. Can we create a space here for listening and affirming one another about these potentially painful experiences?
    nuanceposting rule
    seen this post elsewhere? click for explanation

    This post got banned from ! for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕

    I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating.

    EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank you to the mods it turned out to be a misunderstanding.)

    Important clarification/FAQ

    I am not calling to coddle or excuse the behavior of bigoted men in any way!

    I am calling to be kind and understanding to young men (often ages 10-20) who are very manipulable and succeptible to the massive anti feminist propaganda machine. Hope this clarifies that very important distinction. :)

    Very good comments that express key points:

    lemmy stop silencing SA survivors rule

    The number of examples I have seen of people being told to shut up about their lived experiences with sexual abuse in the past 24 hours on this platform is deeply disturbing.

    I am calling on y’all to take a deep breath and listen to women for once. There is a time and place for tone policing and it’s never the very minute a woman speaks up.

    Political Memes spujb
    boycott for a #FreePalestine

    While there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, Chevron and its three associated brands are the only oil corporation for which the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has called a consumer boycott for its significant complicity in genocide and apartheid.

    > US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main corporation extracting gas claimed by apartheid Israel in the East Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenues, strengthening Israel’s war chest and apartheid system, exacerbating the climate crisis and Gaza siege, and is complicit in depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron has thousands of retail gas stations around the world under the Chevron, Caltex, and Texaco brand names.

    Important clarification/FAQ

    I am not calling to coddle or excuse the behavior of bigoted men in any way!

    I am calling to be kind and understanding to young men (often ages 10-20) who are very manipulable and succeptible to the massive anti feminist propaganda machine. Hope this clarifies that very important distinction. :)

    Very good comments that express key points:

    Edit: This post has now been removed and restored twice. I want to encourage you all:

    Be decent to one another

    I think this post is a valuable thing given the current state of the Fediverse, please don't fuck it up for us by being toxic in the comments.

    Political Memes spujb
    maybe the woke was inside us all along
    obligatory bear post

    is the man or bear thing rhetorically or optically the perfect feminist meme that is beyond criticism? no.

    but is it leaps and bounds better at getting men to understand the material consequences of patriarchy on the physical and emotional health of women than that stupid “kill all men” meme from last decade? definitely.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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