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Release v0.16.7 · jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv · GitHub
  • You rock! The Jellyfin Android TV app on a LineageOS-Pi4 is my current preferred way of bringing Jellyfin to my TV. I tried messing around with Kodi-based solutions for a while but if you don't like the default behaviors there then it's an absolute nightmare timesink to reconfigure. AndroidTV Jellyfin client - install, open, everything is in its place already.

  • [SOLVED] Trouble running Baldur's gate 3 on Arch.
  • While I have to apologize for not being able to provide you with any help for the problem at hand I just wanted to note that if you open up identical public threads via a reddit account and via a lemmy account at the same time then those two accounts are then, for data analysis purposes, connected for all eternity. You might as well not bother using different nicknames.
    If that isn't a concern to you then just ignore my ramblings.

  • Advice on replacing smart TV with Nvidia Shield or similar
  • Then I installed Kodi, along with the Kodi Jellyfin add on. The add on syncs the Jellyfin database to the Kodi one, so you use the Kodi interface to browse the Jellyfin content. This seems to work great!

    Which Kodi theme are you using? I haven't really found a satisfying fire-and-forget solution that could deal with 6+ different kinds of libraries and also didn't require me to manually set up every menu option over the course of 3 hours.
    Have you found an elegant way to manage multiple different users?

  • Does a FOSS App need TOS and Privacy Policy?
  • We don’t need to presume anything, OP can speak for themselves.

    Sure they can! Until they do, there's my helpful take for the meantime.
    But don't take my word for it, you could also piece together their intent by them thanking all the other helpful responses in this thread that happen to elaborate on legal obligations 😄

  • Does a FOSS App need TOS and Privacy Policy?
  • What do you mean by this?

    Many things in life come with legal, moral or financial requirements and obligations. The OP presumably wishes to know whether there are any that they might not yet have considered in their situation.

  • When a Torrent disappears from 1337x, how do you find out what happened?
  • Their leader calls journalists vermin and they go on about the ‘Lugenpresse’, his followers shoot up synagogues, allied media spread Nazi/far right inspired anti-semitic canards like Cultural Marxism (‘Kulturbolshewismus’), they go on about how the ‘’‘left wing intellectual elite’‘’ are trying to undermine western values and cause a decline of morals and degeneracy (‘Entartung’), they’re afraid of difference, they hold the weak in contempt, they abhor nuance so use a limited newspeak vocabulary to limit critical reasoning, they’re obsessed with plots, and on social media many of his followers spread the Q-anon conspiracy which is a reworking of the antisemtic blood libel canard.

    Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is a duck.

    I presume we're no longer talking about the movie's marketing department...?

    Here’s a Sartre quote that’s also increasingly relevant (again):

    “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

    What I'm reading here are things in the lines of "Good faith anti-Semitism doesn't exist" or "anti-Semitism is intrinsically confrontational and quarrelsome". I don't quite think that's a tenable position as it would be trivial to disprove. Am I misreading this? What is your take?
    Are you sure the line is concerned with anti-Semitism in general and not only with a very specific kind of anti-Semite (e.g. mid-century, mid-Europe, Bierkellerputsch-y types)?

  • When a Torrent disappears from 1337x, how do you find out what happened?
  • What you write on argumentative strategy absolutely pertains to the topic and I'd say it also holds true. I just don't really see what it has to do with fascism. Aren't you conflating a couple of things here?
    Even when "Fascism traditionally employs that rhetoric" holds true, there's no way that "Someone employing that rhetoric must be a fascist" can ever follow from that. A fascist might be a very special kind of moron, but it's dangerous to then start calling every moron "fascist", because it lessens the impact of that term, devalues it, if that makes sense. It makes undermining actual fascism much harder.

  • Why is it apparently cool and fine for insurance companies to spend countless billions, trillions of our money constantly buying ad time?
  • i absolutely disagree. the way insurance works is you all pay into it and they use that money for claims. it’s literally our money.

    Again, you do not "pay into" anything. There's no pool or fund or growing personal account. You buy a service. There is an exchange of goods and services here. As you receive the service, the money ceases to be yours.
    Whether or not other people file claims with the insurance doesn't matter, just like it doesn't matter whether or not the baker buys new furniture after selling bread to you. They're not paying the furniture store with your money, they're paying the furniture store with their own money that became theirs as soon as you relinquished it to them in exchange for the bread.

  • Why is it apparently cool and fine for insurance companies to spend countless billions, trillions of our money constantly buying ad time?
  • On every single professional sports game I’ve ever seen, every single show, every single channel. Isn’t this our fucking money you’re meant to give out should, god forbid, something happen?

    While there's certainly no redeeming feature to be found in the advertising industry, I feel like you might be missing the point of insurance. An insurance does not safe-keep "your" money. You pay insurance for a service, you then receive the service and your money is gone, spent, as if you had bought groceries. The service you receive is what is called "coverage" but what is more easily thought of as "immunity against bankruptcy due to X", X being the insurance case. That's what you buy.

    Figuring out how to best allocate the money is up to the insurance - it's their money, after all.

  • Do you prefer private or public trackers?
  • It's the content, presumably in order to maintain exclusivity of the little private club. That's part of the problem, I suppose. Private trackers aren't just an anonymous one-stop supermarket like some public trackers, they're often small personal hangouts, actual communities. In of itself that sounds great, but it always carries the danger of content being held hostage for what - at least in my eyes - amounts to pointless, snobby elitism.

  • Do you prefer private or public trackers?
  • I strongly disapprove of private trackers. I'm forced to take part in some only because the content isn't available anywhere else. And the private trackers generally forbid re-sharing their content on public trackers, which unnecessarily gatekeeps the content and perpetuates the problem.
    If it doen't help to make everything accessible to everybody then it's not a valuable part of the sharing ecosystem.

  • Banana Pi BPI-M7 - More Reasons to Avoid the Raspberry Pi
  • Unless it can natively run all the existing ready-to-go Pi images and software packages and will also receive community support when I ask for help in a Pi-adjacent forum it's not really going to be a competitor to the Pi. The hardware is pretty much irrelevant.

  • It hurts all over
  • Privacy sentiments are subjective beliefs, not an objective fact like nature.

    I genuinely don’t see a point in engaging with you, even just based on what I stated above where you use your personal beliefs in line with objective, provable elements of the natural world. So I’ll choose not to. Cheers. 👍

    While I obviously cannot force you to continue a conversation you do not wish to have, I'm a bit perplexed by what you're saying here and at what point "belief" entered the conversation. If you're saying that data, personal and otherwise, has no real, objective, provable value then surely that would go against all physical evidence? There must be some kind of misunderstanding here. Well, cheers ✋

  • Distrochooser
  • Is that just something that's intrinsically missing from some distros due to technical constraints or is it a regular type of feature the simply hasn't been implemented (yet) due to... human constraints?

  • It hurts all over
  • I wouldn’t mind you finding out any information about me. I would mind you feeling entitled to me putting in effort and time to answer you. I’ve read all the suggestions people here posted and none made me reflect or get anywhere near changing my mind. Privacy centric people just have to accept not everyone is like them. I respect your need for privacy. I don’t understand why you obsessively require me to hold the same belief.

    I don't think anyone requires you to hold any specific beliefs, nobody within this comment chain anyway.

    It's a bit akin to meeting someone on the street and being told "It's nighttime!" while the sun is out. I'd definitely be interested in understanding why that other person considers it to be nighttime and I would at the very least be disappointed not to get a conversation out of it.

    Three different fictitious requests:

    1. "Can you spare some change?"
    2. "Would you let me skip ahead of the queue please? I have an urgent appointment later on."
    3. "Will you let us share your user data with our partners in order to improve our services?"

    I'm assuming here - and please correct me if I am wrong - that you would be likely to acquiesce to 3. in most contexts, maybe even more likely than to acquiesce to 1. or 2.?

  • Is there any benefit in passing through an old-ish GPU to the server VM?

    Hi! While looking for an answer I stumbled upon this old reddit thread:

    I unfortunately do not know how to interpret the information provided by nyanmisaka there.

    Does "GT 710 doesn't support NVENC" mean that adding the older GPU wouldn't do anything to provide a performance boost to the server? Or only for videos encoded in a specific way? I.e. is there any point in keeping my passively-cooled GT710 in my server or should I just ditch it?

    Information Security splendoruranium
    Smart card/Yubikey labeling - yay/nay?

    Now ever since I got a label printer I made it a habit to... well... label everything. It's been the a gamechanger in organizing my stuff.

    This habit includes having a tiny label with my street address and mail address on most any item that I loan away or tend to regularly lug around with me as a general reminder of ownership. I forget about and lose stuff all the time, so this gives me some piece of mind with most of my medium-value little gadgets. I believe (and have experienced) that people are generally decent and will return lost stuff to me if it's easy for them to find out to whom it belongs.

    Now it has occurred to me that this practice might be detrimental when applied to a smart cards in general and my Yubikeys in particular. After all, shouldn't a lost Yubikey be considered "tampered with/permanently lost" anyway, whether it's returned or not? And wouldn't an Email address on the key just increase the risk of some immediate abuse of the key's contents, i.e. GPG private keys, that would otherwise not be possible?

    Or am I overhtinking this?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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