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What are people daily driving these days?
  • Debian with KDE works great for my needs.

  • Googles Generalangriff auf das freie Internet |
  • Das ist dann wohl leider so. Kann ich auch bestätigen aus eigener Erfahrung. Dennoch finde ich persönlich, dass sich alle halbwegs "fähigen" Internetnutzer mit solchen Themen befassen sollten. Irgendwann geht's alle etwas an, nur ist es dann unter Umständen zu spät.

  • Googles Generalangriff auf das freie Internet |
  • Die datenschutzbewussten User finden sich irgendwann komplett im Tor-Netzwerk wieder. Mit maximal einfachen Seiten. Ist ja jetzt schon teilweise empfohlen, nur machts halt keinen Spaß.

    Für den verpflichtenden Kram (wie vllt. irgendwann Online-Banking) nutzt man dann halt die Spion-Browser...

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 03-08-2023
  • Ready or Not (alpha). Great so far!

  • Linux - video editing software?

    Hello Kbin,

    as I'm currently switching from Windows to Debian 12, I wondered if there are already any good functioning video editing softwares.

    What are your recommendations?

    I thought about functionalities like DaVinci Resolve or Vegas. I like to hear your opinions!

    Recommended distros for privacy?
  • Nice to hear, that privacy is less of a problem with linux!

    1. I'm using a "middle-class gaming tower" I think. (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB VRAM, 16 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2400G).
    2. Isn't fresher always better?
    3. I already found out, that it's possible to change the desktop environment, which is great I guess. So I think at first, I'd like to maybe stick to the "windows-style".
  • Recommended distros for privacy?

    Hey folks,

    I hope this question fits here well.

    Since I've started to care more about my digital fingerprint, I came to the conclusion, that I need to change my OS.

    All my life I've been using Windows operating systems, but at this point I'm kind of fed up about the big amount of telemetry data which is being sent out by default. So maybe Linux is the solution?

    I'm looking for a beginner friendly Linux-Distro, which respects my privacy. It should also be possible to play some games on it without too much effort.

    What can you recommend?

    Thank you so much!

    Edit: System specs: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB VRAM, 16 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2400G (tower pc)

    sp3ctre sp3ctre
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