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Random overshare
  • Sure is, there definitely are pearls in the endless sea of junk. Those had some scratches on the outer plastic layer and one ugly half-torn sticker (random, not original), when I saw a circular mark left after a pot I was sure this one will be 100% dead / problematic, but the wooden box inside is intact, plus for the fun factor — there is a fat layer of glass wool (not mouldy) inside and the front metal mesh cover has some small dents, connecting cables needed a little refreshing but.. from the moment I plugged them in, world became a better place.

  • BudgetAudiophile somnuz
    Random overshare

    Dear budget audio loving friends.. I just want to share my joy with someone now.

    I had some janky/cheap mixed with basic/ok audio gear over the last two decades. Just one of my setups was an actual real deal, premium, upper-mid-tier audiophile level treasure. I had it for a few months, it was a lot of fun, yes, it was overly expensive, double yes. The pure power, clarity and (obviously) bass were on impossibly precise and reality-bending levels for late 20s me.. and most of my neighbors. There is a high probability that I have unintentionally killed some innocent flora and fauna with it. After maaany complaints about “dancing beds and glassware” etc. I just had to give it up — back then it felt like loosing something important.

    So, let’s fast forward around a few years to yesterday. I think I might have created something special — at least for me — for about $50.

    30 years old JVC receiver, I’ve bought some time ago as a project starter, paired with two german, vintage (50+ years old) 3-way speakers that I’ve found by a total accident on a local flea market and was pretty sure during the entire road back home that they might be dead or at least not fully functional.. how wrong was I!

    I just can’t stop smiling now. Didn’t have so much fun while simply listening to anything in a really long time. I can taste the rainbow of the pleasant, warm and cozy sound.

    For the first time, I feel like I have a perfect setup for me and my surroundings, yet it is the cheapest one I ever had. This is crazy, this should not have happened, but it did.

    Thanks for reading, I guess?

    Lofree EDGE – The World’s Thinnest Mechanical Keyboard is just 16mm, less than two iPhones thick - Yanko Design
  • Hey, they started with millimeters so any additional info is kinda passable (in my books) as a visual / imagination stimulus.

    Sometimes it can be really helpful, like with the distance from Earth to Moon, almost 385 000 km — that’s yeah, a lot, this gives the facts.

    ..but, when I found out that all the planets from our solar system packed next to each other would fit into this gap with some space to spare — this gives the perspective.

  • What do you do to cheer yourself up ?
  • Depending on the situation. Simplified, obviously:

    • If I can actively do something about it immediately or soon enough “<myname>, you know, you can do it and it will really help you”.

    • If it is more on emotional basis “<myname>, I love you / you are important / I know it hurts / I understand — what would you like to do?” saying this type of stuff often and since I can remember, made me respond automatically, whether it is something simple like “I would really like to have an almond ice cream today” or “I am watching the movie tonight / going for a walk” etc or more advanced like “I will do X, Y and Z — in this order”. Having a self-checkup as a tool is really helpful.

    • If it is a more complex situation — firstly comes a quick energy level check, followed by looking for the simplest part of the problem as a hook to get the ball rolling or a solid rest (passive or active) to restart the system.

    • If it is a really overwhelming / prolonged thing, any form of contact / consultation, either with partner, family, friend or a professional.

  • Win10) BSOD while running certain games
  • Someone asked about the motherboard and you’ve answered it is brand new, but still, are there any updates for it?

    What is the PSU situation, what brand / model? Is it new too? Is any of the components bought used or from old build?

    What about storage?

  • IMDB alternative

    I really would like to delete my account there and move on. Is there anything, solid enough, with a good rating system, some lists that I can make for myself or at least a simple “to watch”?

    Would be cool to have a “where to watch / stream / buy” section and some basic info like people behind the movies and so on.

    Major pros: good website and cross-platform mobile app.

    I just installed letterboxd to check how it feels but before migrating anywhere I am more interested what I will read here.

    Your body is completely dark except for the 1 molecule outside layer that light hits.
  • And here, right in the middle of the wild internet jungle vastness, we can observe a very interesting, quite uncommon specimen. They are prepared well enough for interactions and don’t seek a vent point for illusory vengeances or endless technicalities on every possible occasion; their skillful bag of tricks contains open mindedness and respectful responses. They can commit their precious energy to this hard process of making the day of the entire herd easier and more positive. Look at them go!

  • Windows: remap caps to control (work computer)
  • Your idea to use AHK script is probably the best and least intrusive. You sit down, run the script, whatever you need can be in it, you can actually really tune your input experience with some AutoHotKey magic. I catch myself adding a few more lines every year as new ideas come.

    Just remember to unload the script when you are ending your work and the next person won’t even know about it.

  • Windows: remap caps to control (work computer)
  • Okay, all makes sense. When you are using the keyboard a lot, your comfort is most important. The worst part about Caps Lock is that it is more embedded into the system inner-workings, as for example — it is used for certain crucial shortcuts, especially when using Chinese language.

  • Windows: remap caps to control (work computer)
  • Okay, so make a script, name it whatever you feel like and paste this:

    ; The keyboard hook must be installed.
    SendSuppressedKeyUp(key) {
            , "char", GetKeyVK(key)
            , "char", GetKeySC(key)
            , "uint", KEYEVENTF_KEYUP := 0x2
            , "uptr", KEY_BLOCK_THIS := 0xFFC3D450)
    ; Disable Alt+key shortcuts for the IME.
    ~LAlt::SendSuppressedKeyUp "LAlt"
    ; Test hotkey:
    !CapsLock::MsgBox A_ThisHotkey
    ; Remap CapsLock to LCtrl in a way compatible with IME.
        Send "{Blind}{LCtrl DownR}"
        SendSuppressedKeyUp "LCtrl"
    *CapsLock up::
        Send "{Blind}{LCtrl Up}"

    Save it, run it and you should be good to go.

    edit: This is V2, just in case.

  • Windows: remap caps to control (work computer)
  • I was asking because it is actually a problem for two reasons, one is that capslock has more states than other keys, plus it is more complicated to tinker with via AutoHotKey, they even documented it nicely buuut.. the official method did not work for me — I just tested it.

    I did it in a hurry so there might be “me” problem somewhere too.

    Okay, it works.

  • It must confuse English learners to hear phrases like, "I'm home", instead of "I am at home." We don't say I'm school, or I'm post office.
  • For me it always just felt very close to “I am here” / “I am done” / “I am late” / “I am fine” — not as description of a place but state.

    All the quirks, weirdnesses and exceptions are the best / most fun parts of any language. Close second, how it constantly evolves and where the words originated from.

  • [Feature Request] Saved categories

    I don’t know if this would be anyhow useful for anyone else or easily implementable, but..

    Categorized “Saved” list, like:

    • posts
    • links
    • media or photos, music, videos
    • comments

    Maybe as a quickly switchable categories on top or just a full next sub-menu?

    Another great thing would be a sorting option for the list of saved things, like:

    • by posted date
    • by saved date
    • A-Z / Z-A

    To make the backtracking easier and faster?

    Kodi / OSMC

    I have Kodi installed now, I will probably test OSMC later today, are there any other programs similar to them that I could test?

    What I am mostly interested in:

    • fullscreen mode (dark mode / theme preferably, even if I would have to make it manually somehow)
    • option to navigate my drive or external drive
    • xbox controller support
    • subtitles support

    What I want to accomplish is quite simple, every now and then I want to play a movie from my pc on my tv (connected via hdmi) and I don’t want to use mouse or keyboard while watching it to pause or turn the volume up a notch.

    Kodi is kinda okay for all that but it feels a little wonky and pretty often makes a mess with my files, creating duplicates or ghost files on lists..

    Thanks for any help!


    My poor Memmy does not feel well :C

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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