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Does anyone remember a logo that looked like this? None of us can place it but we all think we remember.
  • I remember it pretty much that way too, but not recently and not at a department store. Heck, I just browsed through commemorative euro coins (no dice) because I felt it was somehow connected to Europe in the nineties...

  • Locked
    Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • "Victim" is an interesting term, but quite accurate. There's such a an effort and investment into converting people to that cult. I wish you the best with your mother, hopefully the other half of your conversations is more pleasant and eventually overtakes the conspiracy theories.

  • Locked
    Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • I don't. We don't talk. Relatives of mine, including one of my parents, sank into vaccine conspiracies, then followed that pipeline to Qanon, and then explained to me how they were waiting for Trump to lead his secret army to take down the government of my non-english-speaking, european country.

    I gave them their keys back, I got my keys backs, I blocked them everywhere, I nuked my accounts on the social media they use (and where their posts steadily got worse). It's a hard decision, I still think about it often still (it's been nearly two years), but I will never talk to them again.

  • COVID-19 digital contact tracing worked — heed the lessons for future pandemics COVID-19 digital contact tracing worked — heed the lessons for future pandemics

    For all the controversy over decentralized contact-tracing apps, data show that these privacy-preserving tools saved thousands of lives during the pandemic. National and international authorities must invest in the technology now.

    COVID-19 digital contact tracing worked — heed the lessons for future pandemics
    What game do you think came closest to being "perfect"?
  • Hollow knight. The gameplay, the smoothness of the controls, but also the universe, the atmosphere, the fantastic music. Absolutely wonderful game.

  • Steam Summer Sale: Hidden Gem/ Recommendations thread
  • I'm a heartless monster who forgot about my brother so I could sit in my boat and gawk at my surroundings at sunset. Mileage may vary.

    It does have moments that stressed me out, but since I spent so much time exploring and taking screenshots, they're not what left the strongest memory.

  • Steam Summer Sale: Hidden Gem/ Recommendations thread
  • Not yet! I just grabbed the second one, actually, can't wait to play it!

  • Steam Summer Sale: Hidden Gem/ Recommendations thread
  • I fell in love with Submerged when I played it. It's an exploration game set in a flooded city, where you play a young girl looking for supplies for her injured brother. Lots of navigating between buildings in a little boat, climbing around, and taking in the scenery. Incredibly relaxing to play.

  • Steam Summer Sale!
  • Chrono Trigger is a must-play. Stellar game. I don't know how the PC port fares, though.

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news
  • Throwing into my "not necessarily reliable sources" list. Sorry about this, I'll be more careful in the future.

    I added "Misleading" to the title.

  • Your favorite farming/townie sims, and what makes them unique?
  • Summer in Mara was so cute!

    Have you tried Ankora: Lost Days and Stories of Mara, too? They're on my list and I'm curious about other people's opinions!

  • VIDEO : Scientists in Japan develop a wearable robot with 6 arms in a first step towards a cyborg future VIDEO : Scientists in Japan develop a wearable robot with 6 arms in a first step towards a cyborg future

    VIDEO : Masahiko Inami and his team at the University of Tokyo have created a wearable - and exchangeable - multi-armed device to explore the social interaction between multiple users of the robotic limbs.

    [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news
  • Thanks for this. I'll freely admit I'm an idiot and didn't feel smart enough to understand the paper (see username). Clarification is much welcome.

    I added the link to the paper to the body of the post.

  • Your favorite farming/townie sims, and what makes them unique?
  • Duly noted! Thanks for the advice!

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news
  • I think the young feel immune, and that they feel socially progressive news cannot be lies because "that is not what our side does, we have ethics".

    It's not true in practice, though. Fake news are used to sow division, and making people angry on both sides is part of it. The far-right, boomer fake news are more obvious because they are outlandish, but there's more than that out there.

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news
  • It is, and I feel the questions are quite obvious.

    That being said... I'm related to conspiracy theorists. I got a first-row seat to their dumbassery on facebook before I deleted my account. And... a significant issue was paywalled articles with clickbait titles, during Covid especially. The title was a doubt-inducing questions, such as "Do vaccines make you magnetic?" and the reasoning disproving that was locked behind the paywall. And my relatives used those as confirmation that their views were true. Because the headlines introduced doubt and the content wasn't readable. That and satire articles.

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news

    The immediate aim is to entertain, confuse, and overwhelm the audience, and disinterest in or opposition to fact-checking and accurate reporting means the propaganda can be delivered to the public more quickly than better sources.

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news
  • That's... That was true for me, I think. I'm old, didn't always have the internet, I trusted books and family.

    But I trusted books, which made me a bit of an alien in my family. And then I acquired extreme suspicion of everything when, at the same time, I started paying attention to far-right politics, and my family got sucked into far-right thinking.

    Now they went full Qanon, which pretty much radicalized me. Things are so emotionally charged for me now that I have to doubt and cross-check out of sheer and absolute spite. That shit robbed me of my family and I am so, so pissed.

  • It’s bots all the way down at kindle unlimited
  • Honest questions: What worthwhile alternatives exist already? If there are none, what can be done? What can be built to improve discoverability of authors while moderating what is visible?

  • Your favorite farming/townie sims, and what makes them unique?
  • With my track record at killing even cacti, I am going to suck at this game. It does sound interesting, though (and "great story" is enough to make me face the rice farming).

    It definitely sounds unique, which is exactly was I was hoping for when I made the post! Thank you!

  • [Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news

    University of Cambridge psychologists have developed the first validated "misinformation susceptibility test": a quick two-minute quiz that gives a solid indication of how vulnerable a person is to being duped by the kind of fabricated news that floods online spaces.

    First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news

    > Researchers want the public to test themselves: Selecting true or false against 20 headlines gives the user a set of scores and a "resilience" ranking that compares them to the wider U.S. population. It takes less than two minutes to complete.

    The paper

    Edit: the article might be misrepresenting the study and its findings, so it's worth checking the paper itself. (See @realChem 's comment in the thread).

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    See Photos of Gay Men in Love Dating Back to the 1850s
    Your favorite farming/townie sims, and what makes them unique?

    Pretty much the title. What games do you love and what makes them not stardew valley stand out ( be it gameplay quirks, storyline, minigames... ) ?

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