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Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • 1000002112

    Just kinda silly

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • well that's a domain

  • rule
  • thank you bowlcat

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Its all fun and games until a frog starts asking about your views on Ronald Reagan

  • NO-SHA rule
  • Rock and stone! Yeahh

  • Coomitter be like

  • oh god, it's me

  • i have visited 100 times without posting so i must post 100 times as penance (rule 1/100)
  • I'll take 10 mosquitoes over a single tick anytime

  • A font with an LLM embedded
  • hunter2

  • Of out hot eat the rule
  • I mean he's not wrong tho

  • Finger licking rule
  • almost heaven,
    pan virginia

  • what's your favorite kanban board?
  • We've been internally using the stock Forgejo (Gitea) one for about a year now, previous Nexcloud Deck, but it was a bit too buggy, and we didn't really need NC in the first place anyways.

  • Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • Don't mind my tipsy Friday rambling, but this is actually an interesting thing to think about. Kinda wonder how that would work, if it were to be real. Maybe there'd be a single centralized data broker, or we could choose from a list of vendors, like how sharing cookies works.
    Would it be per a specific amount of data, identifiable data, what if we just dumped 10 years of chats into it.

  • Rammenstein rule
  • und ich hab nichts gesagt 🤘🏻

  • Small rule
  • ah, viel dank!

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Thanks for the correction, appreciate it. Not sure it changes much though.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • With Discord in browser, you lose Krisp, RPC ipc socket support (aRPC might work, no clue), and from what I remember screensharing only worked with browser tab capture.
    Element will eat your RAM no matter where it's running. You could add it as a Nextcloud app to triple your RAM usage! Woo
    And you can't run Steam games without the Steam client running. That's how their DRM works. (Unless you use the goldberg steam emulator, which is a whole another thing to talk about)

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Such is the state of Electron.
    I'm slowly stopping to care about web apps, however the amount of shit Electron causes is through the roof. Discord, Element, Signal, even Steam is full of it, so you just end up having 8 different "programs" running with every single one using at least around 400MB of RAM.
    Can't wait to see something using Rust and Tauri. Graphite wink wink

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • The fact they even got DMs from at least one instance is crazy.

  • snugglebutt zoey

    Hey, I'm a 3D artist, bass player, and a bad programmer. I'm self-hosting everything I can, and have been using Linux since Ubuntu 14.04. (Arch btw exclusively since 2019) My first account on here was over at .ml about a year before the whole Reddit shtstorm. (@princesszelda, yoink)

    Posts 3
    Comments 77