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Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • Fuck being curious I guess.


    Want a kicker? I'm a Non-Binary/Bisexual individual. How about them apples?

  • MAGA then vs now.
  • The sad fact of the matter is, we are really leading ourselves into a cycle of repeated history. All that's missing is the declaration of what to do with the minority groups once a certain politcal party gets power. They've already got the dismantling of rights down. We're just waiting for the next announcement to be "THEY'LL BE ALL CARTED OFF INTO THESE ENCAMPMENT SITES! WE'RE GOING TO TURN PRISONS NOW INTO THE NEW GAS CHAMBERS! I DON'T REMEMBER A SINGLE THING OF A HOLOCAUST!"

    Because you know we're now dealing with generations that have people who're actively trying to whitewash that entire bit of history away or going to lengths to try and make it not as big of a deal as it really was.

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    Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • This 'preemptive' insult you call it, is basically knowing what's going to happen. I saw the downvotes incoming ahead of time. I knew people weren't going to take to it well because they saw it as an attack and did. Now, several responses back and forth between me and other people. I was right. You guys DID take it as an attack and you're all acting on it so. You decided at will to decipher it as an attack and here you all are defending yourselves, presenting all sorts of made-up arguments that weren't even made and assumptions of things that weren't even said to defend yourselves against.

    Call it foresight. If this question stood on it's own with no responses and none of me. SOMEONE would throw the first fucking stone, don't deny it, you know that it is true.

    Excuse me? That's quite a revision and again a twist of context that I swear I knew you'd pull to do. Wow, just wow. See what I mean? No you don't.

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    Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • No, I won't. Not for you. Not for anyone.

    Go ahead, play with your little internet toy you call a karma system. Only difference is, is that we're not Reddit so you cannot silence me by negating my 'karma' points. All you can do is just whine to someone to get something done.

    And even if I'm banned by whatever means, I will not shut up. You don't dictate my voice and you can kindly go fuck yourself for your ignorance.

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    Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • No because that's not the focal point of the question. For fuck sakes, it's responses like this, that demeans and just shits all over any honest questions that could be asked. You turn into this fictitious strawman of a scenario where you think people are asking you more than just the question I posted here. You're assuming people are going to be like that which, by the way, is ironically a stereotypical behavior in of itself.

    People could be asking things out of curiosity or sheer innocence. It's YOU being the one making it personal. Remember that - YOU.

    If a child ever asked the same question I just did from the title of this post, are you going to berate them the same? I sure as fuck hope you wouldn't.

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    Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • A'yup, people are going to turn and twist the context around to mean this as an attack. The freedom to talk about generally anything was a bygone era and it's becoming more and more apparent.

    Incoming responses next now of people jeering and telling me how much of an insensitive asshole that I am. rolls eyes Can't wait. Let's hear it. Bitch away.

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    Can someone take over KBin?
  • That's pretty much the idea. I don't want someone to take over KBin forcefully to make it their image. I just would've thought the admin had someone in mind to entrust to keep things should IRL get in his way. Which is looking to be the case. The admin can't be there for KBin right now and there's no one there to help maintain and keep it running.

    Worst case scenario is the admin's health worsens and KBin just becomes a husk of itself in due time.

  • Removed
    Can someone take over KBin?
  • I just registered to MBin. Hopefully it's the last place I'll have to register to. Because while I love the fediverse by it's design. Having to register so many accounts is getting me batty. We're already in an era of technology where nearly everything requires an account of some kind.

  • Should I stick to the Fediverse or mainstream media?
  • Like, for what? For news? For community engagement? This isn't AskReddit where you'll be nagged because you use the body to add to the post. I just don't know what you mean in what way with this question.

  • 'Dox the Jurors': Trump fans on a mission to make those who convicted him 'miserable'
  • If there was a God and if there was a Jesus, they'd be smoking these wanna-be christnots (new term I learned from somewhere) down to be smitten into all of the levels of hell in which they belong. Because if any of these fucknuts gave a single shred of care about their religion, they wouldn't be doing this.

    Just like all of them people who proclaim about how they're about Law, Order, Patriotism, Independency, Truth and all that. These people are the representation of the bastardization of all of these values because the values they hold, aren't universally applicable to the values everyone else agreed upon.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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