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Israel's spin about hospital massacre quickly comes apart
  • Alleged genocide? Hamas isnt even hiding that their biggest goal is to eradicate Israel and all Jews living there. They openly say it since they came into existence. Their goal in the war they started now was to kill as many people (doesnt matter if they were civilians or even foreigners) as possible. What is alleged here? Its all official.

    On the other hand, Israel's goal is to kill Hamas, not civilians (even if edgelords on the internet wont see it that way and will scream apartheid and genocide without even know what that means), but that's pretty hard to do when they're cowardly hiding behind children.

  • Israel Has Killed 6 Hamas Leaders in Gaza. It’s Killed More Than 800 Children.
  • I'm not saying that children should pay the price, nor am i supporting any kind of war against civilians. I'm just annoyed by the extreme one-sided news articles and comments here on lemmy to this complex matter.

  • I know this is not how dbzer0 works, but can you help me get cs 1.6 working on my linux system ?
  • You don't need to install wine. In Lutris you should set the wine version to the latest proton-ge (that's a wine fork for gaming). And also did you install the game via Lutris or wine? You should install it via lutris. I just did it once with a pirated game (NFS Most Wanted) and it worked just fine.

  • Is there somewhere a cracked Rocksmith+

    Hi yall, i wanted to ask if there's somewhere a cracked version of Rocksmith+ (the subscription based game, not the 2014 Version) or if something like that is even possible?

    My searches for it didn't yield any (trustworthy) results so far.

    FOSS alternatives for Teamviewer

    Currently I'm looking for a Teamviewer replacement. I think Rustdesk looks very promising.

    It would be important that the software runs on different platforms (Windows, Linux, Android) and is accessible via the cloud, because I also want to install it on my parents' PC, for example, and can't set up a VPN bridge or similar there.

    Do you have an opinion on the subject or a tip for me?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Sneaky Bastard
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