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Mike Johnson urged a religious test for politicians
  • There should be a religious test for politicians.

    If you're too religious, you should not be a politician

  • Matthew Perry dead at 54 in apparent drowning
  • i guess he's not a very good schwimmer

  • Fetterman calls rush to blame Israel for hospital blast ‘disturbing’
  • b) out of all the places to land, it lands precisely on top of a hospital in precisely a way that kills as many people as possible.

    didn't it land in a parking lot? in the pics of the npr article it was at least a building-length away from the hospital

  • PopSci doesn't understand difference between "far side" and "dark side" of the moon
  • There is no dark side in the moon, really

    Matter of fact, it's all dark

  • Space drugs factory denied reentry to Earth
  • Big Pharma is finding new ways of claiming your drugs really do cost $30,000 per dose

  • McConnell pledges to remain Senate GOP leader
  • “I’m going to finish my term as leader and.."

    { 47 seconds of silence }

    "I’m going to finish my Senate term,”

  • Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet
  • yep, radio telescopes send data this way, thats how SETI@home got the Arecibo data

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • No TV and no beer make Homer something something

  • Frankenstein
  • i loved it so much, i made my own!

  • Locked
    Comment search results don't show the community or post that the comment is part of
  • yes, but i feel i shouldn't have to click each one to find out the parent post title or community. Can these be listed as part of the search result?

  • Comment search results don't show the community or post that the comment is part of

    When I run a search, many comments come up but the link is just /comment/{number}. How do i get to the context, original post, or community that it was made in?

    havea seat
  • Your wife will complain that you never put it down

  • Reddit is getting rid of its Gold awards system
  • That would be Alemmynium in British English

  • Reddit is getting rid of its Gold awards system
  • I just went and gilded a bunch of fuck u/spez posts with gold I apparently had but never bought

  • The Webb telescope just offered a revelatory view of humanity’s distant past
  • Yes, if one of those stars blew up 389 years ago, we’d see it next year

  • The Webb telescope just offered a revelatory view of humanity’s distant past
  • 390 light years away

    As galactic scales go, that’s really close

  • smitty smitty
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    Comments 25