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What are your favourite 80s fantasy movies?
  • What power?

  • What are your favourite 80s fantasy movies?
  • What babe?

  • Looking for a book featuring an Agoraphobic
  • Possibly Skyward by Brandon Sanderson ...?(disclaimer: based on asking ChatGPT)

    Edit: aware that Brandon Sanderson is not female!!

  • Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Bernard and the Genie (1991, 480p) [Not Switzerland]

    The original Richard Curtis scripted, BBC produced film, starring Alan Cumming and Lenny Henry.

    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Area 51 Incident (2022, 720p)[Not Austria, Brunei, Switzerland, China, Germany, Japan or Taiwan]

    From the same producer as Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey

    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957, 360p)[unrestricted]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Whip It (2009, 720p) [Not Germany, Austria]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Space: Above and Beyond (TV Series, 1995, 1440p)[unrestricted]

    Not a film, but the link is for the full 24 episodes of the scifi TV series Space: Above and Beyond (they (should) just play in order)

    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Fifth Element (1997, 1080p) [unrestricted]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Ultramarines (2010, 1080p)[unrestricted]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    Battle Beyond the Stars (1980, 360p) [unrestricted]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    The Last Starfighter (1984, 720p) [Not USA, Canada]
    Full movies on YouTube SMFX
    [Request] Country Restrictions

    Would it be possible to add a note of any countries the movie is restricted to in the title bar (eg, USA only, or Not in UK, Japan etc)? Or at very least in the post body text?

    This is something that could help people from feeling frustated if they find a film here that they might want to watch, only to click and have the "this content is not available in your country" pop up appear.


    Why do cows wear bells?

    Because their horns don't work!

    A place to share your artwork, be it drawing, music, or something else! SMFX
    More WIP on the Base for My Mech Model smfx shared a post

    Another WIP of the base for my mech model. 'Metal' pieces sprayed with a dark metallic spray paint, masked off again randomly, so only patches of metallic paint are still visible and sprayed with consecutive layers of red primer, orange paint, grey paint, then white paint. Successive layers were m...

    smfx shared a post
    Pets do not significantly benefit the emotional health of owners with severe mental illness, study shows
  • A study of 170 people?!? That seems a little low as an n count to be drawing such sweeping conclusions from.

  • How do I save posts and unsave them?
  • I dont mind it, but I dont like things changing that I am used to (its an autistic thing), so the loss of the 'Save' marker threw me a little earlier. An adjustable setting would be great for this, maybe an either/or thing

  • How do I save posts and unsave them?
  • Ok, so it seems if you update to v0.10.9, we are back to the 'Save' button under the post instead of the swipe action... swipe still seems to work for me too

  • What was the last book you read?
  • Yeah, I just found it recently too

  • What was the last book you read?
  • Old Man's War by John Scalzi - not high literature by any means, but a fun read nonetheless. Currently reading the sequel, The Ghost Brigades, which is equally as fun :)

  • How do I save posts and unsave them?
  • I was in the same position this morning, after the last update.

    Swipe the post/comment to the left and it should save it.

  • Which meaningful and memorable quotes contained in a videogame can you recall?
  • 'All your base are belong to us'

  • New to DIY. Are multi tools recommended?
  • Ultimately, you know more about your situation than anyone else on here. Multitools can be a boon if you do not have access to any other tools, but they invariably are not as good as specialised tools - they are very much the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none in the tool world... I would still, if you are on a very strict budget, suggest you get some decent pliers, a decent set of screwdrivers, a hammer etc, rather than sink ~£100 into a good and usable multitool (if you buy a cheap, Chinese one, it may not last/hold up if you use it robustly).

  • A place to share your artwork, be it drawing, music, or something else! SMFX
    WIP Base for my Mech Model smfx shared a post

    Work in progress on the base for my mech model. I have tried to give the base an 'industrial wasteland' feel - broken machines, rubble etc. Diameter is 180mm. Cut out from 3mm MDF sheet, the offcuts being used to add height to the terrain on the base. I built up this rubble terrain using first s...

    smfx shared a post
    New to DIY. Are multi tools recommended?
  • Multitools do a multitude of things 'ok' - typically they will not be as good as a specialised tool, but in a pinch, if they are all you have to hand they will do just fine. If you are working at home, or in a workshop, I would suggest investing in the tools you need to do the jobs in hand and add to that tool kit as you need to.

  • My University Final Project

    Hope this is ok to post here!

    This is (one of) my university final projects - a starship, based on the style of 70s and 80s models (eg, Blake's 7, Red Dwarf, Alien, Star Wars etc), and meant to look somewhat like a dragonfly. It was designed from tip to tail in FreeCAD and printed on Elegoo Mars 2 and Voxelab Proxima 3D printers.

    A place to share your artwork, be it drawing, music, or something else! SMFX
    Preparation of the Mech I Designed/Printed

    Preparation of the mech I designed in FreeCAD, then printed on an Elegoo Mars 2. Pieces still need to be cleaned up a bit before being assembled, and I am not sure on the pose I want it to be in when finished (it is designed to be multi posable, not just to be assembled in one particular position). Also, no idea on a colour scheme as yet. Guess I will just wing it!

    I have more (close up) images if anyone is interested in them

    What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

    One is a very heavy animal, the other is a little lighter!

    If I fits, I sits...
  • To be honest, I have no idea - she is a mongrel mix (if that is the right term for a cat), no pedigree to refer back to... I have had cats in the past, however, with similar patterns that our vet has referred to as "silver marl" tabbies.

  • smfx SMFX

    Freelance model maker, sculptor, designer and 3D modeller.

    Also at

    Available for commissions.

    Visit my webstore:

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    Comments 13