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Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • @dinckelman @cyborganism after a lot of searching… upcoming wlroots 0.18 will have the necessary patch (linux-drm-syncobj-v1: new protocol)

  • Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • @dinckelman @cyborganism which wlroots version is ready for explicit sync, do you know?

  • Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version
  • @timewarp don’t know what you’re talking about, I love FOSS…

  • Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version
  • @timewarp ok, PGP … remember EFAIL… and all kinds of usability issues which inevitably lead to security issues by ‘wrong use’ at some point. And another *centralized* ‘web of trust’ (benign as it may be) is also not something I look forward to. O well, some genius will emerge at some point and deliver us 🥳 may he/she/it/them be FOSS-minded

  • Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version
  • @timewarp @Quill7513 The only real alternative IMHO is hosting your own mail server and *that* is no alternative at all, because big-tech will blacklist your server immediately… so Proton/Tuta are the lesser of all evils. If you have a true alternative I am listening.

  • The sidepanel in Thunar v4.18.8 is complete rubbish!
  • @airikr @Frellwit you will see that one can not uninstall Nemo from Linux Mint as it is tied to the distro’s WM/DM… but you can replace the default file manager (as you probably did). Thunar rocks!

  • sjosjo SPdevALK 🐘️ ☑️

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