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FriYay thread

Its Friday, we're nearly at the weekend.

Any good plans?

What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • I think we're past the beard phase in the UK. Which is good, I can't grow one.

  • What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • What's a shortall? Like shorts overalls?

  • What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • I can't remember the last time I wore a tie (oh, probably my brother's wedding). Don't bother for interviews or funerals now.

  • Thursday complaints

    It's Thursday, one of the worst days of the week. Not yet the weekend, but we're already tired.

    Come in and have a moan!

    Who here still wears a mask?
  • lol

  • Who here still wears a mask?
  • Depends on how often is too often. Personally, if I'm ill then I'm not going to work.

  • Who here still wears a mask?
  • I wear a mask to work if I’m sick but can’t call in

    This feels a very American answer.

  • What are you playing Wednesday

    What games are you playing, Lemmy? Board, video, or mobile - what have you been doing and should we play it too?

    TV & Tunes Tuesday

    Thread for TV, film and music recommendations! What have you been feeding into your eyes and ears recently? What have we missed and should know about?

    Liftoff. Lemmy app. Do you like the way it works now?
  • Not a developer, just pure interest as a user

    I missed this before

  • Liftoff. Lemmy app. Do you like the way it works now?
  • Does it / will it have mod tools available? The only way I've found so far to access the mod inbox, pin threads etc is through the Lemmy website

  • what movie/show made you think "WTF did I just watch?"
  • The Lobster was pretty out there.

  • New Lemmy instance not federating
  • Hey,

    thanks for everything you do. Here's what I see this morning. I'm not sure if its totally a lemmy issue, as my instance server needs to be restarted most days at the moment, so may be causing the issues.

    This is what I see this morning on the ! home page

  • Is it normal to be constantly afraid of government?
  • Live in the UK, and I feel the same. Being afraid of the government seems a very US specific thing (at least in first world countries). But having visited the US, they're generally living in fear more than Europe. Bars on everyone's houses (or gates on communities). Constant worry about home invasion. Its another level compared to here.

  • Complaints Thursday

    Anything got your goat this week? Come in and share the load, you'll feel better.

    Is impersonation a possible problem in the fediverse?
  • Instance is shown if it's different to the one you're on. I can see your instance is

  • New Lemmy instance not federating

    Hi all,

    I've set up my own Lemmy instance (using @ubergeek77's Easy Deploy script) on an Oracle Cloud free tier. I can sign in, and have added communities from other instances.

    I'm seeing new posts from, but not from Does it take days to do an initial sync (my instance was created on Thursday)? Is just too overloaded?


    How many lemmy instances have you signed up for?
  • This is my experience too, fast to post but missing lots of content

  • Monday morning chat

    Welcome to a brand new week, and welcome to all Reddit refugees.

    What's everyone up to this week? Looks like it's going to be a rainy one so at least the gardens will be happy.

    Casual Sunday

    Good morning, new users and veterans alike!

    First time here after the Reddit exodus? Welcome! Come in and say hi.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • No country for old men. I get that it's supposed to be bleak and not resolve at the end. I still hate that it's bleak and doesn't resolve at the end. I didn't really get the "amazingness" of the coin flip scene either.

    I also thought Blade Runner was ok, but the whole "tears in the rain" monologue is so hyped on the internet that it was a bit meh when it actually happened.

  • Saturday chat thread

    I've woken up with pain though my shoulders, must have slept funny. Getting older and waking up uncomfortable is rubbish.

    What's happening, dudes? I'm looking forward to taking the little man to a burger restaurant tomorrow that I've been trying to go to for ages. Yay for burgers.

    Friday Thread

    Just one more day to get through before the weekend. Keeping a low profile, or have a full day of meetings?

    What are you looking forward to doing at the weekend?

    Having trouble deploying Lemmy? Try my new script! Get up and running in minutes!
  • Hey, I'm trying this on an Aarm64 instance and the script says it only works on v0.17.4. Is there a plan to update to 0.18?

    EDIT: the script fails for 0.17.4 here:

    => ERROR [lemmy builder 6/7] RUN cargo build --release 1183.5s

    Build timer continues but CPU usage drops off. Any ideas where I've gone wrong?

  • Thursday Complaints

    Something not going right this week? Air conditioning too cold or non-existant?

    Come in and get it off your chest

    What's the best movie you've seen this month?
  • Why? Top gun got a sequel after nearly forty years.

  • What are you playing?

    Board, card, or video games - what's being played this week?

    Wednesday wins

    What's going right this week? Something you need to celebrate, or just found a Charlie Bighams ready meal with a yellow sticker?

    Let us know, and bask in your fortune!

    TV Tuesday

    Glued to Glastonbury? Binged all episodes of Sharpe?

    Let us know what you've been watching this week, and what we should get into.

    Monday morning thread

    Monday's round again, and back to work for some of us.

    I'm back to an air conditioned office, which will be lovely. It's just a shame it's at work. Anything planned for this week?

    Saturday shenanigans

    Saturday chat thread.

    What's happening today? The sun's out, we're off to the beach. Have a good one, all

    Finally Friday - chat thread

    Friday is here again, its nearly the weekend. Any fun plans, going out out or staying in?

    Thursday moans thread

    Need to get something off your chest? Let it out here.

    Any gamers on here? What are you playing?

    Gaming thread! What have you been playing recently?

    Tears of the Kingdom? Diablo IV? Duke Nukem?

    1000 subscribers!

    Wow, welcome everyone to the community.

    What would people like to see ongoing? The daily threads are good, does anyone have ideas for what topics or do you want to mirror the CasualUK standards?

    Also, please cast your (up)vote in Sun-Spider's Icon thread here:

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    Posts 20
    Comments 20