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It's Rulesday
  • Ok fed, you want me to believe that pluto isn't a planet too? That they don't just move shit around really fast when you take the elevator to a new floor? Nice try sweaty, this dog has a thesis on Thursday.

  • Rulesday Dog is Eepy Today

    I Rulesday Dog will be taking a break today, he is very eepy. That is all.

    pangram rule
  • As I've said before. Quick brown fox is chill and comforting, like a pleasant autumn day at the park or perhaps a forest. Sphinx of black quartz is objectively a million times nerd shit and uncool. It tries too hard to be cool. Like a mom or dad trying to use the new slang that the kids have been throwing around. And because they don't know how to use it, the slang is made to be out of place, uncool. Maybe if it was in the midst of some great, terrible, perilous story of bravery and heroics - a choice line said when it was most needed - it would be amongst good company. But it's not. It's just a sentence used to display the letters of the alphabet. So diluted and stale. Through this constant repetition, this constant exposure, it has lost potency. Venom in blood so carefuly exposed a hundred fold as to experience no symptom. But Quick Brown fox suffers no ill side effect, because it was bred for this purpose. It knows what it has been made to do and does it with pleasure.

    Thanks for reading.

  • What is the stupidest school rule you've ever had to deal with?
  • HOLY SHIT! Mine had the same stupid-ass rule! It was the mid 2000s for me, and I managed to get myself in trouble ONCE. The yard duties told me that I had to spend the rest of my lunch in the multipurpose room instead of getting to leave for recess. And you know what I did? I sure as hell didn't stay. I snuck out as discretely as I could because even at my small age, I knew that rule was bullshit. Never got caught, but I'm still salty that I even got in trouble in the first place. Thanks for reading.

  • My strawberry leaves have black discolorations?
  • I'd like to think it's just bruising, but that might just be me not wanting to find out it's fungal. I'm in socal, and we did have lots of windy days this last month so I'd say it's reasonable. I did also notice that it's only on some leaves, and there are 1 or 2 plants that don't seem to be affected.

    Edit: On second look, I see what is very obviously fungal infection on my other set of strawberries. I'm gonna look into fungal treatments.

  • My strawberry leaves have black discolorations?

    This is my first time growing strawberries, and one set of plants has been thriving, but this set has these black discolorations and seems to be stunted. No discoloration on the bottom of the leaves, and some of the ones with these spots have folded inward and feel papery. What's going on and how can I treat this? Both plant sets receive basically the same care.

  • The Exodus looks beautiful! Speaking of the Sony's, he also recommended me those for clean sound. I technically do have the money to buy, but I can't justify another pair of headphones right now. It's a shame you couldn't take your collection. Thank you, too!

  • Deleted
  • Holy shit headphones!

    A buddy at work got me onto the craze, maybe not $1000 range, but def in the hundreds. I used to have a pair of grados I modded to be detachable (they were later stolen :(.. ). Based on those he recommended me Fostex T50rps, which are currently my big daddy, pure enjoyment headphones. I modded those for greater comfort and sound, and I love them to death. He was also generous enough to give me a pair of tinhfi earbuds, I love those for crystal clear audio. And relevant to the first pic, my sister got me portapros for christmas, and I absolutely adore them for everyday use. And the retro design just sends it that much higher. I also modded them to have detachable cables, couldn't do with the flimsy ones they came with. I also ended up getting a DAP, which wasn't too necessary, but I couldn't pass on the aesthetic of just having a player on my desk with the album art always showing. Just trying to grow my FLAC collection now, God I love music.

    Just had to gush a little. Thanks for reading.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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