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Why aren't people having kids anymore?
  • My parents showed me through their actions that having kids is a fucking nightmare.

    I learned from their mistakes, and I'm breaking the cycle. So far, my brother/sister in law are in the same boat.

  • The Mac vs. PC war is back on?
  • For me, it was wake on LAN that Windows just kept sucking at. Leave the computer, it goes to sleep. Wake up the next morning, head into my office, computer is wide fucking awake and the whole room is warm...

  • Like The Animatrix? Have you watched Robot Carnival?
  • I miss this kinda "dirty" animation, like Disney had before going full CG. Even TV animation is just so, overly clean?

    I guess i miss the art style where you could tell that a human hand drew, and colored, the animation cell. Now it's draw on a computer, clean up the lines, make every line the same thickness, color it in with the bucket tool, no artistic flair, yawn...


  • what do you all do for money?
  • I started working as a stock-boy in the grocery section of a certain chain of supermarkets that archers love, and I woke up every day absolutely dreading it. Nothing but the Musak blasting in an empty store, and my thoughts. Half the lights were off since my shift started at 5am, and you can usually find the place where something goes by sight. Absolutely hated it! And the worst part, no headphones. Ever. Even if the store isn't open, it's a safety thing...

    Anyway, I started getting called over to the online ordering side to help them catch up with the order online, drive up and we'll run out with your order. So far, I've only done the pulls; going out and grabbing products, bagging and storing them in the appropriate temperature, do another run. It keeps my mind occupied, and I'm not alone in an aisle for hours on end.

    Time flys, I basically shop for things from a list, and at the end I get a fun "Job Completed" chime that releases juuust enough dopamine to make hours feel like minutes.

  • Let's gloat a little, What makes Lemmy/Mastodon/KBin/BlueSky and the Fediverse better than Facebook/Reddit/Twitter?
  • Ah the pre every-device-you-own-has-Wi-Fi Internet.

    You had to work to be online, and for me, it was timed (my parents installed Cyber Patrol, but didn't change the disable-for-an-hour password). You got on, got what you needed, like the Ghostbusters theme midi, and you got the hell off.

    The plus/minus side of Lemmy is that it's easy to reach the "end", when you start seeing things from the last time you browse. So you get off your phone, and waste a few hours on Factorio.

  • I actually prefer Δ8 to smoking a joint
  • Yeah, same. I just don't have the time to carve out multiple hours getting high. With ∆8, I can take a hit before getting in the shower, and I'm basically sober when I head off to work.

  • Dead Internet Theory is Correct in More Ways Than One
  • There's a new Kids In The Hall season out on Amazon, and within 5 minutes of the first episode, two main characters are balls-out nude.

    I wanted to see if it was a prosthetic, or aue naturale, so I googled "Kids In The Hall nude scene" for some behind the scenes info...

    You can imagine my shock when that warning popped up, and fair enough too...

  • What do you miss from the old internet?
  • Every damn time i go to a fandom page, I have to wait a few seconds for the content to quit dancing around as it loads in whatever fandom garbage loads. We have height and width attributes for a reason!

  • What is something that 2020s kids will never get to experience?
  • One of my friend/couple sent me a friend request for their newborn... Like, dude, I was willing to get a TDAP/LDAP booster so I wouldn't kill your newborn, but I'm not going to friend them on Facebook/insta...

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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