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Wife just gave birth, this is my life now
  • Fortunately we got a lot of hand-me-downs from friends. The one kicker is no matter what trick I use, the little guy loves to find just the right time to pee on me during the diaper change process

  • What movie or show you didn't know was THAT good until you watched it?
  • I loved the show and definitely agree with you about season 3. I joked with my wife that "they screwed up and made the sports show about sports." Too much focus on the game, not enough on the character development/themes they explored more in seasons 1 and 2

  • YSK: Pro Publica has a tool that lets you request documentation of why your health insurer denied your claim
  • Wow what timing. Struggling to get a claim approved with Anthem for a service they've been approving routinely all year. None of their customer service people can help me and I've been on the phone for the past 3 hours. Insurance companies are miserable.

  • Option for "hide" posts

    Is there any interest for the option to "hide" posts? I used it all the time when I was on reddit and would love to see it added here. The feature was always helpful to keep the homepage clear of posts I've already read.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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