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WIBTA for telling a friend her husband makes me uncomfortable?
  • Definitely NTA; If, I'm being honest, I'd avoid them at all costs due to them breaking boundaries. I'd say it would have been best to let them understand that y'all, as a vanilla couple, have boundaries, as well

  • Why do they keep making new languages
  • Thanks for the laugh šŸ˜­

  • AITA for not waiting to redecorate, even if it upsets my trans cousin?
  • NTA - You were given the house by your grandmother. I don't necessarily think your choices lead to you being transphobic. A respectable conversation should've happened. Agreeing to disagree isn't a bad thing, but I understand that we now live in a very polarizing society due to technology and herd mentality.

  • Why Anime Fans Should Care About the Hollywood Strike
  • It's likely major corporations working with government that create blockades for multi-union strikes tbf. History tends to be that way in many cases. Money speaks larger than ethics or words ever could overall.

  • AITA Am i (46m) the asshole for kicking out my son (21)
  • This is a phenomenal reply šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  • shaqsloth shaqsloth
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