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Suggest unto me a new FOSS operating system
  • It's even better with flakes. I barely touched the surface but I just run nix run . boot all and rebuilds all systems with the same build / versions. This the run . Part executes a python script that loops through each host and runs nixos-rebuild. I run my k3s cluster with it.

  • Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles
  • Chinese are already doing that. They are way above and beyond in the advancements and got the cheap labor. It's why we don't see them it would kill the automobile industry. I'm sure they have lacking safety standards too compared to other countries, but I'm sure they'd patch that up to sell them. I read they got EVs under $30k and they have the first consumer.EV with a sodium battery; this means it's more environmental friendly since it has no lithium, it doesn't have the issue with cold weather causing lower efficiency, and it's cheaper to make.

  • Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles
  • I'm doing about 52 miles a day in an EV that costs me $0.90-$1.20 a day depending on the temperature. Including other fees from power company is based off use it's technically double so $1.80 to $2.40. Let me know where you are getting gas that cheap for ~2 gallons and I'll go fill up for my mower please!

  • Fediverse Apps on Kubernetes?
  • Nah not a requirement. I think like 3 months or so after the reddit API shutdown. Big instances got local AI models to detect it and Lemmy server now supports disabling caching other instances so I'd probably disable that if I ever enable it again haha

  • Fediverse Apps on Kubernetes?
  • I got all my yaml files source controlled privately right now but I can share if you want them. I disabled Pictrs around the time of CSAM attacks and have yet to bother enabling it again haha

  • Fediverse Apps on Kubernetes?
  • Yeah I want to switch when other implementations catch up. Unfortunately I think that will be some more time especially since you can't migrate from synapse and have to start from fresh. One day though!

    I did the same for Lemmy at one point then found out all the configs are mapped to environment variables my convention. My Lemmy setup is the most advanced, but it has HA postgres, and all of its modules separated and HA. The proxy setup for it in k8s was rough but I eventually got it working directly on ingress-nginx too.

  • Fediverse Apps on Kubernetes?
  • Yeah it's a bit of work sometimes. Synapse matrix kinda sucks too their philosophy of no environment variables for secrets. I ended up making an init container that hijacks my config map and I jet's the environment variables into the config

  • Fediverse Apps on Kubernetes?
  • Using different federation protocol, but matrix wservers ould be the other big one.

    Edit you also mentioned trouble creating them. I suggest looking into operator hub and using operators for postgres and redis and auth (keycloak?). This can get you down in the rabbit hole for making everything highly available too.

  • What's a good budget home server?
  • Server CPUs are built for the workload (hosting / background services) rather than desktop applications for consumer PCs. That being said generally your going to be more limited in disk / ram than CPU unless if you have some specific needs.

    In my setup, my server resources are averaging 10% cpu, 54% memory, and ~70% storage. I'm running 4 PCs, 8 cores each so 32 cores, currently on memory I got 2x64GB and 2x16GB so 160GB ram. Between CPU and RAM I am utilizing basically 3.2 cores worth of processing and 86GB of ram. Most of my ram is going to postgres databases for speed improvement and it takes off load from the CPU.

  • What's a good budget home server?
  • I am not the best at estimating power usage but like I said depends on the configuration it has. That's just CPU, not including powering everything else so it's idle load will be higher. RAM, disks, type of disk, amount of disks, GPU or other PCI cards, etc every additional component adds to the idle watt usage.

  • What's a good budget home server?

    Got a 490W or 650W PSU. Looks like the CPU is probably around 9-10 years. I'd say probably not much. I bet it's idling would be around 120-200W depending on # of disks, disk type, and if your using the PCI slots.

    For reference I'm running 4 Intel NUC11i7s, $400/unit bare metal, 64GB ram (2x32) $120-$130, and the most expensive part is the flash storage I am buying to fit my needs. Power on these are like 10W idle and max is like 60W each when using turbo.

  • Google Pixel Fold shipments delayed — now as late as July 7 Google Pixel Fold shipments delayed — now as late as July 7

    Google may have underestimated demand for the Pixel Fold as shipping dates appear to have slipped to between July 3 and July 7.

    Mine went from an email "Congratulations your order is being processed!" On June 22 to delayed with estimated ship date June 28th - July 5th. What's everyone else that pre-ordered looking like?

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