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GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Ah, the classic reverse uno card. Making flies into elephants and elephants into flies. I don't see you able to really engage with event scenarios or facts without applying this or that label to it. Us. vs. Them thinking. Get out of that habit. Truly intelligent people don't need labels to describe people or situation. There are plenty enough words in the English language to describe people in a host of more colorful and derogatory language than Christian, conservative, and neo-nazi, which are all apparently the same thing to you. lol. Good day to you kiddo.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • I'm not defending them, or even denying their existence. I'm just not focused on making elephants out of flies. The reason I say such is, woke liberals have all but lost any real claim to credibility in characterizing their opposition because it's become fashionable for them lately to reduce everyone to some variant of Christian scum, no matter their political or religious association. Any form of disagreement is viewed through a distinctively conservative or Christian lens. And that's what makes your thinking us vs them. You can't even recognize proper, well reason and religiously independent opposition to your flawed ideologies because even the originators of that quackpot theory could not stand to hear it. Which is why they adopted the very rhetoric you're using now. Deny. Deflect. Shame. Decry. When I say your brainwashing is severe, I mean, you are so deep in your brainwashing, you are incapable of seeing how you've been brainwashed. Go read r/detrans or something. ~~Jesus. ~~ Oops. I mean Jeebus. 🤡 😜

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Not true. Your need to apply labels where they don't actually fit is telling of your youth. You cannot see the world in the nuances that it exists. It's always us vs them. You are your own worst enemies.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • False take. Calling anyone who is white and male, "right-wring" is sort of the go-to for transactivists and their often louder "allies." But it's always the transtactic that when faced with a particularly damning fact or allegation, you must attempt to deflect it with all sorts of whataboutisms, and when that fails, to simply make elephants into flies and handwave it away like it was never really a big deal. Look, you are probably pretty young, liberal minded and in college. Virtue signaling the way a good woke academic indoctrination mill wants you to. But until you put your thinking cap on, you are not going to see or think clearly. Especially if your defacto response to any kind of alarming information is to pick a side, or dig your heels in even further. But also, villifying people as must belonging to some conservative or Christian faction because they are the only ones who could possibly be opposed to the evils being perpetuated is sort of laughable and shows how disconnected you are from reality. I don't need to be a conservative Christian to agree that mutilating children is wrong.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • No. And I know that isn't the case because I was a part of that conversation when that was the focus of the conversation. Yes we had rightful pushback from conservatives. And you know what? We understood. We got that marriage was their institution, but gays wanted the benefits that other married couples got to enjoy too, without imposing on their religious beliefs. It was a tough fight all over the world, and fair minded conservatives did see reason enough to draw distinctions between general marriage, civil unions, partnerships and a host of other kinds of relationships that fall outside of normative Christian values.

    In many of the places and states in which such legal unions were secured, there were over a subsequent number of years more and more public support for just legalizing gay marriage altogether. For conservatives this was sort of a slap because many thought they had made it clear that marriage was their institution, and in some ways they were right to feel that way, but also they needed to recognize the ways in which marriage had evolved outside of their institution.

    This is not the same thing happening with transactivism today. They are using the guise of equality and compassion to mask a much more sinister agenda. And if you aren't capable of seeing that yet, then we are not on the same page.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Well, if I understand correctly, trans people themselves were statistically insignificant, and thus not worthy of serious discussion or attention in the past right? Why is it now you are saying that the statistical insignificance has no bearing? I get that you think you are engaged in reasoned discussion, and while many of your points sound good to virtue signal with, they make very little sense both in practice, and within any kind of real world guidance system. In short, none of your views will connect with on another because they all depend on fundamentally flawed but primarily feel good driven premise. You think you're doing good because you are doing what you think is a contribution to supporting human rights, when in fact, you have been deceived into supporting unmaginable amounts of evil, sacrificing children, all in the name of, and at the altar of "equality." Mutilating children is affirmative and compassionate care, right?

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • First, I don't believe in trans people. It's a made up word to describe a mental illness. Some of us still remember our history. Far enough back to tell you that gender began with a noted pedophile by the name of John Money, who is touted as something of a hero in the transcommunity today. His work? Forced sex change and forcing kids to perform sexual acts on each other, for science, of course.

    Look, just because information is upsetting, hurtful, or casts people in a deservedly very poor light, doesn't mean the information is bad, or even suspect. It just means you need to get your head on straight. Which is a tall ask for these days for liberals, but, for the sake of us all, you must try.

  • Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
  • You actually have no idea what you are talking. I know you think you do. But you don't. You think because you tune into Fox news, and maybe even read a couple 4chan threads, googled QAnon conspiracis, that you understand what's going on. But you actually don't. And here's how I know you don't. You're still focused on Trump. If you had any idea of what was really going on, Trump would be the least and last of our worries. And may in fact, be the thing we actually need. That I am an independent saying that, is probably one of the most bizarre and downright insensible things I would have accused myself of saying 2 years ago. I've gotten wiser to what's going on since. And so should you.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Yes, that's sort of why latearrival LGBs are now also getting on board with #droptheT movements. What many thought was a show for solidarity, and many were well intentioned, but, did not know the evil that was hiding in their midst under the guise of illness and victimhood, on the platform of equality.

    In short, it's exactly because we know "they're coming for us next," that many gay people no longer want to be associated with transactivism or trans people, period. They are seeing how the effects of transactivist populations are UNDOING decades of civil rights struggles by LGBs. And though you will undoubtedly try to present some mitigating factor, gay rights were secure and becoming more accepted even in places that held long religious bans. That is, until transactivism and groomer madness arrived.

    So yes. We about droppin that T.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Questionable numbers. Questionable take. See, it's easy to know who the angry trans kids are, because they announce themselves shortly before going on a shooting spree. White Christian males... like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris? What you think anyone who is white and goes shooting is a devout Christian? That's how brainwashed you are?

  • Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
  • eh, that still reads very much like a propaganda take. Americans need to stop getting their news from fedoutlets and MSM. Even the progressives who were generally more independent minded and harder to sway are becoming incapable of seeing what's actually going on.

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    GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • And yet that is how democracies work. So if you aren't for a democracy, what are you for? /eyeroll

    edit: this is why this place will become another reddit. Many of you are still redditors at heart. You claim to be antifascists, but are in fact the fascists and don't even know it. Hoodwinked, the lot of you.

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