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Ermittlungen gegen Pädokriminelle - o2-Kunden zeitweise überwacht
  • Mit solcher Art von Überwachung gehe ich tatsächlich konform: Anlassbezogen, mit Beweisen begründet, zeitlich und räumlich (hinreichend) begrenzt und die Daten aller, die letztlich nicht betroffen waren, wurden umgehend vernichtet.

  • Fehlende Post-Filialen: Schlechter geht's eh nicht
  • Nicht selten überkommen den Zecher auf der Bank vorm Spätverkauf nach dem vierten Sterni nostalgische Gelüste, einen handschriftlichen Brief zu verfassen. Einen Liebesbrief. So wie früher. Die Angebetete ahnt noch nichts von ihrem Glück, denn sie kennt mich (noch) nicht. Umso größer wird die Freude sein.

    Das klingt so, als ob da jemand ganz, ganz dringend Hilfe braucht...

  • Featured
    Aloha - Montag-Laberfaden
  • Gestern Root gespielt mit Freunden (danke fürs Fragen, durch dich hab ich rausgefunden, dass wieder neue deutsche Erweiterungen draußen sind!). Die Maulwürfe gehören generft, aber sowas von.

  • ‘Indescribable’ crew errors led to UK tech mogul’s shipwreck, yacht maker says
  • Who built Thebes of the seven gates?
    In the books you will find the names of kings.
    Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
    And Babylon, many times demolished
    Who raised it up so many times? In what houses
    of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?
    Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished
    Did the masons go? Great Rome
    Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom
    Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song
    Only palaces for its inhabitans? Even in fabled Atlantis
    The night the ocean engulfed it
    The drowning still bawled for their slaves.

    The young Alexander conquered India.
    Was he alone?
    Caesar beat the Gauls.
    Did he not have even a cook with him?

    Philip of Spain wept when his armada
    Went down. Was he the only one to weep?
    Frederick the Second won the Seven Year's War. Who Else won it?

    Every page a victory.
    Who cooked the feast for the victors?
    Every ten years a great man?
    Who paid the bill?

    So many reports.
    So many questions.

    -- Bertold Brecht, Questions from a worker who reads

  • Diesel-Async 0.5.0 released, with SQLite support Release Diesel-Async 0.5.0 · weiznich/diesel_async

    Added type diesel_async::pooled_connection::mobc::PooledConnection MySQL/MariaDB now use CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS capability to allow consistent behaviour with PostgreSQL regarding return value of UPDATe ...

    Release Diesel-Async 0.5.0 · weiznich/diesel_async

    > - Added type diesel_async::pooled_connection::mobc::PooledConnection > - MySQL/MariaDB now use CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS capability to allow consistent behaviour with PostgreSQL regarding return value of UPDATe commands. > - The minimal supported rust version is now 1.78.0 > - Add a SyncConnectionWrapper type that turns a sync connection into an async one. This enables SQLite support for diesel-async > - Add support for diesel::connection::Instrumentation to support logging and other instrumentation for any of the provided connection impls. > - Bump minimal supported mysql_async version to 0.34 > > A special thanks goes to @momobel and Wattsense for contributing the SyncConnectionWrapper implementation. > > To support future development efforts, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub. > > Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

    diesel_async 0.5 released, with SQlite support Release Diesel-Async 0.5.0 · weiznich/diesel_async

    Added type diesel_async::pooled_connection::mobc::PooledConnection MySQL/MariaDB now use CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS capability to allow consistent behaviour with PostgreSQL regarding return value of UPDATe ...

    Release Diesel-Async 0.5.0 · weiznich/diesel_async

    > - Added type diesel_async::pooled_connection::mobc::PooledConnection > - MySQL/MariaDB now use CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS capability to allow consistent behaviour with PostgreSQL regarding return value of UPDATe commands. > - The minimal supported rust version is now 1.78.0 > - Add a SyncConnectionWrapper type that turns a sync connection into an async one. This enables SQLite support for diesel-async > - Add support for diesel::connection::Instrumentation to support logging and other instrumentation for any of the provided connection impls. > - Bump minimal supported mysql_async version to 0.34 > > A special thanks goes to @momobel and Wattsense for contributing the SyncConnectionWrapper implementation. > > To support future development efforts, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub. > > Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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