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my friend just got laid off. please share memes about how much capitalism sucks
  • I'm just here for that bangin' pizza party. I don't need to actually feed my kids.

  • Yo comrades, 2024 is near us, Whats Ya'll going to do next year ?
  • I plan on getting a job after a year or so of unemployment, like it for a few months, then hate it, get burnt out, and get fired after 1.5 years. So, you know, the usual.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • It sucks. I ended up emailing him after I saw your comment and they did say that a few people had to reschedule so no decision yet.

  • Capitalism breeds innovation
  • Innovation is 27 canned soup brands all owned by the same company and the "healthy" or vegan options cost 50-100% more.

    Innovation is 15 different brands of phones that all run some half baked glitchy version of Android that loses half its battery charge life after 2 years so you have to buy a new one. But the Google Pixel is now on sale for $899.

    Innovation is Voltwagon paying to fudge their emissions test because fuck the planet they got shareholders to please. They could be spending money on clean energy technology instead but yeah...

    Innovation is DRM-based streaming services that all have the same slop but Netflix has cool shows they cancel after 2 seasons because altho they are really cool for the niche audience, they didn't bring in a gorbillion viewers.

    I'll add more if I think of any.

  • Which horror/scary movies do you recommend for today? Here's a tier list of everything I watched
  • We have Bone and All scheduled for tonight and gonna play catch up with Scream 6 and Final Destination 5 later this week since our marathon got screwed up after we bought Borderlands 3 lol.

    If you haven't watched it, Bones and All is a pretty original take on cannibalism, as a metaphor for addiction.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • I have not. I just sent a follow up email but I've been at this for a while so can pretty much assume I didn't get it.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
  • Prairie makes a colab with Evil Twin(I think) called Bible Belt that is one of the best stouts I've ever had. It's boozy AF and pricy but if you haven't tried it, seek it out.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
  • I'm a craft beer nerd. I'm huge into IPAs but can agree that the market has become oversaturated. But I genuinely like most other styles as well.

    I've recently gotten back into a red wine kick after finding out that Ménage à Trois is vegan so yay for cheap but good wine that isn't filtered with animal parts.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • Happy birthday homie.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 44
  • Had one of the best interviews in my time as a wage slave last week and really felt like I hit it out of the park. They said I'd know on Friday. Well here it is Monday and still donno. Should I keep holding out or just blow my brains out now get it over with?

    On a more cheerful note, I'm finally starting my dive into non-ML leftist theory and started Anarchy Works by peter Gelderloos and it's been a pretty enjoyable read. The format is basically Idea, historical example, and synthesis of ideas with praxis for each chapter. But it's clear and easy to digest. I'm 1/4 in and started Saturday and that with barely any time to read and I'm not a fast reader normally.

    I'm pretty sure I'm definitely not an anarchist but I like that I am developing a fuller understanding of the concepts. I do like the idea of little pocket anarchist communities popping up all the time tho because even if they never last, it does show that humans can still be communal for at least a moment.

    Might take a sidestreet after this book and read up on syndicalism since that's also piqued my interest recently.

  • What topics have you taken a 180° turn on?
  • I do have a few buttons on my hat that are sort of "if you know, you know". I have the Anarchist black flag, an AnCom flag, and a Anarcha-feminism flag button.

    But I also have a button that says "All Cats Are Beautiful" and no one has picked up on it being an allusion to ACAB.

    I forgot to look up the Disco Elysium symbol until just now and yeah, I can see that definitely working lol.

  • What topics have you taken a 180° turn on?
  • I def still need to play Disco Elysium.

    I only have one tattoo and it's Hunter Thompson's initials on my wrist. I'm a fan of his work and it's sort of a reminder to me to stay weird.

    It hurt and I was like "never getting one again" but now I'm considering getting an ASD infinity symbol somewhere noticable but out of the way. I don't know if I'd ever get anything that showed my political affiliations but I guess to be fair. To my edgy ass brother, at the time anarchy meant something not related to actual theory. I doubt he even knows that there is anarchist theory.

  • What topics have you taken a 180° turn on?
  • My brother legit has an A tattoo on his arm and now he's a chud libertarian/fascist.

  • Locked
    [CW: chaser username] Hexbear: Not pro-LGBTQ+, the Israel of Lemmy instances
  • The "pretending to be pro-LGBTQ+ just to get more commies" narrative about y'all will never not be fucking hilarious to me.

  • Locked
    (Cw: Meat) Just 12% of people eat 50% of the beef in the US.
  • I'll check it out. I've tried freeze and thaw and it came close but not quite. I think I'm asking Santa for a tofu press for Xmas tho because right now I'm using a few plates and cans of veggies or my bullet mixer for a weight and it's not quite working lol.

  • Colin Powell holding up scary evidence at the UN
  • I have a newfound level of hatred for this man after season 1 of Blowback.

  • Locked
    (Cw: Meat) Just 12% of people eat 50% of the beef in the US.
  • I'm gonna watch this when I get a chance. Probably won't have time today. But thanks. I really wanna get my tofu game down. It's always mush when I'm done with it lol.

  • Locked
    (Cw: Meat) Just 12% of people eat 50% of the beef in the US.
  • I'll have to look into a used oil and a dredge Tupperware solution. I never really thought I'd be a tofu person in the first place but it's just so cheap.

  • Locked
    (Cw: Meat) Just 12% of people eat 50% of the beef in the US.
  • I can try this! With the bread crumbs I bet it would work great with sauces and such. Dang now I wanna do sweet and sour tofu lol.

  • Locked
    (Cw: Meat) Just 12% of people eat 50% of the beef in the US.
  • Will do. When I've done corn starch in the past, the recipes all said to toss it ina bag with the tofu and spices and let it set. I can try marinade and toss right before for sure.

  • Morning Star Breakfast Sausage LInks Are Not Vegan - looking for suggestions

    Basically the title. I made waffles on Sunday and grabbed the remainder of my already opened and partially consumed package of Morning Star sausages and ended up reading the ingredients. Discovered they have milk and egg in them... Lesson learned again that plant-based doesn't mean vegan. So now I am shopping around. I'm sad because they were cheaper than others and tasted good.

    So what are your gotos for breakfast sausage-substitutes?

    PS: I did see an article that they are in the process of going full vegan but that was from a few years ago.

    Edit: Thanks for recs so far. I'm gonna go look at the ingreds of my other Morning Star stuff because now I'm scared lol

    We Just need to vote harder!

    Shamelessly stolen from reddit 💀 💀

    what is everyone's thoughts on Cornell West running for US President?

    I haven't looked much into him yet but he checks a lot of good boxes.

    Is he someone that leftists could back?

    Is there any dirt that people have dug up that I'm not aware of?

    If we wanted to champion him, could the leftist orgs unify and help him?

    Do I sound like a dirty reformist(God pls no)????

    Thoughts? Opinions?

    roux ghostOfRoux();


    Leftist, horror movies, programming, dumb obscure indie games, angry techno, deathcore, enjoyer of theory.

    ghost might be a reference to spectre or just a play on a trapcore artist name...

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