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Winamp source code is now on GitHub
  • Of course. I'm not happy about many things, but that doesn't give me the right to harass somebody.

    They are not being harassed, but are being shown in this way that their intentions and behavior are more than just shit

    Pointing out something politely is very different from jumping on a bandwagon and spamming an issue, or creating meme issues and meme pull requests. We should be better than that.

    Is that really what we want? Anything slightly popular making a misstep to be hounded by an online mob?

    This is not a misstep. They just don't want to hire developers for Winamp and rather try to outsource the work to others for no cost. And then they call it copyleft while forbidding anyone to do anything else with the source code except sending them pull requests. That's disrespectful, rude and simply shameless. This is fully calculated, not a misstep. If it was just a misstep, then I would agree with you about these meme pull requests and so on. Saying this, I absolutely understand why the receive such "feedback".

  • Winamp source code is now on GitHub
  • This whole thing sounds more like a way to get some pull requests to fix their product for free. That's not open source. The source code is simply available, that's all. In the first run they even prohibited to fork it (!!!) while it is necessary to work on this project. They may fixed it, but you are still not allowed to do anything with it, only provide free work. Of course people are not happy with it.

    They should delete this repo and change their license if they want contributors for free. Or just hire programmers for money.

  • This is why it's not mainstream
  • You described a problem you have with an OS you use, which I fix every day at work. No Linux, just Windows. It is the most normal thing, that drivers might not work or the Hardware is faulty. We often have to change something, try different things and you don't need Linux to tinker around, the Windows environment offers enough opportunity to do so. And your problem sounds like a driver problem or maybe faulty hardware. It has nothing to do with Linux.

    You definitely don't work in IT, otherwise you wouldn't mentioned printing. Printers are evil beings itself and these fuckers don't care wich OS you use, they just don't want to work properly. Hardware supports depends on the kernel. That's normal, Windows 7 also doesn't support newest hardware. There is still nothing specific Linux. Regarding UI: KDE Neon is great, try it.

    Yeah, Windows has problems. But those arise more typically for advanced users (and that's including Windows 11 being more and more broken over time).

    Would this be true, I probably would need to change my profession.

    But until the more boring stuff gets worked out, it'll still be hard for it to be used more commonly, and thus harder for it to get more funding and usage as well.

    Because of your ethernet problem? I understand that you are mad for the problems you have now, but I wouldn't use your experience with the ethernet NIC as a basis for the question how good all Linux distributions are usuable for everyday work.

    Idk, maybe it's just Debian based distros these days and I'm behind in the curve. Fedora based ones like Bazzite haven't given me issues so far at least.

    Look, drivers get updated or introduced in newer Linux kernels. You could decide which distribution you want to use depending on the kernel. amdgpu got fucked up since a specific release and my RX580 won't work if it loads, so I am still using an older kernel. In Windows the drivers crashes often sadly. You need to look how well a specific hardware works and then decide which kernel you should use. We always do this on work with Windows and it is really needed, because manufactures sometimes don't really care about there drivers and compatibility with newer Windows 10 versions or Windows 11.

    This is probably also the reason why you got downvoted so much, because you describe a generic, OS independent problem and then you blame Linux kernel for it and all Linux distributions, while you are using a specific distribution named Linux Mint. If you replace Linux with Window in your rant, it would be the same way wrong. But I hope that your problem gets fixed. You are free to describe your problem in specific communities, they probably might find a solution with you together.

  • This is why it's not mainstream
  • How is this a explicit Linux problem?

  • Regarding dating in this times I understand nothing

    Some explanations regarding myself:

    I am happily married. My first relationship I had with 15 till I got 18. We got in contact through a role playing group online and just liked each other. 2011 I bought my first smartphone and after I got 18 few months later, I met my actual wife through a mutual friend. So I I never thought "I need to find someone so badly omg omg" or whatever, it just happened.

    Tbh I somehow think and thought that this is the normal way. My parents, grandparents met the the same way. My cousin got his fiance also the same way and and and. Same goes for known Bolsheviks, their children liked each other and got together.

    Few years ago I realised Reddit exist and looked for programming and bird groups. But I also found people talking about meeting people and dating.

    First thing: Dating apps and this swiping stuff. It is pretty sus and I can't imagine this works. It is like looking for a new car. Humans are not cars. I saw screenshots, where people mention their political views, what they like or not like. This has to be some joke, I don't know. Not everyone is good in describing themself.

    Second: People talked about is: height. I saw some screenshots from people complaining about this. I thought to myself, that this is probably some weird US shit again, buuuut now I hear about this here too.

    This isn't real isn't? Or at least not that common? Something about, that you have to be at least 6 freedom units tall, or 7,8,9 idk. However 5 with something is to small and than you have stupid ass people called incels, which wants to kill women or perform plastic surgery on themself.

    I mean, being small is annoying because there are spots I can't reach easily. Wife is smaller than me, she has to ask me. A female friend we have is over 180cm tall and she is lucky to be easy reach anything. On the other hand: Do you know how upper arm circumference over 40cm looks on someone who is 174cm tall? Absolute great. When you are 190cm tall, its more meh. But srsly, this all are minor things. It has the same relevance like if you like apples or pears more.

    For myself it looks like I am experiencing a new kind of thinking or culture whatever. This is a western thing probably idk.

    Bebel wrote a great book called Woman and Socialism. It shows great the genesis and development of marriage, partnership and what capitalism did to it. So many things absolutely still are valid and apply. The things I see here I of course a consequence of capitalism:

    > The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil [...]

    But still wtf is this development at all. I never heard something about height, jawlines, whatever when my peers were dating or had a boyfriend, girlfriend. What happend?

    Tap for spoiler

    Such apps are a data privacy nightmare. 100% they are collecting data and selling it.

    Regarding the usage of the word liberal

    I know what liberalism is. But the first time I encountered that it is used so often was when I looked into English-speaking social media sites like Reddit two years ago.


    It is not common to know about reddit here, I live in Bratwurstland. I just wanted to join the pigeon subreddit back then.

    Bourgeois, bourgeois class consciousness, bourgeois thinking, bourgeois revolution, etc. The same with petty bourgeoisie etc. etc.

    I have the complete collected works of Lenin physically available in german. I have the most important writings of Marx and Engels with me, as well as Tito, Thälmann, Karl Liebknecht, Stalin, Trotsky, Plekhanov, even Lykassenko and some more. (I dont just buy writings I like, but also writing I dont like)

    Liberalism didn't come up that often, only when it was actually about liberalism. But the way liberals are often referred to on English-language social media sites, including here, is a bit strange to me.

    Idk about other languages that much. I also didn't encountered this kind of usage of liberal in the russian version of Lenin's writings. Bourgeois, bourgeois class consciousness, bourgeois thinking, bourgeois revolution, etc. The same with petty bourgeoisie etc. etc.

    Maybe there some here who know what I am talking about and can explain it to me.

    Edit: Why did Voyager destroyed my formattig many times

    Edit2: Thank you all for your engagement. You helped me a lot how to understand it more correctly if I read it from someone using english language .

    what’s your thoughts on Linux and Windows…
  • Every bugfix is a CVE. Even if it is maybe not a security problem in first place, but it might be one in the kernel context, so everything is a CVE. Also other CVEs from other applications, open source or not, doesn't have to mean that much. You have to see those database quite critical. Especially if you need very esoteric, almost magical methods to exploit.

    When the people of the Linux Kernel started flooding them, because every bug is a security problem, those Database providers were and are very happy. It makes good money, those data is seller from other providers to companies. And now you really have to use their service, because the kernel have soooooooo many security problems! It is not like developers or security teams are happy about this shit. But if the senior leaders insist on use those CVEs, you don't have any choice. And it is not that unusual, that it is not needed to address them.

    The Linux Kernel can provide and provides more security when you use them. It is the decision of the distribution if they want to enable selinux or apparmor, enable kernel options, which make your system more hardened with memory encryption, page poison or kernel lock down and and and. Since this is only the kernel, the userland can provide more features, which some distributions also enables.

    The way you can elevate applications and define special rights for the usage of devices or OS functions, is incomparable to standard Windows. Would only user, group and rwx exist, they wouldn't be any lxc, podman, docker or whatever today. Windows does not the same now. Windows does it different and can't do some things regarding elevation of rights and their restriction by design.

  • what’s your thoughts on Linux and Windows…
  • Linux Kernel provides more security techniques than Windows indeed, but they need to be used. To point out CVEs is kind of stupid. The Linux kernel never commited any entries to the CVE database for years, they started since February 2024 doing so, because they gave up on their opposition. They warned, if they do this now, the databases will get flooded with CVEs. Because in the kernel context, every bug counts as a security problem, if you look at it from the right perspective. This is a difference to Windows CVEs.

    Of course this is great for those CVEs database providers because they now can sell their stuff happily.

    What you need are not CVE entries for the Linux Kernel, but the latest supported Linux Kernel installed.

    And srsly: Antivirus is snake oil. Using software with Administrator rights in Windows or even Linux, which parses every file, is fucking dangerous. It is usable on a mailserver, where the antivirus process is containerised or virtualized.

    And what is the point with firewalls I read here? The most distros have firewalls enabled. When were they not there? Iptables was always there and I had to configure it, so I could allow or disallow incoming traffic. I almost never had to install it manually.


    Regarding CVEs, here the what Linux CNA tells:

    Note, due to the layer at which the Linux kernel is in a system, almost any bug might be exploitable to compromise the security of the kernel, but the possibility of exploitation is often not evident when the bug is fixed. Because of this, the CVE assignment team is overly cautious and assign CVE numbers to any bugfix that they identify. This explains the seemingly large number of CVEs that are issued by the Linux kernel team.


    Any bugfix is a CVE

  • how easy is it to install arch?
  • I did it few times between 2008 and 2010 when I was way younger. Idk how I did it, but after two times I was used to it and learned also a lot. Today I don't have the nerves to install arch without archinstall or anarchy. The wiki helped me a lot. The wiki gives an excellent guide to install arch and to set up everything you need. It is well written enough, that no deep Linux knowledge is needed

    The archlinux wiki is great for everything. I used it when I had Fedora, Debian or sometimes if I used OpenBSD.

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • The comments are weird:

    However, his videos are really stupid and often straight false. I wrote this comment from OnePlus Nord -12GB Ram - with LineageOS 21 using the NeverSettle Kernel (Not Apple!!!!).

  • List of versions (stable, LTS, unstable etc) of major distributions from fastest to slowest updates?
  • I dont have a list, but I usually use this site. It also does not only show Linux distributions, but also software products like nginx, mariadb or programming languages like go, rust and python.

    Edit: Some Linux distributions habe older software, which they support with security updates and also stay on one kernel version. Fedora as example gives you a new kernel after few weeks. Maybe you can be more concrete

  • "I’m the hacker that brought down North Korea’s Internet For Over A Week. AMA"
  • Maybe blocking all IP addresses within a range. But I am not a master hacker, so I dont know

  • Plasma 6.1: The BEST LINUX DESKTOP
  • I really love KDE 6 and also loved KDE 5. But its not worth watching such content

  • Let's Try BSD, Part 1 of 7: Introduction (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD)
  • Desktop environments are optional if using a Linux distribution. Also as long as a desktop environment doesnt take all resources, there shoudlnt be much difference in benchmarks.

  • Removed
    A tool for uploading/downloading files anonymously with client-side encryption
  • Isnt that something PHP always was able to do? Maybe a title like "tool for uploading/downloading files in PHP" would be better and you could add in in the that it doesnt use JavaScript.

  • Which are your preferred laptops?
  • I bought an E595 back then and it works great. But I dont know how the actual E series behave. There werent also no problems at all with Linux. More important is the question which wifi module you choose, and mine had one from realtek (there were no Intel Option sadly) and the wifi performance wasnt that great because of that.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • Linux doesnt need GNU components at all to be a functional operating system. And you wouldnt see any difference if your http server works on GNU/Linux or Linux without GNU.

    On the other hand there is difference between an AI and LLM. The difference is signifacant enough to distinguish. You may mean LLMs if you talk about AI, but tbh I though you didnt. Because many people dont.

  • Explore the world with bundeswehr
  • Kommt das an? I cant imagine it works, it is waaaaay to cringy

  • Why is Go syntax so messy
  • but Im seeing syntax that Ive never seen in my life

    Which languages do you know? What is your background?

    What is wrong with "var test int"? There is no need for a return type, if the function returns nothing. Thats the language design and I think it is easy to remember.

    func(u User) hi ()

    u is something like self in Python and hi() is a method of User.

    Please explain why do you think something is too messy, also with which languages you have already worked.

  • The experience that made me hate programming, but that's all on me
  • When I have problems like this, I start to question whether I can program at all and whether I should perhaps change my profession. This often happens when I'm tired or overworked. I make stupid mistakes and assume that the cause of the problem is something complex.

  • Just noticed one of my projects always had this line of code
  • Just a guess, but I think it is also somehow connected to an handler object

  • Fukuyama, the "end of history"-guy, and his new Azov-friends

    Francis Fukuyama, professor at Stanford and member of the "Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law", personally welcomed the neo-Nazis and opened the event. Which event you ask? This event:


    Dont miss the Wolfsangel symbol on this poster!

    My pigeon on glass

    In case you were wondering what it looks like

    rostselmasch Soviet Pigeon
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