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BBC: What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?
  • Meanwhile, for investors it can make it harder to identify genuinely innovative companies.

    The problem here isn’t AI, it’s that the investor class is fundamentally stupid. They got lucky, either by birth or by winning the startup lottery, and they’ve convinced themselves that this means they’re vastly more perceptive, intelligent and capable than everyone else.

    I’m working for a startup right now, and investment rounds feel a lot like a bunch of idiots standing around waiting to see who’ll jump first, and when one goes the rest follow, because they haven’t a fucking clue what they’re doing but desperately need to believe their peers do.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 7 July 2024
  • Eh, there’s a chance that machine learning might help here… there’s some interesting stuff come out of that area of research, like radio antennae and rocket engines and so on, but I’d bet anything that a) no LLMs were involved and none ever will be, and b) “ai” only appears in marketing copy and funding pitches.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 7 July 2024

    Possibly interesting blog post about what the idea of “devops” promised, and how it failed to deliver. With any luck, the “getting back to basics” thing will actually happen, instead of people imagining they are google and building nightmares out of kubernetes.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • Same basic lessons, too… “consider the risks of giving root privileges to people you just met”, etc.

  • Who's working on a "smaller Rust"?
  • I spend an inordinate amount of time at my C# day job adding documentation comments about exclusive access and lifetimes and ownership… things which are clearly important but which dotnet provides little or no useful support for, even though it has a perfectly good garbage collector. The dotnet devs were well aware that garbage collection has its limits, especially when interacting with resources managed outside of the runtime, and so they added language features like IDisposable and finalisers and GCHandle and SafeHandle and so on to fix some of the things GC won’t be doing for you.

    I’d happily use a garbage collected language with borrow checking.

  • [@rust]( Blog post: Mutable object trees in Rust, using memory arenas
  • If you don’t have a perf requirement like “all these things need to be in contiguous memory” then you probably don’t need a generational index anyway… it is effectively a weak reference, after all. ECS stores are optimised for repeatedly iterating over all the things, and games might have complex notions of “reachability”, but most things aren’t like that. There does seem to be a lot of “I don’t like using Rc RefCell” in object arena design that isn’t always justifiable, though nested generics don’t make for the most readable code in the world.

  • [@rust]( Blog post: Mutable object trees in Rust, using memory arenas
  • You can always use something like generational indices. They pop up a lot in ECS systems. A suitable container with an opaque index type prevents creation of invalid references, lets you check reference validity at runtime, and generational indices prevent reuse. The compiler can’t help with lifetime tracking, but that’s a problem with any shared reference type pointing to a resource with a lifetime that can only be known at runtime, eg. Arc.

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