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Shock Treatment (1981 720p)
  • But, to be fair, RHPS is also awful (as a movie). I love the music, and the experience of seeing it in a theater is great, but the actual move is garbage.

    I enjoy the soundtrack to Shock Treatment and still listen to it from time to time.

  • Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • I love the smell of bleach.

    Absolutely hate the stench of coffee. About the only thing worse is coffee with vanilla in it. Disgusting.

  • Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?
  • I’m not sure if it’s even possible to mix two sources with Bluetooth multipoint. I’ve never seen a device that could.

    The few that I’ve seen that can mix sources have all had Bluetooth plus a wireless dongle and they could mix the two connections.

  • May 31, 2024 - ( A ) B I O R T V
  • I made an abortiv attempt to spell abortive.

  • Spacetop G1 is a $1900 laptop that uses a pair of Augmented Reality glasses as a display - Liliputing
  • It’s a neat idea but it looks like the company doesn’t have the resources to create decent hardware to carry it out

  • May 30, 2024 - ( U ) G I N O Q T
  • It was surprisingly easy to get QB, considering the weird letter combo.

  • How I thought Ukraine would obtain AWACS capability
  • torpedo.exe has entered the chat

  • How I thought Ukraine would obtain AWACS capability
  • torpedo.exe has entered the chat

  • Does the USA have any open market cellular options that are legitimate pay-as-you-go and only for what you use options like Europe yet?
  • You can sorta get close with MVNOs like Tello. I have a plan that’s $6.16/month, including taxes.

  • Linux is still not ready to replace Windows
  • Is it still an unpopular opinion if I just hate that I agree with you?

    (Writing this from my linux gaming desktop. I don't use arch btw)

  • This is ridiculous
  • It stresses me out watching it. It’s the only part of pro cycling that I really hate.

  • Games stuttering then wifi crashes on pop_os
  • Honestly, it sounds like it might be overheating. Have you checked temperatures when it happens?

  • Thoughts on AI music?
  • No

  • What is your favorite music streaming service?
  • Pandora, because I like to pick one song or band and have it create a radio station for me. I've tried most of the other services that say they do the same thing and none of them are nearly as good at it as Pandora.

  • May 22, 2024 - ( V ) A C D E I T
  • Any time you have e and d in the list, it’s going to blow up. It still took me forever to find all the pangrams.

  • Tiny homes are just mobile homes impacted by shrinkflation
  • You’re sort of right and sort of very wrong. There are a lot of badly built mobile homes, and some very well built tiny homes, for sure. Unfortunately the large majority of tiny home companies have avoided complying with the national building codes and are instead building only to RV standards. That’s not to say they aren’t doing good work, but RVIA standards are well short of NBC in terms of safety and durability. That’s why you’ll usually see a disclaimer on tiny builder sites saying their homes aren’t meant for long term full time occupancy. It’s also why getting affordable insurance for a tiny home is very expensive and difficult.

  • “Grow up. These are my movies, not yours”:
  • I can't comprehend why you'd put a link to a summary of the original article (a freaking mobile link to boot) instead of the original story.

    Seriously, fuck IMDB and fuck amazon.

    Original story:

  • Pro Tip: Putting spaghetti in your ammo makes for a great emergency snack
  • My favorite grocery store sells “pot-ready spaghetti noodles” which are half the length of normal ones. I think Italy’s declaration of war is a foregone conclusion at this point

  • Noah Webster: "The freest government, if it could exist, would not be long acceptable, if the tendency of the laws were to create a rapid accumulation of property in few hands, ..."

    Way back in 1820, Noah Webster penned a rather prescient speech that talked about the problem of inequality. Some of what he said would be considered problematic today, but IMO the core of his speech rings very true.

    >The freest government, if it could exist, would not be long acceptable, if the tendency of the laws were to create a rapid accumulation of property in few hands, and to render the great mass of the population dependent and penniless.

    >In such a case, the popular power would be likely to break limit and control the exercise of popular power. Universal suffrage, for example, could not long exist in a community where there was great inequality of property. The holders of estates would be obliged, in such case, in some way to restrain the right of suffrage, or else such right of suffrage would, before long, divide the property. In the nature of things, those who have not property, and see their neighbors possess much more than they think them need, cannot be favorable to laws made for the protection of property. When this class becomes numerous, it glows clamorous. It looks on property as its prey and plunder, and is naturally ready, at all times, for violence and revolution.

    Best 100% dedicated plex player (client) for 4k TV

    I have a lovely plex server set up and working very well, with tons of content ready to play. Now I just need a client for my TV that doesn't piss me off. I absolutely detest Google/Android TV, and my Apple TV periodically wipes out my Plex preferences, which is a known issue.

    I'd like to have a 100% dedicated plex client for my TV. I don't want or need it to do anything else at all, and it has to be totally remote friendly and capable of playing 4k/60 UHD content.

    Any suggestions?

    robolemmy robolemmy
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