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Why was Hurricane Helene so bad? Fossil fuel pollution.
  • The argument has moved to "well it's too late to do anything about it!"

  • Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted: Live Updates
  • What was the Turkey thing?

  • Conservatives don't understand how to human.
  • Agreed, and that's why I vote as progressive as I can in primaries.

  • Conservatives don't understand how to human.
  • And then other Dems would block it! Sorry, I have no faith in good things happening. Still voting Dem though.

  • Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th.
  • I would call it a complete game that was finished a long time ago but has a passionate developer who provides free content updates. It's definitely not a live service game, as there are no microtransactions and the updates are free.

  • Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th.
  • Calling Stardew unfinished is hilarious.

  • Trump: Women won't even think about abortion once I'm elected again
  • Is that Zapp Brannigan's older, less charismatic brother?

  • Netflix's MAGIC: THE GATHERING animated series is now in production
  • I still expect to never see this.

  • Protesters outside New York Times demand newspaper 'stop normalizing Trump'
  • What protests were you at with thousands that got zero media?

  • Square Enix admits Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 profits "did not meet expectations"
  • Same, I was hella excited for this remake. FF7 was a mind-blowing experience for me as a child. But I want to play through the whole story and I had forgotten for years that this game existed until seeing this post.

  • What DAW are you using?
  • Awesome! Make sure to spread the gospel of Reaper. If you're looking for more tutorials, Kenny Gioia is a master and has done videos on almost everything there is involving Reaper. There's also the Let's Talk About Reaper channel which is pretty good for more specific things.

  • Riding in the car with the windows rolled up and them smoking away.
  • You can probably just replace "nobody" with "everybody"

  • 63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb
  • Gaming was more popular and more accessible when Gen Z was growing up, so probably more of them developed a preference for it.

  • What DAW are you using?
  • I'd recommend giving it a spin for sure. They've been consistently adding features that make different things easier to do. It's crazy flexible and if there's a setup you want, someone has probably made it work before. And it's free to try, with an installation that takes like five seconds.

  • Trump Repeats Debunked Conspiracy Theory Harris Wore Audio Earrings During Debate
  • This would be a good rumor to spread except that everyone knows he doesn't have the rectal control to hold in a butt plug.

  • The Taylor Swift effect is small but may just swing it for Kamala Harris
  • Yeah didn't Hillary lose by like a total of 80k votes in a few key states?

  • What DAW are you using?
  • Reaper! I love it and would (probably) never switch.

  • rigatti rigatti
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