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We should leave the Fediverse and embrace Reddit

This will never be more than a below average Reddit clone. We are better off trying to change sites like Twitter and Reddit from within.

Spinoffs rarely work, it’s often much easier to change from within. Let’s do a GOP.

People who use "AI" on dating apps are creepy and dumb AF
  • Haha yeah for sure. Though that’s already done today with very old pictures and the likes.

    I guess the user (me) would be the one paying!

    I’m not at all underestimating that, it’s the very reason I would like a bot to do it. For an average guy there’s about a 2% of getting a match. After that you need to get a response, which is far from an easy feat. Honestly, I’d be pleased with an AI that swiped for me and got the first reply to be honest.

    It’s just tedious work for - often - very little benefit!

  • People who use "AI" on dating apps are creepy and dumb AF
  • I’ll go with the actual unpopular opinion.

    I would love to use an AI to set up what sort of woman I’m interested in, topics it can discuss and whatnot. Then let it swipe for me, start and maintain some short conversations in my writing style. It could notify when it’s time to ask the person out on a date and from there on I could take over the conversation.

    It’s dystopian for sure, but getting a date is basically just a numbers game. Would love getting to skip actually doing that part…

  • Why are people so antsy to see others in person?
  • Sure. But regardless, I used to work as a teacher. 15 weeks of vacation yearly, great pay (for Sweden at least). Worked about 32h every week.

    I’m much happier today with much less vacation, longer hours and a bit worse pay (though it’ll get much better with time). Because I actually like my job. And I get to work on skills that I have use for in my free time as well.

    It does not have to be all about getting paid as much and working as little as possible. Finding a good employer and a career you like is also an option.

  • Why are people so antsy to see others in person?
  • We are talking about a get together once or twice a year here. That is very much something that is not only beneficial for extroverts, but also most introverts. The extremities between these often get a bit absurd when discussing. Studies show the happiness level of introverts increasing after social gatherings as well.

    Not saying it should happen daily or even weekly. But yearly? That should not be a problem for anyone.

  • Why are people so antsy to see others in person?
  • I felt like this a couple of years ago, then I went and changed both job and career. Suddenly I find myself actually enjoying what I do, as well as my colleagues.

    A job is definitely transactional, but seeing as most of us spend 8h a day on them. I’d urge ya’ll to - if possible - try and find one where you can find some pride and value in what you do, other than the paycheck you receive.

    It has improved all parts of my life in all honesty.

  • Why are people so antsy to see others in person?
  • Why wouldn’t you be able to create relationships with your colleagues just because you hate your workplace? The worst places I’ve worked at, have had the absolute strongest relationships between the people working there. Because it’s basically been a necessity to survive the workday.

    Your colleagues might hate it as much as you do. That can be something to find comfort in. And you’ll obviously never care about someone you don’t know. Perhaps you might actually start caring about a colleague or two, if you do get to know them.

  • ‘It will be the end of democracy’: Bernie Sanders on what happens if Trump wins – and how to stop him
  • Democracy is more of a sliding scale than a true or false. The US has had significant democratic decline during the last decade or two, and it was definitely not helped by Trump.

    Slide far enough and well, that’s the end of democracy.

  • By 2030, nearly half of all U.S. adults will be obese, experts predict
  • Honestly though, that does not seem far away from most diets. That’s the thing, it’s somewhat easy to lose weight. But to stick it out long term? Close to impossible for most. An absurd amount gain all of it back sooner or later.

    By far and the best way not to struggle with obesity is not to get obese. Because when you’re there, the rest of your life will be a struggle.

  • "If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?
  • “Save the planet” is too broad. Electric cars can help with global warming. But may be worse in other areas.

    Thing is, global warming is by far and away the largest environmental threat today. So it’s likely very much beneficial to lessen the burden there, while other areas suffer.

    But you’re very much right in that it won’t do shit as long as we’re producing electricity through fossil fuel among others. With that said, the same people pushing for electric cars are also pushing for green energy.

  • "If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?
  • “Save the planet” is too broad. Electric cars can help with global warming. But may be worse in other areas.

    Thing is, global warming is by far and away the largest environmental threat today. So it’s likely very much beneficial to lessen the burden there, while other areas suffer.

    But you’re very much right in that it won’t do shit as long as we’re producing electricity through fossil fuel among others.

  • 70º in December
  • Very few people who live, regret having lived. That is, even people who go through the toughest of times. I’d pick being born today in a lower income family, over not being born, 100 times out of 100.

    If you feel like you’ll be a capable parent, it is not at all cruel.

  • Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders.
  • I doubt Joe Rogan and Barcelona has only caused grief. There’s a reason huge companies throw absurd amounts of money on advertising and right deals. It’s often lucrative and worth it.

    As we don’t have the numbers we can only speculate in what return they got on those deals. But it was most definitely not 0.

    Tour deals, merch and independent artists are great, but you do not reach critical mass when it comes to a general audience that way. It’s basically like trying to advertise on the Fediverse versus advertising on Reddit.

  • 505 of 700 OpenAI employees tell the board to resign.
  • Altman went to Microsoft within 48 hours, does anything else really need to be said? Add to that, the fact that basically every news outlet has reported - with difference sources - that he was pushing in exactly in that way. There’s very little to support the fact that reality is different.

  • 505 of 700 OpenAI employees tell the board to resign.
  • It’s rather interesting here that the board, consisting of a fairly strong scientific presence, and not so much a commercial one, is getting such hate.

    People are quick to jump on for profit companies that do everything in their power to earn a buck. Well, here you have a company that fires their CEO for going too much in the direction of earning money.

    Yet every one is all up in arms over it. We can’t have the cake and eat it folks.

  • Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up

    So since the mass-exodus from Reddit we can see that the total amount of active users has gone down rather heavily:

    This can seem a bit sad at a first glance. Where are we heading? But one has to remember that back during the summer many of us created several accounts to settle at an instance, there were also problems with spam-bots of various kinds.

    So active users in itself is actually not that interesting. At least not the comparison with the peak. Instead we can watch the total amount of posts, how is that looking?

    Well it's steadily going up actually:

    Though the increase has gone down slightly. This number however is influenced by other parameters as well. There are several reposts bots and such that mass-post to different instances. But it's definitley a good tell it's not going down.

    Another interesting factor is comments:

    The amount of comments per month has gone down, but not by all that much. A 10% decrease from the top or so. What's interesting here is that the decline has plateaued, which could indicate that the userbase has settled and become somewhat consistent. This is great news.

    All in all, it seems like Lemmy has settled into a rather comfortable spot, with a decent amount of users, posts and comments. That is very slightly decreasing. Ideally we'd like to see this trend reverse, and perhaps that might happen naturally with due time when things have settled even more. For Lemmy I'd reckon the growth will look a bit like this. Whenever Reddit does something horrific (and it will happen more), we'll see a mass-exodus with more users over here. Then it'll decrease for a bit, settle and hopefully we can rinse and repeat. Anyway - that's some irrelevant thoughts from me on the subject.

    Just wanted to post these rather good statistics!

    Frugal ribboo
    How do you stay consistent with a budget? My financial management is a rollercoaster.

    How do you manage to stick it out long term with budgeting? I use YNAB in periods for my economy. And every such period, they usually last 3 months to 1,5 year or so, my economy is in amazing condition.

    Then I forget about if for a while, sometimes I find it a bit cumbersome and lose track. Suddenly I stop using it, and at that point I start splurging on stuff I really shouldn’t.

    So then I start budgeting again.. rinse and repeat. It’s a stupid cycle I’d like to get out of. Any tips and ideas, how do budget pros in here keep at it?

    Frugal ribboo
    Your best BIFL purchase?

    What’s your top BIFL purchase, that might not in itself has been all to frugal, but long term, will be?

    After having 5-6 different office chairs over the last 10 years, none of which I liked. I went and bought a Herman Miller Aeron chair. It’s ridiculously expensive, but I’m so pleased with it and hope to keep it for well over 15-20 years. If that actually succeed, I will have spent less money one chairs than if I hadn’t bought it.

    What similar items (cheap or expensive) do you feel the same about?

    [Bug] Reply box to large

    It’s impossible to read the first word or two. Also makes it impossible to paste text into a reply. Happens when you post as well. iPhone 13 Pro.

    Missing sort options

    This app is amazing. So many great features! I’m missing one thing though, some sort options are missing under “top”. Especially 6 hours is really necessary, as that’s basically the best sorting reminiscing of Reddits “hot” that’s available on Lemmy!

    Feature request, more sort options

    I love this app, it’s bloody awesome one problem though, I basically only browse Lemmy through “top 6 hours”. Hopefully these options can be added soon! !image

    Feature request: Pre-load thumbnails

    When scrolling the feed with compact mode on, thumbnails are loaded while posts are shown.

    Some sort of lazy loading would be awesome here. So thumbnails would get preloaded before you actually scroll down, thus you’d never see the actual loading happen.

    Would look and feel much smoother.

    Test ribboo
    Test comment collapse, ignore
    Russia halts wartime deal allowing Ukraine to ship grain. It’s a blow to global food security Russia halts wartime deal allowing Ukraine to ship grain. It's a blow to global food security

    Russia has halted an unprecedented wartime deal that allows grain to flow from Ukraine to countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where hunger is a growing threat and high food prices have pushed people into poverty.

    Russia halts wartime deal allowing Ukraine to ship grain. It's a blow to global food security
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 10
    Comments 148