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What's our stance on sex work?
  • I'm pro sex work, however:

    I have mixed feelings about the current ubiquity of online sex work like onlyfans. In theory I've definitely got nothing against it but I'm worried that a lot of young women are faced with shitty economic prospects vs potentially lots of money on onlyfans. The alternatives are so poor sometimes that it feels like coercion.

    I just wish young people had better options all together.

  • What's the best wax-on-wax-off-style advice you've heard that you can attest as being helpful in certain situations?
  • Also healthcare here. I do something similar, both for already dead family members and critically ill patients.

    I don't so much focus on the name, but ask a general "can you tell me about them?"

    It reinforces to people that you care and helps forge a connection.

  • I'm finally getting the hang of Sekiro
  • Sekiro is so much fun once it clicks. Honestly it took me all the way until >!Sword Saint Ishin!< but suddenly I went all flow state on him, and beasted through the game for all the other endings afterwards.

  • Do you ever feel nostalgia for a type of sadness?
  • I think it's more that I'm nostalgic for the situations that used to make me sad because they were more simple than the problems I have now (although they never feel that way at the time). Being sad about sports and girls in high school looks way more fun in retrospect than being sad about health problems and the state of the world.

  • Presence Detection for a Child with no Phone.
  • Honestly I'd just go low-ish tech and give them a key, or install a lock with a keypad and teach them a number. The security problems with automatic smart locks are too big, in my opinion.

  • Ubuntu Touch OS on OnePlus 6T: is it a viable Android alternative?
  • I did that exact thing and it is basically unusable. And that was before all network connectivity broke leaving it actually unusable. I also haven't been able to flash the normal rom back so it's basically a brick now.

    0/10 would not recommend

  • 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok
  • Why are you so convinced that an advertising platform that a 1/3rd of the country is glued to is unsustainable. And that's ignoring the rest of the world, which is the majority of their user base.

  • About to try the Outer Worlds
  • Pretty forgettable Fallout clone imo. Would just play that.

    Or, if you're like me and accidentally bought The Outer Worlds because you thought it was The Outer Wilds, go play that instead.

  • What are your favorite FOSS to-do apps?

    Ideally on F-droid. I've been a user of wunderlist and any-do but would like to go FOSS.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Security Audit Help

    Hi all,

    I've recently built a unRAID based NAS / Media acquisition (*Arr suite) machine that I'm really happy with, but I need help filling my knowledge gaps in networking and security.

    I have all the relevant containers ran with docker. The only container behind a VPN is qbittorrent. The only containers which are accessible remotely are Jellyfin, and jellyseerr, which are accessed via cloud flare tunnel. I use strong UN/password combinations for access to those services, within the apps themselves. No ports are open through my router.

    I've seen a lot of talk of reverse proxies and ssl certificates but don't really understand their function, or if the cloud flare tunnel replaces those functions.

    I've heard of tailscale as a solution but I'm not able to install anything on computers which I'll be accessing the content.

    Would appreciate advice or resources to learn from. Thanks!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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