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With BlueSky moving towards finally opening up federation, I'm interested in how people feel about it?
  • @ajsadauskas @maegul @fediverse I’ll be honest. I’m ambivalent about Bluesky. If Mastodon et al can talk to them, fine. If not, fine. I’m happy & content with the wonderful people here and if federation gives us access to a few more, that’s fine too.

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  • @kvn most proud of? Probaby “I’m in love with you” - a 4 part 15 min epic. Whenever I can pull off a long Yes-length song, I’m so happy. I think I did here!

    And yeah, made my own art! We went to the caverns in Shenandoah last month, I took a photo then illustrated over it!

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  • @sentinian @alternativenation Really??? Oh wow! Thank you so much! I just updated my bandcamp today!

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  • @sentinian @alternativenation YISSSS!!! Hope you like it! If not, that's totally okay too. ;)

  • Jane's Addiction - Stop (1990)
  • @krzschlss @alternativenation Can’t say I understand downvoting music posts. What’s the point? Ignore and move on.

    Imo, downvoting in this community should be reserved for bad faith users, gatekeepers, assholes, or dicky comments.

    But you liking a band or song that I don’t get into? That’s just music.

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    [Announcement] Alternative Nation now has a Spotify Playlist!
  • @suckaduck awesome!! got some more to add from the weekend!

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  • @z3k3lon Awesome! For me, a recording of a recording of a violent femmes cassette did it for me!

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  • @fordlincolnhg You should add 2 more from the series, imo. REM and Paul McCartney!

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  • @Donjuanme That’s super fair. I like Bowie and really enjoy some of his songs. Certainly appreciate what he meant for music. But yeah, generally prefer covers to originals.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @dylanTheDeveloper In hindsight, getting a country domain as your main was not a biggest brain idea.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @RxBrad same, but there's generally sim communities on other instances too. It will suck if gets yanked. But given they haven't yet, they best be prepping to move ASAP.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @SeeJayEmm I hope so, that's a big miss on Lemmy right now.

    Need to be able to migrate accounts & communities ASAP.

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  • @essjay @YGathGoch @alternativenation great lyrics - like an ancient poem.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @freamon Agreed, it's a silver lining post, for sure.

    But generally I find people say "you see, this is why the Fediverse/Lemmy/Mastodon etc will never take off" for every blip of bad news or whatever. But in reality, while the news sucks for .ml servers, it highlights the resiliency of the Fediverse - which is a win.

    And better to happen in the early days of Lemmy than when/if it got much bigger.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @Chozo @fediverse disagree. It's another argument for decentralization that 1 entity taking down another entity doesn't take down the whole system.

    If the US seized today, the whole site would just be gone. Poof!

    The US could seize 1000 servers today and yet the Fediverse would continue on.

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    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • @freamon can you imagine if Lemmy (in total) was just *poof* grabbed by a government?

    The fediverse lives to ride another day.

  • [Community News] Alternative Nation is now the 2nd largest music community on!

    [Community News] Alternative Nation is now the 2nd largest music community on!

    Let's keep this party going! Post, comment, & share your outside-the-mainstream faves @alternativenation

    \#alternativemusic fans on #Mastodon & @music - come on in, the water's fine...

    How to post from Mastodon:

    \#alternativenation #lemmy #reddit #redditmigration #indiemusic #fediverse #music #threadiverse #youtube !

    The Strokes - Last Nite

    The Strokes - Last Nite Lemmy -

    “Last nite” #Meta released their #ThreadsApp on #Instagram. Turns out it’s just a noisy IG comment section. Shake it off & shake your booties!

    \Join us on @alternativenation & share all your favorite alternative music from 80s college rock to today's indie!\

    \#alternativenation #alternativemusic #lemmy #reddit #redditmigration #indiemusic #youtube #fediverse #music #threadiverse #thestrokes #facebook

    renwillis ren 🏳️‍🌈 (a they/them)

    life, love, music, art, jrpgs, and a soupçon of existential dread! 💕 \- one of them there they-them bisexuals, dagnabbit!

    🌈 bi/pan non-binary ✊ very lefty atheist 🎵 my music: fairy 🧚 eyelashes 🎨 my art (instagram): renwillisart 🦩 baltimore, hon

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