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Open source alternative to executables
  • "It" being the PyPI server not finding it? Pip not supporting the API? Or it downloads correctly but the prints that error?

  • Open source alternative to executables
  • What do you mean "not supported by the platforms"? And do you mean that or "removed"?

  • FOSS email service provider
  • Exactly this. Services and software are not the same thing, you're asking for a service recommendation and it can't be open-source software because it's not software.

  • Open source alternative to executables
  • what if pip didn’t support 0.112.4 anymore?

    What do you mean by that? If new versions of Python didn't run that version of fastapi? If PyPI removed it?

  • Encrypt whole system?
  • I have never met anyone refer to "screen off" as "sleep".

    The terms everybody else are using are: "sleep" = "suspend to RAM" = "S3" and "hibernation" = "suspend to disk".

  • Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • If you're one of those people that think every product is better if there's "AI" on the box then sure. What you're describing is static analysis though, it is not new.

  • Encrypt whole system?
  • Ok so what do you call "sleep"? You've now listed suspending, sleeping, and hibernating as 3 different things.

  • Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • Probably not. Obfuscation works, and might even depend on remote code being downloaded at either build time or run time.

    There are a lot of heuristics you can use (e.g. disallowing some functions/modules) to check a codebase, but those already exist no AI required. Unless you call static analysis "AI", who knows.

  • Encrypt whole system?
  • Suspending to disk usually requires a password on resume.

  • GNU Screen 5.0 released
  • I have a lot of trouble with the window/pane management. Moving panes to a different window is rather difficult. The server>session>window>pane hierarchy also seems way too deep for my humble needs.

    The fact that the active window syncs between sessions is also really odd. Why can't I look at different windows on different devices?

  • Migrating system to NVME RAID
  • Use LVM, it will give you all the features of RAID 0 and more (encryption, migration, snapshotting, multiple volumes, etc)

  • What's on your personal server?
  • Nextcloud, Syncthing, PeerTube, Vaultwarden, Gitea (+drone, drone-qemu, gitea-pages), Wireguard, FreshRSS

  • 30GB+ used on freash Arch install+KDE? Why?
  • Keep in mind that a part of the filesystem will be reserved on creation. Here if I create a completely empty ext4 filesystem with:

    truncate -s 230G /tmp/img
    mkfs.ext4 /tmp/img
    mount /tmp/img /mnt

    Dolphin reports "213.8 GiB free of 225.3 GiB (5% used)"


  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • I feel you, but on the other hand if every single community member tries to help, even if they have no idea or don't understand the question, this is not great.

    Anybody can ask Google or an LLM, I am spending more time reading and acknowledging this bot answer than it took you to copy/paste. This is the inverse of helping.

    The problem is not "the loop"(?), your (LLM's) approach is not relevant, and I've explained why.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • What was "the point"? From my perspective, I had to correct a fifth post about using a schedule, even though I had already mentioned it in my post as a bad option. And instead of correcting someone, turns out I was replying to a bot answer. That kind of sucks, ngl.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • Did it write that playbook? Did you read it?

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • unattended-upgrades can already do that actually, i e. you can configure the systemd timers. But that's insufficient for my needs. Using a mirror seems like the best option so far.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • What? I said I'm already using unattended-upgrades.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • Sure, bugfix and security.

    I'm sorry but I got a lot of very dumb answers like "have a staging environment" and "use a schedule", even though I listed both this points in my (very short) post already. The most detailed answer I got is a playbook copy/pasted from an LLM, and this one dude was getting into all subthreads to tell me I don't understand what I'm asking until I blocked him. So you don't have to worry about me, this was probably my first and last thread on Lemmy ;-) Either way, apologies if I got heated up.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?
  • Thanks, that sounds like the ideal setup. This solves my problem and I need an APT mirror anyway.

    I am probably going to end up with a cronjob similar to yours. Hopefully I can figure out a smart way to share the pool to avoid download 3 copies from upstream.

  • How to stagger automated upgrade?

    I am using unattended-upgrades across multiple servers. I would like package updates to be rolled out gradually, either randomly or to a subset of test/staging machines first. Is there a way to do that for APT on Ubuntu?

    An obvious option is to set some machines to update on Monday and the others to update on Wednesday, but that only gives me only weekly updates...

    The goal of course is to avoid a Crowdstrike-like situation on my Ubuntu machines.

    edit: For example. An updated openssh-server comes out. One fifth of the machines updates that day, another fifth updates the next day, and the rest updates 3 days later.

    remram remram
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