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A Long Time Ago, 47 years today, Star Wars was released. When/where did you first see it?
  • I saw it during the original release, at the drive-in as part of a double feature with “The three musketeers”, which was what my parents went to see. Star Wars played first and started before sunset (the joys of far northern drive-ins) so it was washed out.

  • The Sega Dreamcast
  • I think this is it. Within weeks I had downloaded every game from usenet and the only money Sega made from me was buying samba de amigo to get the maraca controllers.

    It was a mistake too - so many games to play that I never committed to anything and got bored and stopped playing anything.

  • Need Server Recommendations
  • The chance of a rebuild taking longer than a failure occurring is non zero. RAID 1 is less protection that raid 50 or raid 60, plus depending on how many disks you have you will save space and get better performance.

    But you need a good controller.

  • Teslas Can Be Stolen by Hijacking WiFi at Charging Stations, Researchers Find
  • It’s something they “broke” recently. You used to require a physical card to pair a new phone key. I noticed when I replaced my phone that it was no longer needed. They should be able to fix it easily, but I’m sure they won’t.

    You can enable pin to drive to reduce the risk, but if you have the creds and there is no 2FA on the account then you can use the app to bypass it.

  • Dell RTO mandate said to be a stealth layoff, for women
  • They are doing you a favor. I bought my kid a Dell laptop (xps13) for college and 6 months later the battery life dropped from 12 hours to 2 and Dell support said it was normal and refused to do anything about it. That was after the original order which was supposed to take 6 weeks for delivery (bad enough) actually took 14 weeks. It arrived two days before they left for school. Worst experience ever.

    The replacement MacBook Air was delivered to their dorm the next day and has been flawless since (over a year now). It actually cost less too.

  • [Discussion] How much do you spend on Legos?
  • I bought the tranquil garden at Costco last fall, and since then (4 months) I am about $800 in…. I bought all the Star Wars dioramas, the MoMa Starry Night and the 4-panel spacescapes. I’m forcing myself to only do one bag a night to spread them out. I have no where left to display them…

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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