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  • Kotlin is a really nice language with plenty of users, good tooling support, gets rid of a lot of the boilerplate that older languages have, and it instills many good practices early on (most variables are immutable unless specified otherwise, types are not nullable by default unless specified otherwise, etc)

    But to get the most "bang for your buck" early on, you can't beat JavaScript (with TypeScript to help you make sense of your codebase as it keeps changing and growing).

    You will probably want to develop stuff that has some user interface and you'll want to show it to people, and there is no better platform for that than the web. And JS is by far the most supported language on the web.

    And the browser devtools are right there, an indispensable tool.

  • Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range
  • Another advantage is that it doesn't force people to initially buy the higher version because "what if I end up needing it in the future" (like what Apple forces you to do with non-upgradable storage), even if you never do. It lets you buy the cheaper version for now, with the possibility to change your mind later.

  • No, you don't need a 'very bespoke AOSP' to turn your phone into a Rabbit R1 — here's proof
  • Which is exactly like the "camera collabs" that phone makers sometimes do that end up being nothing more than marketing gimmicks.

    Like the OnePlus camera "by Hasselblad" that is quality wise the same as any other smartphone camera in that price category.

  • Google lays off staff from Flutter, Dart and Python teams weeks before its developer conference | TechCrunch
  • Flutter - the framework - is great. Dart as a language is tolerable - lot of ugly boilerplate, manual codegen, and things you can't quite express correctly are everywhere, but if you're not too much of a stickler, Flutter is still worth it (at least until Compose Multiplatform matures - if ever).

  • Saudis Scale Back Ambition for $1.5 Trillion Desert Project Neom
  • Sounds like this was the strategy from the very beginning - get tons of attention with crazy unrealistic announcements, then later turn it into a boring old regular city after everyone already recognizes the name.

  • The Hated One - "Ai Will Wage Wars Over Water"
  • With enough technological advances, they might be able to just switch to salt water.

    It's silly to imagine all these "way out there" scenarios without also imagining progress in other areas.

  • What Neuralink is missing (it turns out that connecting brains with computers is the easy part)
  • Pretty sure these things need to be certified and there are laws about what parts you are and are not allowed to use.

    Not saying highly regulated industries don't ever have problems (look at Boeing), but it's not like they can just arbitrarily decide to cut costs wherever.

  • What Neuralink is missing (it turns out that connecting brains with computers is the easy part)
  • There are many different types of capacitors, most of which don't contain any liquid at all (including the most common type - ceramic capacitors).

    But in general, you would use specially rated components and materials if you need them to last decades - not the cheapest most basic parts you can find.

  • OpenAI Adds Free Instant ChatGPT Access for Everyone. Here's Why That Matters
  • I gave GPT-4 a simple real-world question about how much alcohol volume there is in a certain weight (I think 16 grams) of a 40% ABV drink (the rest being water) and it gave complete nonsense answers on some attempts, and straight up refused to answer on others.

    So I guess it still comes down to how often things appear in the training data.

    (the real answer is roughly 6.99ml, weighing about 5.52grams)

    After some follow-up prodding, it realized it's wrong and eventually provided a different answer (6.74ml), which was also wrong. With more follow-ups or additional prompting tricks, it might eventually get there, but someone would have to first tell it that it's wrong.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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