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Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • Glad to see Lemmy and the rest of the fediverse growing!

  • Are you going to try Meta's Threads?
  • I'm staying away from anything relating to Meta/Facebook

  • Bill C-18 and the Fediverse
  • Google has a monopoly on search engines. They should have been broken up a long time ago.

    I don't know what the solution to helping Canadian outlets other than promote an alternative search engine or educate people on how to do proper research.

  • Bill C-18 and the Fediverse
  • I'm not but I know plenty of other people are.

  • Bill C-18 and the Fediverse
  • Canada's new bill forces companies who shares a link to a Canadian news outlet to pay the outlet called a "link tax". Google doesn't want to pay the "link tax" so they got rid of every search result to Canadian news outlet in response. This effectively ensures nobody can see the news from Canadian news outlets through Google.

  • Bill C-18 and the Fediverse
  • Bill C-18 is a ridiculous law that's going to harm Canadian news outlets.

  • AMD CPU Use Among Linux Gamers Approaching 70% Marketshare
  • AMD hardware tends to work very well on Linux thanks to their open source drivers. I hope more corporations make their drivers open source so people can have a better time getting them up and working.

    Working with proprietary drivers is awful on Linux

  • I hate battle royale games
  • There's a lot of multiplayer games that causes a lot of rage.

  • realZiggyRed realZiggyRed
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    Comments 9