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I'm Conflicted
  • I don't really care enough to spend a lot of time searching, but I found this opinion article breaking down a severe Apple iOS vulnerability from 2019:

    If a device isn't getting security updates anymore, it's vulnerable. And a lot of the time these things aren't caught right away. This is the exact same reason why you should never put a computer running Windows XP or 7 on the internet - it's no longer secure and your system can be accessed by any person motivated to do so.

    If you don't care, that's another matter. But you're inarguably at a higher level of risk when your system can be exploited in a greater number of ways than one with more recent security patches.

  • I'm Conflicted
  • It's a vulnerability that is actively able to be exploited on any compatible system that isn't explicitly protecting against it (i.e., any outdated phone connected to the internet).

    So a very big fucking deal in general, even if your specific phone may not be targeted. Your only defense is hoping that you're not unlucky, which is a really shitty approach to security.

  • What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?
  • Are YouTube shorts still 1 minute maximum? Until that changes, I don't think they'll be a viable replacement since content longer than a minute seems to be the sweet spot for a sizeable amount of Tiktok's user base. Especially when it comes to informative or political content.

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • I smoke weed and watch TV. I also take Zoloft every day and it works pretty well at minimizing my intrusive thoughts too (which mostly happen at night) so it's like multi-pronged for me.

    Idk, if you've been going through this for a while and nothing in this thread works, you could look into antidepressants; you don't have to be on them forever. A lot of the common ones are somewhat affordable without insurance.

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • I like Debian a lot, and Mint seems fine too, but I don't like the styling, or Cinnamon really. I use Fluxbox (WM only, no DE) with a bunch of tiny customizations.

    The main reason I picked it is that I like to tinker and she doesn't, so I think that Cinnamon will be the easiest for her coming from Windows 10.

    We both have AMD GPUs (and she has a AMD CPU too) so I haven't had to deal with Nvidia headaches.

    I like the glacial updates so things don't break as easily. I don't want to spend hours fixing a system (hers or mine tbh) unless I have to. For anything that I need the latest features for, there's usually a repo I can add to Aptitude or a Flatpak.

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • I've had LMDE on a USB stick for a few months now, waiting for the right time to boot it up on my wife's PC, and she finally agreed to try it tonight. Cross your fingers, boys; we may soon have another convert.

  • Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned
  • If you're going to speak for all conservatives, you're also going to take responsibility for all of their beliefs and decision-making, like the desire to outlaw contraceptives. If you don't want that, don't speak for others.

  • Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned
  • It's exceptionally difficult already for a woman to get sterilized. The decider may be whether sterilization has the same stigma/religious fervor around it that abortion has in that people will willingly waste their weekends off protesting against it.

    I'm optimistic, but America likes to disappoint me.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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