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"cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • Made me think of this YouTube video :) Also check out the comments for more examples.

  • Finally coming around to using Linux. How's it on a tablet?
  • I only know that I was pleasantly surprised how well GNOME ran on a surface device of a friend.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Why is this in c/Lemmy Shitposting?

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Once a detector is good, you can train a model to adjust its outputs to cause false negatives from the detector. Then the cycle repeats. It's a cat and mouse game basically.

    The only proper way I see is a system that is based ob cryptographic signatures. This ia easier said than done ofc.

  • theoretical feline
  • It's funny how my brain makes the cat look huge whenever I focus on the CAT logo.

    As it probably has internalized the size of things with this logo

  • Could someone help me understand the input() function?
  • "The other two functions work similarly" noo I wouldn't say that! :D On a very abstract way, maybe. But especially to a beginner, they don't. One just processes it's input a bit (casting) while the other displays text, reads from stdin, etc.

    I believe OPs confusion stems exactly from presuming strong similarities between all functions, while only float() and int() are similar and input() being a completely different thing (relatively speaking..)

  • Could someone help me understand the input() function?
  • The only actual good answer.

  • Heiroglyphs
  • I don't.

  • Christian Life International
  • The cross looks like a "T". That's why, I think.

  • DuckDuckGo AI Chat adds support for Llama 3 70B and Mixtral 8x7B
  • Open-webui is the best self hosted LLM chat interface IMO. It works seamlessly with Ollama, but also supports other openAI-API compatible APIs AFAIK.

    I'm using both in combination with each other and both downloading and using models is super easy. Also integrates well with VSCode extension "Continue", an open source Copilot alternative (setup might require editing the extension's config file).

  • This is hilarious
  • Explain please. What's the true meaning and what's the intended one?

  • Any funny/interesting misheard lyrics in songs?
  • "Radio night, here I come"

    instead of

    "Ready or not, here I come"

  • Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • Also this goes to show that F-droid needs a rating system IMO 🫠

  • Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • Thank you for this awesome list! I had terrible experience with OSS Document Scanner and Image Toolbox though.

    The scanner would just distort every image like crazy!! Would 100% of the time utterly fail to detect the paper edges even against high contrast backgrounds without any patterns and under very good lighting. I did like 20+ photos and immediately deleted the app, it didn't produce a single usable result.

    And image toolbox was just a pain to use. If you compare how you apply filters in e.g. Instagram to this app, the UX is purely frustrating :( Though the app looks nice and has lots of features :)

    Sorry for all the negativity 😅 I'll try to be more positive by sharing my favorite Spotify alternative, which is basically a YouTube music client with premium features. The service remains proprietary but the same applies to discord. InnerTune

  • He came with receipts
  • You can't just compare creative writing to writing a paper.

  • He came with receipts
  • He could've just said "I have a turing award, you don't" if he wanted to show off.

    He is also called one of the godfathers of deep learning, so I'd say his contributions are very significant.

  • Ant smell
  • He means the photic sneeze reflex.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1 - YouTube LTT
  • If they post it on a non-google platform, they only gonna reach people that already don't use Google...

  • rainerloeten pflanzenregal

    Ich mag Pflanzen und hab ein extra Regal dafür. Support your FOSS (Free and OpenSource Software) projects!🫶🏼

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