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Join me on another nostalgia trip in MS-DOS land, this time with Norton Utilities 8! Norton Utilities 8: the ultimate toolkit for MS-DOS

Back in the MS-DOS era, with generally more upgradeable computers and with more varied parts, having a full system status with device…

Norton Utilities 8: the ultimate toolkit for MS-DOS
Let's talk about early MS-DOS disk management! And Partition Magic! The MS-DOS disk management revelation: Partition Magic

Before cloud backup and multi-terabyte desktop storage, there was a brief moment in history when disk space was precious. I know I…

The MS-DOS disk management revelation: Partition Magic
Let's talk about viruses and anti-viruses in MS-DOS! Viruses and anti-viruses in the MS-DOS era

Back in college when I was studying operating systems and the architecture of the first computer processors, we were having fun by creating…

Viruses and anti-viruses in the MS-DOS era
Remembering multi-tasking in MS-DOS: DESQView
  • 86Box can emulate the 8088 and WinWorld has the first version of DESQView so I might just try it. As for how they did it...I wouldn't know.

  • Remembering multi-tasking in MS-DOS: DESQView More MS-DOS multitasking: DESQView and QEMM

    We went through the early and clunky days of multitasking in MS-DOS, but the tools provided natively by Microsoft and shipped on the…

    More MS-DOS multitasking: DESQView and QEMM
    Re-enacting the dial-up connection using MS-DOS Re-enacting the dial-up connection with MS-DOS

    Previously, we spent a little time talking about bulletin boards and how people used to chat, write, and share information on these…

    Re-enacting the dial-up connection with MS-DOS
    Let's revisit CheckIt, the complete system information utility for MS-DOS System information on MS-DOS: CheckIt

    We will quickly go through two tools today, or more precisely two versions of the same tool used to gather information about the current…

    System information on MS-DOS: CheckIt
    Remembering database development in MS-DOS with FoxPro 2.6 Databases and data applications in MS-DOS: FoxPro

    We went through a few business applications for MS-DOS, like the famous AutoCAD for industrial design and News for publishing. Today we…

    Databases and data applications in MS-DOS: FoxPro
    Revisiting one of the oldest MS-DOS world atlas applications ever written: PC Globe MS-DOS applications: PC Globe 5

    We already explored many topics such as curious graphical editors, various file managers creating a genre reaching well into Windows era…

    MS-DOS applications: PC Globe 5
    Let's have some fun browsing the web with MS-DOS Browsing the web with MS-DOS

    After writing in the past about TCP/IP for MS-DOS, I kept feeling like there was something left unsaid. Of course, we all know that there…

    Browsing the web with MS-DOS
    A quick trip to the year 2002: BeOS 5 The other operating system: BeOS 5 Personal Edition

    I remember buying a computer magazine one day, it had to be around the year 2000, 2002 maybe. I was an avid computer magazine reader back…

    The other operating system: BeOS 5 Personal Edition
    Let's take a quick look at how software was built in the MS-DOS era: Borland Pascal 7. Writing code for MS-DOS with Borland Pascal 7

    Since we explored quite a few older MS-DOS applications so far, including text-mode file managers, editors, archiving tools and even design…

    Writing code for MS-DOS with Borland Pascal 7
    MS-DOS applications: AutoCAD MS-DOS applications: AutoCAD

    Feeling that I am getting all theoretical and idealistic lately, I thought to bring you something different today: another fine MS-DOS era…

    MS-DOS applications: AutoCAD

    Taking a look at one of the first versions of AutoCAD, the application that started a new industry.

    Let's peek at the arcane ways of MS-DOS memory management. MS-DOS applications: MemMaker

    We will talk today about another forgotten MS-DOS application, available since MS-DOS 6.22: MemMaker. As the name suggests, it was an…

    MS-DOS applications: MemMaker
    Let's get TCP working with MS-DOS Let’s get TCP working with MS-DOS

    We showed a few MS-DOS applications before, showcasing text-mode file managers, command prompt history, archivers, text editors and banner…

    Let’s get TCP working with MS-DOS

    Ever wanted to have Internet access in MS-DOS? Let's see how to get it done!

    Re-enacting the direct cable connection Re-enacting the direct cable connection

    We rarely stop to appreciate the Internet, the ubiquitous connection that makes computers talk to each other. And not just talk, but follow…

    Re-enacting the direct cable connection

    An example on how computer networking and file sharing was done in MS-DOS times.

    raduzaharia Radu Zaharia

    Still planning that trip to the Moon.

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