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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • #Tradle #819 2/6


    from first guess it had to be in Western Europe due to distance and size of exports, knew it wasn't France or Italy from previous tradle, didn't look like Britain, so I guessed Spain. Didn't know they made that many cars.

  • We love our cishet Hexbears.
  • We have reached a point where being gay and doing crimes is in conflict.

  • Donald Trump is sort of Jesus Christ-like figure for Democrats and their guilt for being liberals
  • They let Barabbas (Hillary) free, so that Jesus (Trump) could die and they could imagine Amerikkka's sins being forgiven. Bernie is Pontius Pilate, but that one is more complex to explain.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • #Tradle #816 4/6

  • Freedom fries
  • I just ate some Liberty Cabbage this morning.

  • What games do you play on your phone?
  • Haven't been playing much recently, but Shattered Pixel Dungeon is my favorite Android game.

  • NSFW
    [CW Meat] Remember the reason for the season: memorial day
  • If the Brits won the war of 1812, we'd have to fry fish instead of grill and cover our entire meals in malt vinegar!

    I had to top my hot dog with Gochujang today because we didn't win the Korean War yet.

  • NSFW
    [CW Meat] Remember the reason for the season: memorial day
  • Remember, if the Taliban won, you would have to be grilling Halal meats. Good thing that didn't happen.

  • ITT: We try to recreate early COVID Brace

    Show me what you've got cooking in the halls of Nyarlothotep where our frenemy Kamala channels the spirit of the new Cleopatra. !brace-watching

    Give me fascism 🌈 ☀️
  • I love when they just come out and say that it isn't about fascism or principles. They just want you to support the fascist with the aesthetics they like.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • #Tradle #808 2/6


    Rocks/Mountains = Nepal, then it was the country next to it.

  • Howdy
  • The Krill never stood a chance ... partner...

  • hi! liberal expert here. this is not funny. liberals only do this when they are in extreme distress.
  • The tragic flaw of liberals, and their relation to their ecosystem, is that they have no defense against slightly different liberals (conservatives), meaning their population and position in the food chain is always unstable.

  • Something something philosopher kings
  • Heraclitus: "No man enters the same river twice"

    Me: "What a dipshit, I swam in the Mississippi yesterday and then again today."

  • Happy Yuri Night!

    We must take this day to remember how the Soviet Union expanded the horizons of humanity.

    Film Idea

    I just thought of a faux-Soviet film, like Comrade Detective. But it is a vampire film about supernatural, immortal capitalist Landleeches. You could keep all of the vampire fighting and supernatural tropes but with Bible == Capital Vol. 1, Crucifix == hammer and sickle, garlic == corn !corn-man-khrush

    And instead of the more esoteric, like not being able to cross moving water, or enter a house without permission, they have to abide by all of the pre-socialist housing and tenet regulations of that SR. Since Vampires used to represent feudal lords, I think this could be very naturally adopted.

    Babylon Bee Insults Their Own Supporters

    I don't know if the Babylon Bee are delusional enough that they didn't think their readers would take this personally, or if they wanted to distance themselves from their own reputation. Amazing how the majority of replies are former supporters blaming Jews.

    X Getting Even Worse

    Anyone else notice X had a very sharp nose dive a few days ago? I recently logged onto an account I don't really use but had to comment on Lib and Fash posts occasionally. And ~3 days ago I gained a follower every hour (about 20 before this) and bots are liking every post and comment I ever made. The bots really took over a few days ago.

    RETVRN: John Brown!

    Retvrn to what (supposedly) got us banned from !reddit-logo. Return to our roots!

    Learning Foreign Language: Minnesotan

    How to speak Minnesotan, in case you want to travel to the KKKanadian enclave in AmeriKKKa.

    radio_free_asgarthr radio_free_asgarthr [he/him, comrade/them]

    Revealing the truth about the evils of Nordic Social Democracy.

    Let your haters become your waders in the trout stream of opportunity.

    Posts 17
    Comments 210